Representative: Mrs. Janette Hameister
District: Broward
School: Atlantic West Elementary School
Date: 8-10-2011
2011-2012 Differentiated Accountability Requirements
Correct II School Checklist
School Improvement PlanningDA Requirements / Deliverables / Evidence of Compliance / Status / Strategies to Attain Compliance / Person Responsible / Expected Date of Completion
In conjunction with the district-based leadership team, the School Advisory Council (SAC) shall assist the school leadership team in the development of the School Improvement Plan (SIP). The district-based leadership team is responsible for ensuring that the SIP is implemented. / The school will submit an approved SIP plan by September 30, 2011. / The School Advisory Council meets monthly reviewing ensuring that plan is being implemented / x Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / School team reviews SIP reading, math, writing, science and parental involvement goals. Student progress is shown using academic data from assessments / Principal, Janette Hameister; Ast. Principal, Jounice Lewis; SAC Chair, Maria Lowenstein / 6/7/2012
* Non-Title I and Title I A, B, or C schools may receive a waiver from FDOE if the district/school can demonstrate that their existing template provides strategies for subgroups that did not meet AYP in the area of data analysis, RtI, and increasing student achievement. Note that all schools must comply with Florida Statutes regarding SIP components including: postsecondary readiness, dropout prevention and academic intervention, and professional development as stated in Sections 1008.37(4), 1003.53(2)(b), 1003.413, and 1001.42(18), F.S.
The SAC shall review school performance data (baseline, midyear, end-of-year) and determine the causes of low performance. The SAC shall advise the school on its SIP. / The school will provide minutes and sign-in sheets to document the school performance data (baseline, midyear, end-of-year) was reviewed with SAC to guide SIP goal setting. / The School Advisory Council meets monthly reviewing goals, data and progress. The Leadership Team analyzes grade level and individual data on a monthly basis. School data is shared by the principal at monthly SAC, faculty and Leadership Team meetings. / x Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / SAC meetings are planned for the first Monday of every month. Support Team meetings planned each Friday. Faculty meetings are conducted on third Tuesday of every month. Identify pattern trends based on BAT I, BAT II, diagnostic tests (reading, math and science) and writing prompts. / Principal, Janette Hameister; Ast. Principal, Jounice Lewis; Reading Coach, Maria Lowenstein; Renee Westergren, Math Coach; Charlotte Jalieba, Gudiance; Kathy Kirouac; ESE Specialist / 6/7/2012
The SIP shall be approved by the district through peer review. / The school will submit an approved SIP plan by September 30, 2011. / SIP committees reviews FCAT data for specific areas and make recommendations for strategies to attain goals / X Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / SIP meetings are planned after Leadership Team meetings 2nd Tuesday of the month at 2:30 to monitor for: implementing SIP plan with fidelity, recommending changes or updates to plan / Ast. Principal, Jounice Lewis; SAC Chair, Maria Lowenstein; Team Leaders K – 5 and SIP committees / 6/7/2012
The Department will review budget allocations and alignment of resources as indicated in the School Improvement Plan (F and Lowest 5% only). / The Regional Executive Director will review school budget allocations (see Coordination and Integration in the SIP plan) by October 15, 2011. / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A
The school shall complete a mid-year narrative report to analyze progress from the baseline to mid-year assessment that is reported to the Department to identify strategies for student interventions. / The school will upload to their mid-year narrative to the School Improvement Site by February 3, 2012.
The RED will review for compliance. / Our baseline and midyear data will be acquired via the District Benchmark Assessment Tests in reading, math, and science. A writing assessment will be scored with the FCAT Writes rubric. Baseline and midyear progress will be reported online to the state, and shared with the SAC and leadership team. The Leadership team will identify intervention strategies based on the analysis of baseline and midyear data. A midyear narrative report to the DOE and district. / Compliance
x Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / Administration of the BAT I and BAT II, district writing prompt. / Principal, Janette Hameister; Ast. Principal, Jounice Lewis; Reading Coach, Maria Lowenstein; Renee Westergren, Math Coach; Charlotte Jalieba, Gudiance; Kathy Kirouac; ESE Specialist; Media Specialist, Bonnie Goldstein; Speech and Language Pathologist, Carrie Teplitz / 6/7/2012
* Non-Title I and Title I A, B, and C schools are required to complete the report only for students not making AYP.
The school shall establish a Literacy Leadership Team consistent with the K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan. / The school will submit by September 1, 2011 a detailed list of all Literacy Leadership Team members including name, position title, e-mail and phone contact and meeting dates.
The school will provide quarterly minutes to reflect activities of the Literacy Leadership Team. / The principal, assistant principal, reading specialist, reading teachers, teachers, media specialist, ESE specialist, speech and language pathologist, are members of the Literacy Leadership Team (LLT). Meetings will be held monthly to focus on student performance data and literacy concerns throughout the school. / X Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / LLT meets monthly reviewing goals, data and progress. CPST and RtI Team meets bi-monthly to review interventions / Principal, Janette Hameister; Ast. Principal, Jounice Lewis; Reading Coach, Maria Lowenstein; Renee Westergren, Math Coach; Charlotte Jalieba, Gudiance; Team Leaders K – 5, Bonnie Goldstein, Carolyn O’Malley, Jeanne Menke, Stacy Arbogast; 3rd Grade Teacher, Annette Dittemeier; 5th grade teacher, Marcia Golding / 6/7/2012
The school must offer a flexible number of meetings to inform parents of their child’s performance at school. These meetings shall be held at convenient times for the teacher and parent. (Lowest 5% only) / By September 1, 2011, the school will provide the RED will a list of all parent meetings (in addition to SAC and PTSA) / Open House -8/31/2011
Teachers hold a minimum of two conferences per year with parents before and after school.
2 parent literacy nights and informational
_ / X Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / Records of meeting attendance, conference form / Classroom teachers, administration, support staff / 9/1/2011
Educator Quality
DA Requirements / Deliverables / Evidence of Compliance / Status / Strategies to Attain Compliance / Person Responsible / Expected Date of Completion
Teachers assigned to subgroups not making AYP must be highly qualified and certified in-field. / The school will provide the RED with evidence by September 30, 2011. / Teaching Certificate and certifications / x Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / Complete coursework to comply with DA requirements / Principal, Janette Hameister; Ast. Principal, Jounice Lewis / 6/7/2012
All paraprofessionals must be highly qualified. / The school will provide the RED with evidence by September 30, 2011. / Certification / X Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / Complete coursework comply with DA requirements / Principal, Janette Hameister; Ast. Principal, Jounice Lewis / 6/7/2012
* By the 2011-2012 school year, non-Title I and Title I schools are required to have highly-qualified paraprofessionals, as defined by No Child Left Behind (NCLB), who instruct subgroups who did not make AYP.
The school shall not employ teachers for the school who are designated less than satisfactory by the teacher evaluation instrument (D, F, and Lowest 5% only). / The school will provide the RED with evidence by September 30, 2011. / N/A / Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / N/A / N/A / N/A
The school must be fully staffed by the first day of school (D, F, and Lowest 5% only). / N/A / N/A / Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / N/A / N/A / N/A
Instructional coaches must maintain a daily log of activities and the school and district leadership teams must monitor these logs. The district must ensure that coaches do not provide pull-out instruction outside the context of providing professional development for teachers and do not teach more than one class (D, F, and Lowest 5% only). / N/A / N/A / Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / N/A / N/A / N/A
The district, with assistance from the Department, must review and replace teachers who have not contributed to increased Learning Gains* of 65% or greater in reading and mathematics or those teachers who did not contribute to improving the school’s performance. The review and replacement process must be fair, consistent, transparent, and reliable (F and Lowest 5% only). / N/A / Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / N/A / N/A / N/A
Learning gains can be based on a three year average of FCAT data, as determined by the following methods:
(1) Improving an achievement level, e.g., from Achievement Level 1 to Achievement Level 2.
(2) Maintaining an Achievement Level 3, 4, or 5.
(3) Showing adequate Developmental Scale Score (DSS) change if students stay in Achievement Levels 1 or 2.
The Department oversees the staffing of the school prior to the start of school (F and Lowest 5% only). / The school will provide documentation regarding existing vacancies with a timeline and plan to fill any remaining vacancies to the RED on the Friday after completion of the first week of school. / N/A / Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / N/A / N/A / N/A
Curriculum Aligned and Paced
DA Requirements / Deliverables / Evidence of Compliance / Status / Strategies to Attain Compliance / Person Responsible / Expected Date of Completion
The Department will review the instructional pacing guide aligned to the Common Core/Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (F and Lowest 5% only). / N/A / N/A / Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / N/A / N/A / N/A
The school shall ensure that students are properly placed in rigorous coursework. / The school will provide the RED with a comprehensive plan to ensure that students are properly placed in rigorous coursework by August 15, 2011. / Principal, Assistant Principal and Team Leaders will monitor placement of all students to ensure that they are properly placed in rigorous coursework. / X Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / Classroom Walkthroughs, articulation meetings, data chats / Principal, Janette Hameister; Ast. Principal, Jounice Lewis; Reading Coach, Maria Lowenstein; Math Coach, Renee Westergren; K – 5 Team Leaders, Bonnie Goldstein, Carolyn O’Malley, Jeanne Menke, Caryn Campbell, Jay Jerome, Stacy Arbogast / 6/7/2012
The school must implement the district K-12 Reading Plan. / The school will provide evidence that they are in compliance with the K-12 Reading Plan by August 15, 2011.
The school will provide evidence upon request which may include master schedule, CAR-PD/NG CAR-PD trained staff, decision tree used for placement in reading interventions, list of students with assigned intervention teacher and reading teacher credentials. / Principal, Assistant Principal, reading specialist, and members of the Literacy Leadership Team (LLT) ensure that the school implements K-12 Reading Plan. / X Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / Classroom Walkthroughs, FAIR data, review of lesson objectives, mini bat assessments, strategies from the struggling reading charts / Principal, Janette Hameister; Ast. Principal, Jounice Lewis; LLT members, Carolyn O’Malley, Jeanne Menke, Stacy Arbogast; 3rd Grade Teacher, Annette Dittemeier; 5th grade teacher, Marcia Golding / 6/7/2012
Florida’s Continuous Improvement Model
DA Requirements / Deliverables / Evidence of Compliance / Status / Strategies to Attain Compliance / Person Responsible / Expected Date of Completion
The school must implement Florida’s Response to Intervention model set forth in the Statewide RtI Implementation Plan. / The school will provide the RED with the names of the RtI team and a schedule of their meetings by August 15, 2011. / Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) team meets bi-monthly to address all RtI issues. Our faculty has participated in CPST/RtI tiered instructional staff development. / X Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / Weekly meetings are scheduled for CPS and RtI teams. Staff development held during pre-planning week with monthly follow up trainings. / Principal, Janette Hameister; Ast. Principal, Jounice Lewis; Charlotte Jalieba, Gudiance; ESE Specialist, Kathy Kirouac; Family Counselor, Linda Reynolds; Speech and Language Pathologist, Carrie Teplitz Social Worker, Faye Zacca / 6/7/2012
The school must implement Florida’s Continuous Improvement Model (FCIM).
The school will develop and implement a comprehensive FCIM model which includes an FCIM calendar, FCIM focus lessons (mini-lessons on tested benchmarks), curriculum pacing guide, and progress monitoring data collection/analysis schedule (FCIM implemented school-wide). / The school will provide the RED with a copy of their comprehensive FCIM model for reading, mathematics and science by August 15, 2011. / Leadership team follows FCIM process for analysis of all subgroup data. Mini assessments are administered after each benchmark and students receive follow up tutorials / X Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / Weekly Leadership Team meetings, minibats, and data chats. / Principal, Janette Hameister; Ast. Principal, Jounice Lewis; Reading Coach, Maria Lowenstein; Renee Westergren, Math Coach; Charlotte Jalieba, Gudiance; Team Leaders K – 5, Bonnie Goldstein, Carolyn O’Malley, Jeanne Menke, Stacy Arbogast; 3rd Grade Teacher, Annette Dittemeier; 5th grade teacher, Marcia Golding / 6/7/2012
Monitoring Processes and Plans
DA Requirements / Deliverables / Evidence of Compliance / Status / Strategies to Attain Compliance / Person Responsible / Expected Date of Completion
The school must provide quarterly updates on the implementation of the School Improvement Plan to the School Advisory Council and make updates to the School Improvement Plan. / The school will provide the RED with a calendar and minutes of quarterly meeting. / The SAC receives updates on the implementation of SIP action plans at monthly meetings. / x Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / Monthly SAC meetings, data review with Leadership Team to monitor SIP goal progress. / Principal, Janette Hameister; Ast. Principal, Jounice Lewis / 6/7/2012
The school leadership team must monitor implementation of the School Improvement Plan. / The school will provide minutes and agendas from school leadership team upon request. / The principal, assistant principal and teacher leaders meet during monthly data review meetings regarding the school wide implementation of action steps in the SIP. Teacher PGPs align to identified student/subgroup performance needs. / X Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / Team Leader meetings, LLT meetings, SAC meetings, data review / Principal, Janette Hameister; Ast. Principal, Jounice Lewis; Reading Coach, Maria Lowenstein; Renee Westergren, Math Coach; Charlotte Jalieba, Gudiance; Team Leaders K – 5, Bonnie Goldstein, Carolyn O’Malley, Jeanne Menke, Stacy Arbogast; 3rd Grade Teacher, Annette Dittemeier; 5th grade teacher, Marcia Golding / 6/7/2012
The school must participate in a comprehensive instructional monitoring process. / The school will provide the RED with a copy of their comprehensive Instructional model for reading, mathematics and science by August 15, 2011. / All department chairs, coaches, and administrators will be trained in Classroom Walkthrough. CWT data is reviewed at leadership and team leader meetings. Decisions regarding professional development, will be made based on data. Data chats are conducted among administrators, administrators with teachers, administrators with students and teachers with students. / X Compliance
Partial Compliance
Non-Compliance / CWT training for Team Leaders, data chats, staff development based on needs and data chats. / Principal, Janette Hameister; Ast. Principal, Jounice Lewis; Reading Coach, Maria Lowenstein; Renee Westergren, Math Coach; Charlotte Jalieba, Gudiance; Team Leaders K – 5, Bonnie Goldstein, Carolyn O’Malley, Jeanne Menke, Stacy Arbogast; 3rd Grade Teacher, Annette Dittemeier; 5th grade teacher, Marcia Golding / 6/7/2012
(Rule 6A-1.099811, DA-2, November 2008)