Learner Involvement Statement

Staffordshire Adult and Community Learning Serviceplace its learners at the core of our Teaching and Learning Improvement strategy. We recognise that our success in engaging and providing high quality learning experiences for learners depends on ensuring that their views are sought and help shape our future development.

Purpose of the Learner Involvement Strategy

The purpose of the strategy is to provide all staff involved in the delivery of programmes to learners with a coherent, pro-active framework to achieve the following benefits:

Benefits for learners

  • A more responsive, more engaging, higher quality offer that empowers learners in shaping their own experience, and delivers improved outcomes for more learners, especially those who might otherwise not succeed.

Benefits for providers

  • Increased learner participation, retention, progression and achievement.
  • Learners who are more expert and independent, and who can help to shape learning experiences tailored to meet their needs and objectives in a way that achieves success.
  • Better quality of information about the learners’ perspective, which can be used to triangulate other sources of data and drive professional and organisational development and quality improvement.
  • Better decisions about resource allocation and investment.
  • Learners who feel more involved are motivated to put something back into the organisation.

2016 – 17 Learner InvolvementOpportunities

  • Focus Groups

The Teaching and Learning Advisors will consult with and listen to the views and opinions of learners through the use of informal focus groups. The theme for this year is exploring the digital expectations and experiences of learners across all adult and community learning provision. Each sub-contracted provider is expected to participate in the activity. The data captured from the focus groups is fed into the Self Assessment process to improve provision.

  • Learner End of Course Survey

The end of course survey measures the overall effect that the learning process has on learners. The survey is available in a paper based format in the Learner Handbook or electronically at The results of the survey are analysed externally and reported on twice during the academic year in order to identify trends and areas for improvement. Providers are required to send in a minimum 30% sample or receive a financial penalty.

  • Observation Process

The observation process includes the capture of learner feedback and comments by asking key questions. Provider Managers and Teaching and Learning Advisors are responsible for implementing recommendations and actions identified within the observation process. The data from observations is fed into the Self Assessment process to improve provision.

  • Class Visits

The Teaching and Learning Advisors undertake a series of unannounced class visits which provide an opportunity to seek additional views and opinions of learners. This year there are two themes for the visits that monitor induction/health and safety/initial assessment and RARPA compliance. Providers receive a detailed report and an action plan (if appropriate).

  • Complaints/Compliments/Incidents Monitoring

During the induction process learners are issued with the complaints/compliments/incident monitoring procedure with key contact details outlined within the Learner Handbook. Alternatively, the information can be located on the Adult and Community Learning Service website. A wide range of communication methods are used: telephone number, email address and text back number. All complaints received (both directly and via our sub-contracted providers) are monitored, analysed and addressed in a timely manner.

  • Learner Feedback Text Number 07580 808457

The learner feedback text number is an opportunity for learners to provide additional comments about their learning experience. The feedback is monitored and may inform delivery.

  • Learner View

Learner View gives the learner a chance to tell Ofsted what they think about the Adult and Community Learning Service. Learner View asks for the learner’s opinion on a range of 10 aspects: from whether the lessons/learning sessions are well taught to if they would recommend the provider to a friend. Ofstedwill use the information provided when making decisions about which providers to inspect, and when. For more information, go to

  • FE Choices Learner Satisfaction Survey

During term 2, every learner will be given the opportunity to complete the survey. Learners are encouraged to complete the survey online, but paper copies can be made available if necessary.