Public Education- Standard 34
October-December 2006
Topic / Type / Date(s) / Level of Participation / Information Packets/PublicationsRECOVERY
The Role of the Peer Recovery Specialist on an ACT team / Workshop for ACT team members and other stakeholders / Nov 21, 2006 / 12 participants / Hard and e-copies available
Peer Support 101 / Half-day workshop for peers considering being trained as peer supporters; as well as for other stakeholders interested in learning about peer support services / Dec 11, 2006 in Bangor; Dec 15, 206 in Augusta / 16 participants total / Hard and e-copies available
Current, Best and Future Practices: Collaborating on Systems Change for Offenders with Mental Illness and Co-occurring Disorders / Summit for regional re-entry teams, sheriffs, police, jail administrators, mental healthprofessionals, social service providers, advocates, consumers, prosecutors, defense attorneys, probation officers, judges / 10/12/06 / 117 participants / Hard and e-copies available
Muskie School Forum for Health Care Leaders, "Building an Integrated, High quality and Evidence-Based Mental Health Program / Muskie School's Program in Health Policy and Management 2nd annual forum. DHHS staff participated in panels. / Oct 18-19, 2006 / Approx. 100 participants / Hard copies available
Paths to Recovery Modulating Putative Depression Circuits using DBS / Psychiatric Grand Rounds / 10/3/06 Augusta-RPC / 9 participants / Hard copies available
Psychodynamic Therapy / Psychiatric Grand Rounds / 10/10/06 Augusta-RPC / 4 participants / Hard copies available
Treatment Resistant Depression / Psychiatric Grand Rounds / 10/10/06 Augusta-RPC / 4 participants / Hard copies available
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder / Psychiatric Grand Rounds / 10/24/06 Augusta-RPC / 8 participants / Hard copies available
Food & the Brain: Studies of Natural Systems & Underlying Food Motivation / Psychiatric Grand Rounds / 11/7/06 Augusta-RPC / 11 participants / Hard copies available
Imaging Studies in Major Depressive Subtypes / Psychiatric Grand Rounds / 11/21/06 Augusta-RPC / 3 participants / Hard copies available
Practice Based Learning: Clinical Quality Improvement / Psychiatric Grand Rounds / 12/5/06 Augusta-RPC / 7 participants / Hard copies available
Three Component Model for Primary Care Mental Health Treatment / Psychiatric Grand Rounds / 12/12/06 Augusta-RPC / 6 participants / Hard copies available
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training for police officers / Workshop provided through a contract with NAMI Maine / Oct16-20 Waterville / 13 participants / Hard copies available
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training for police officers / Workshop provided through a contract with NAMI Maine / Nov 4-8 Bangor / 13 participants / Hard copies available
Education for consumers, family members, providers of mental health services, school staff and correctional staff on various topics including suicide prevention, and understanding mental illness and substance abuse / Workshops provided through a contract with NAMI Maine / 17 workshops in schools, hospitals, correctional facilities, conferences and mental health provider agencies / 122 hours total, approx.375 participants / Hard and e-copies available
The Continuum of Care / MedTalk Lunch & Learn- Dr. McCreath / 10/04/06 Bangor-DDPC / 35 participants / Hard copies available
Understanding the Urgency in the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder / MedTalk Lunch & Learn-Dr. Brian Keefe / 10/11/06 Bangor-DDPC / 35 participants / Hard copies available
The Transformation of Maine's Mental Health System / Psychiatric Grand Rounds- Ron Welch / 10/13/06
Bangor-DDPC / 50 participants / Hard and e-copies available
Stages of Change in the Treatment of Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders / Psychiatric Grand Rounds-Andrew Lohman / 10/20/06 Bangor-DDPC / 50 participants / Hard and e-copies available
Chronic Pain / Psychiatric Grand Rounds-Robert Ferguson / 10/27/06 Bangor-DDPC / 50 participants / Hard and e-copies available
Finding Balance-Living with Bipolar Disorder / MedTalk Lunch and Learn-Angela Lufkin / 11/01/06 Bangor-DDPC / 35 participants / Hard copies available
Even Cowboys get the Blues / Psychiatric Grand Rounds-Jim Werrbach / 11/3/06 Bangor-DDPC / 50 participants / Hard and e-copies available
Hep-C and Substance Abuse / Psychiatric Grand Rounds- Brent Scobie / 11/17/06 Bangor-DDPC / 50 participants / Hard and e-copies available
Fall Prevention / MedTalk Lunch & Learn-Bill Skinner and Bonnie Greene / 11/28/06 Bangor-DDPC / 35 participants / Hard copies available
Non-epileptic Seizures and the Use of LTM's / Psychiatric Grand Rounds-Dr. Feoli / 12/1/06 Bangor-DDPC / 50 participants / Hard and e-copies available
Seroquel-New label use in bipolar disorder / MedTalk Lunch & Learn- Brian Frey / 12/1/06 Bangor-DDPC / 35 participants / Hard copies available
Speak Out for Military Kids / Psychiatric Grand Rounds-Richard Bach / 12/8/06 Bangor-DDPC / 50 participants / Hard and e-copies available
The Advantage of a Dual-Mechanism Antidepressant / MedTalk Lunch & Learn- Margot Pelletier / 12/14/06 Bangor-DDPC / 35 participants / Hard copies available
Office of MaineCare transformation project and culture change / Psychiatric Grand Rounds- J. Michael Hall / 12/15/06 Bangor-DDPC / 50 participants / Hard and e-copies available
Psychological Jeopardy / MedTalk Lunch & Learn- Angela Lufkin / 12/20/06 Bangor-DDPC / 35 participants / Hard copies available
Managed Care Stakeholders Meeting / Presentations and Q & A on range of topics including guiding principles, cost effectiveness, capitation rate development, services covered, service reviews, organizational structure under managed care, subject matter contents of RFP and an on-line discussion board for stakeholders / Oct 5, 2006 / 100 participants / Hard and e-copies available (including Q & A)
Managed Care Updates / Letter from Commissioner Harvey indicating close of public comment period and target date of 3/1/07 for completion of development of RFP / Dec 27,2006 / Visitors to web page / Posted on DHHS web page