General Meeting Minutes, February 7, 2002
Prepared by Erik Trickel
Call to Order:
Meeting called to order at 7:00 sharp by Robin Trickel
All board members in attendance except for Harry Xenitelis
- Ryan Akkerman sitting in for Harry
14 people present, including Board (representing a total of 13 lots.)
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Approval of minutes from October
- Motion made by George for approval second by Robin
Officers Reports:
President (Robin Trickel)
- Trying to improve communication
- Next meeting at the Trickel's on Feb 22 at 7:00 pm
- Weekly emails from David to update community
- Trying to add time for open forum at each regular meeting
- Newsletters coming out bi-monthly
- Calendars
- Anyone that wants to attend committee meetings can
- Website
- Approved meeting minutes
- Calendar
- Current events
- Eventually SOPS
- Questions comments or problems
- Send it to the board via any medium
- Anyone can give feedback don't hesitate to call or ask
Standard Operating Procedures
- Designed to outline what each job entails
- Where to go with issues
Changed the Scope of committees to give them more power
- People joined the committees to be involved and we are trying to facilitate that.
By-law changes
- Version 2.0 of the bylaws approved 1/27/2002
- Article 17, Lake Use Rules, Section 7, Boat Requirements, line added to include $300K liability coverage required by our insurance company
- $15 Statement preparation fee for late invoices
- Alan Myrick - Is that the format the invoices will continue to go out in? It was hard to understand.
- Robin - Harry is working on automating even more by emailing directly from Quicken and please notify Harry that the invoice was hard to understand.
Vice President (George Mayer)
Compliance issues
- 1 Flat bed trailer being stored on a lot
- Several Insurance policies that have either expired or don't have additional insured
- Thank you to people who have responded to insurance inquires
Compliance committee
- Committee is working toward better conveyance of the rules because in most cases people are just not aware of the rules
- We do not take verbal complaints.
- There is a form on the website
- Alan Myrick. - Where does the crane fall, the owner basically has free storage
- George - we are aware of it and it is currently being used by LSF
- Sven - we are looking to him to pile drive the pilings for the lake 4 waiting dock.
- Alan - We should be getting a recovery for storage specially after he charged us to upright the ramp
- Robin Will try to figure out when it will be removed.
Treasurer (Ryan Akkerman sitting in for Harry Xenitelis)
2001 Results
- Please refer to the "final FY 2001 Report" will be located on the website.
- Net income 2,429.77
- Add to previous net earns of $14,197.35 for a grand total of $16,627
Budget committee update
- All PLPOA members are welcome to attend
- 2/18 7 pm Harry's
- 3/11 7pm Akkerman’s
- 4/15 7pm, Taft’s
- Well pump service charge research Thanks Mary
- On-demand charge is always charged while we have service to the well pump power whether we use or not it is 300 dollars a month
- We are going to turn off and on for use
External and Internal SOP dev
- External
- Procedures for Expense reports
- The form will be on the website
- Any money to be spent or reimbursed should go through this process.
- You must fill out the form have it signed by the board member responsible for the budget this will come out of.
- Inventory control of POA belongings
- Internal will be a work in progress of what a treasurer does day to day.
Budget Development for 2002
- Definitions
- “Annual Assessment” – the budget; requires majority board vote to approve
- “Special Assessment” – we need more $$; requires 2/3rds voter approval, then majority board approval.
- Class A is on water lots
- Class B is off water lots
- All the people in the Committee helped with the budget
- The budget was derived from sub-budgets from each board member/committee
- Factors
- We tried to get everything accounted for we could think of, down to the lowest detail possible.
- It was split into wants and needs and proposed as different courses of action
- Section 10, Developer & Builder lots – bottom line is all builder-owned lots to begin receiving 50% assessments beginning 1/02.
- Gordon is now paying 50% of the dues for the lots he still owns.
- Included questionnaire input from PLPOA members (social events, etc).
- Develop plan to take anti-erosion steps now as POA before they become worse and much more costly to the POA
- Planning Assumption: Ski tournament revenue will cover ski tournament expenses
- POA Contingency: consensus was 2001 actuals not completely mature; wait until 2003 budget for inclusion of long-term plan
- The final budget reflects: (included as attachment “a”)
- $50 for on water (class A)
- $30 for off water lots (class C),
- It took some hard work to get everything balanced and to achieve this monthly assessment rate.
- Keith - where did the previous amount come from for the Class C lots?
- Robin responded with it was mostly pulled out of the air by the last board
- Keith - on the 16k left over from last year, has there been any considerations on the over and above (contingency reserve)?
- Robin many hours where spent discussing that very issue
- Mike T. - where would the money come from for a pavilion or other improvements needed for a record capable tournament
- Robin – Something like that would be an item a committee would bring to the board after researching costs, this one would most likely fall under the tournament committee.
In the October meeting we should talk about capitol expenditures for 2003
Lake Operations: (Sven Hallermann)
Decisions and work completed since OCT POA meeting
- Erosion control on POA members lots
- Changed name from buoy committee to Lake Operations committee to allow the name to reflect the scope change
- Maximum lake level will not exceed 7'6" measured by the ruler on Boat Ramp dock, to slow erosion
- Work party put down 25 tons of rocks along the south-west side of lake 4
- LSF rented equipment allow the report of silt formations in the lakes and repair of shorelines and scallops ($1,6000)
- Thanks to Mike Thompson for operating the Track hoe and teaching Sven how to use it.
- I failed to communicate to everybody that we would be using the track hoe to repair the shorelines
- I will get the dirt spread out on owner’s lots if it was requested
- Thanks to the Ops committee too.
- Feb/March 2002 Work party, if the weather looks good can
- Repair shoreline on the north side of lake 1
- Hydro mulch first 6' above water line
- Place erosion mats over hydro-mulch
- The matt chosen will create a green house for the grass to grow and keep it in place until the roots develop.
- Re-fortify erosion reduction measures
- Hay bails and silt fences
- Watch for emails and phone tree for scheduled dates and times
- Franz - is there any way we could get our lot hydro mulched too?
- Sven - possibly please attend the Lake ops meeting on Sun 4:00pm
- Keith - what about lake 3 and lake 1 ditches?
- Sven will check into it via costs and so on.
- Erosion Control POA Member’s Lots
- A ton of excellent work done to control erosion on their lots, WAY TO GO
- Spring is the best time to get perennial vegetation growing to stop further erosion
- Focus Ares in order of priority
- Drainage ditches between lots
- Shoreline and street line
- The rest of the lot
- Anything is better than the dirt
- Action Plans
- Wilson Feed Store –Princeton
- South Side of 380 next to Post office
- Leslie or Larry Wilson, 972 736 2350, Pricing will be available in by February 16th.
- Collin County Feed store
- 113 S. Chestnut, McKinney next to Court House
- Ben Griffin, 972 542 5011, 50 lbs bag for $120-130 for up to four acres 12-15lbs for one acre at $3/lbs
- North American Green Provides erosion protection/seed incubation mats retailed through Lone Star Products:
- Steve Waczak -, 972 953 0444
- The mats come in 108’ - 6’5” equals 80 square yards
- NAG S75$0.50/Square yard
- NAG S150$0.65/sy
- NAG SC150$1.25/sy
- NAG C-125$1.65/sy
- NAG C-350$4.00/sy
- 6" Turf Staples 1,000/box$35.00/box
Tournament Committee
- The new head of the committee is David Island
- Feb 19th next committee meeting at the Trickle’s house
- Drivers Clinics:
- General
- Wives/Girlfriends only
- Tournaments/Clinics:
- One Wakeboard tournament
- Two Three event Tournaments
- One Novice Tournament
- Four Clinics, (two wakeboard two slalom)
- Possibility in August to combine Wake-board, Novice, and 3 event tournament for action packed weekend at Princeton Lakes
- Mark Bolan Ski Burning event, (he is going to teach us all to bare foot), ((this is a joke)).
Secretary: (David Halloin)
Erik is helping with meeting minutes at both general and board meetings
Insurance policy
- It is only good if everyone does their part
- If you notice boats that don't have stickers try to politely intervene, having the sticker means
- If they have a sticker for the year that means, they have provided insurance per the regulations
- If you haven't gotten a sticker please contact David.
- Ryan – What is the timing on when policies run out?
- David - I keep track on a spreadsheet, who is expiring and send out notices.
- More and more people are getting it to us in a timely manner
- Keith - It is hard to tell if the person is current by looking at their dash.
- David said we are considering a different color or layout for following years
- Robin - If someone does not have the appropriate insurance our deductible goes up to 10k
- David is keeping track of which waivers we have and who owns the guest
- Please try to get every guest to sign one
- If we have a claim from someone that has not signed a waiver our deductible goes up to 10k
- The forms are online
- We tried keeping them out there by the ramp but the stack kept getting ruined
- The address list is current except for the person that called today
Keep David informed about your preference for your POA communication and invoice method.
Tournament Committee (David Island)
- Dates are in the regional guide
- Next meeting Feb 19th at the Trickel’s house.
- Dave wants more attendance this year
- The Aug tournament is the week before nationals which should help turnout
- We need members to help
- Pete Chase will be doing one of the Slalom Clinics the date has not been set
- We would want it early in the season
Events Committee (Sara Hallermann)
Holiday party 43 people RSVP’d
- Robin can get pictures to the website, if anyone has some they would like posted please email them to Robin.
- Any changes please contact Sarah
Polar Bear Club
- 5 participants that rode many people attended to watch
- Thank you to the Soup makers
PLPOA sweatshirts are here; pick yours up at the Hallermann's
Newsletters goes out tomorrow
Upcoming events
- Events will provide some snacks to Work Party
- Driving clinic
- General
- Woman's clinic
- Starting to plan an Ice Cream social
- Cheryl Myrick wants to do a junior clinic
- Events will support with entertainment for the kids, games and fun stuff
2 members moved in
ACC (Robin Trickel)
- 54 Approved, 47 started, 34 complete
- 10 Approved, 9 started, 8 complete
Community update (Robin Trickel)
- Community docks, pilings in for lake 2 & 3, ½ of lake 3 dock done. Both should be completed before the skiing season starts.
- A Vending machine was donated (thanks Allen and Franz), any suggestions...Pros/cons please communicate to the board.
- This will be discussed at the next board meeting
- David Island requested a certain liquid be put into the vending machine
Unfinished business (Robin Trickel)
New business (Robin Trickel)
Open Floor (Robin Trickel)
- Mike - should we close lake one till the grass takes hold?
- Sven - we are not sure if the boat wash will hurt the seeding. The matt will only come down to 7'4"
- Keith - we should stake the lines if the lake is at 7'4"
- Mike - it could be done by a surveyor with out bringing the water up
- Ryan - Does anyone want to order poles for boat dock?
- Franz - do any committees need help?
- David - everything looks good right now
- David I - the tourney committee could use help
- Keith the work party could always use more people
- David I - What is the plan on the jump?
- Allan My. - All that is left is the side skirt attachment and moving into position.
- Sven – How does everyone like the new format of the general meetings? We wanted to turn more time over to the homeowners and be sure the homeowners know what is currently going on.
- A unanimous response of very good.
Motion to adjourn by Ryan Akkerman, Brad Hulka Seconds meeting concluded at 8:15 on February 7, 2002.
Attachment “A”
January 2002 Budget/Actual
Actual YTD / Forecast - Next Month / Forecast - 2002 / Budget 2002 / VarianceREVENUE
Fees / 8,400.00 / 4,115.00 / 23,665.00 / 36,180.00 / (27,780.00)
Initial funding fees / 900.00 / 900.00 / (900.00)
Tournaments / - / - / 2,750.00 / 2,570.00 / (2,570.00)
TOTAL REVENUE / 8,400.00 / 4,115.00 / 27,315.00 / 39,650.00 / (31,250.00)
Common Area Maintenance
Mow / 616.00 / - / 2,884.00 / 3,500.00 / (2,884.00)
Landscape / - / 2,800.00 / 2,800.00 / (2,800.00)
Water / 458.70 / 250.00 / 2,291.30 / 3,000.00 / (2,541.30)
Port-a-John Rental / 74.73 / 75.00 / 810.27 / 960.00 / (885.27)
Repairs & Maintenance / - / 100.00 / 100.00 / (100.00)
Electricity / 63.37 / 68.00 / 766.63 / 898.00 / (834.63)
Subtotal / 1,212.80 / 10,045.20 / 11,258.00 / (10,045.20)
Lake Maintenance
Electricity (Well Operation) / 346.82 / - / 6,453.18 / 6,800.00 / (6,453.18)
Lake Dye / - / 4,200.00 / 4,200.00 / (4,200.00)
Ski Course Maintenance / - / 1,200.00 / 1,200.00 / (1,200.00)
Misc. / - / 200.00 / 200.00 / (200.00)
Jump Maint. / - / 300.00 / 300.00 / (300.00)
Anti-erosion / 500.00 / 1,500.00 / 2,000.00 / (1,500.00)
Waiting Dock Construction / - / 1,500.00 / 1,500.00 / (1,500.00)
Subtotal / 846.82 / 15,353.18 / 16,200.00 / (15,353.18)
Postage / 68.00 / - / 27.00 / 95.00 / (27.00)
PO Box rental / - / 32.00 / 32.00
Liability insurance / 435.42 / 435.42 / 4,379.16 / 5,250.00 / (4,814.58)
Professional services / - / 750.00 / 750.00 / (750.00)
Property taxes / 432.51 / - / (0.51) / 432.00 / 0.51
Contingency reserve / - / - / - / -
Web Site / 74.85 / - / 225.15 / 300.00 / (225.15)
Misc. Admin Supplies / - / 20.00 / 20.00 / (20.00)
Misc / 21.70 / - / 28.30 / 50.00 / (28.30)
Subtotal / 1,032.48 / - / 5,896.52 / 6,929.00 / (5,864.52)
Communications / - / 210.00 / 210.00 / (210.00)
Quarterly Socials / - / 575.00 / 575.00 / (575.00)
Semiannual Educational Classes / - / 80.00 / 80.00 / (80.00)
Quarterly POA Meetings / - / 320.00 / 320.00 / (320.00)
Postage / - / 145.00 / 145.00 / (145.00)
Misc. Admin Supplies / - / 20.00 / 20.00 / (20.00)
Misc / - / 50.00 / 50.00 / (50.00)
Recognition Awards / - / 120.00 / 120.00 / (120.00)
Work Parties / - / 60.00 / 60.00 / (60.00)
Subtotal / - / - / 1,580.00 / 1,580.00 / (1,580.00)
Postage / - / - / 71.00 / 71.00 / (71.00)
Reproduction / - / 25.00 / 75.00 / 100.00
Misc / - / - / 20.00 / 20.00 / (20.00)
Misc. Admin Supplies / - / - / 20.00 / 20.00 / (20.00)
Subtotal / - / 25.00 / 186.00 / 211.00 / (111.00)
AWSA Ski Club membership / 75.00 / - / - / 75.00 / -
Tournament Operating Expenses / 145.00 / - / 2,355.00 / 2,500.00 / (2,355.00)
Open House / - / - / - / -
Port-a-John Rental - maybe / - / - / - / -
Subtotal / 220.00 / - / 2,355.00 / 2,575.00 / (2,355.00)
SUBTOTAL EXPENSES / 3,312.10 / 25.00 / 35,415.90 / 38,753.00 / (35,308.90)
TOTAL EXPENSES SHARED / 3,092.10 / 25.00 / 36,178.00
TOTAL REVENUE / 8,400.00 / 4,115.00 / 39,650.00 / (31,250.00)
NET INCOME / 5,087.90 / 4,090.00 / 897.00