Event Health & Safety File ROX2012
All of the above is subject to many influences such as the Rox Charity being able to raise enough sponsorship and licences being granted. The Rox Charity reserves the right to reduce the programme of events or cancel if circumstances occur which are beyond our control.
1. Proposed Traffic Management Strategy
Location between West St. / Waterloo Sq / The Esplande /Norfolk Square / Aldwick Rd.Please see the site map for the locations of all the road closures and entrances and exits, and the ROX2011 risk assessment in addition to any recommendations by Safety Group (SAG) meetings for ROX2011 and recommendations from West Downs Division Police
- Road closures in place and signed appropriately (see map)
- Road closures will be manned and a rota system arranged/managed
- As applicable, Road Signage (All road signs will adhere to the Traffic signs regulations and general Directions 1994, assistance and advise being taken from nominated contractor.
- Security/stewards will be assigned to escort any vehicles requiring access to the Royal Norfolk Hotel guest car park; security/stewards will also be assigned to keep public a safe distance from moving vehicles.
- In the event that emergency access or exiting is required extra volunteers’/security will be assigned to those areas as appropriate. Police will be made aware of an emergency and the changes to entrance or exiting as appropriate
- Appropriate P.P.E. supplied to people manning road closures.
- All crew and volunteers briefed on roles and responsibilities at site meeting on days of event.
Proposed road closure for ROX2012 runs from Norfolk Square / Aldwick Rd / The Esplanade / West St. / Waterloo Sq. see map for details.
- Site Plan
- Maps
- Capacity Strategy
- Statement for use of Fire Fighting equipment
2. Delivery vehicles
LOCATION Main area is the hotel site and second area is Fringe Area on Aldwick Road
All contractors that require site access will be given instructions in advance, regarding arrival on the site. Most ‘Set up’ Vehicles arriving prior to the event will be overseen by the Rox organisation. All vehicles arriving during the event will be given instructions in advance, but this traffic will be avoided where possible.
Note: With careful planning no delivery vehicles needed access during opening times of ROX2012
During the event there will be some traffic requiring access to the rear of Stage one and the Fringe Area:
- Stage one and stage two traffic will use the entrance on West Street that is not used by the public and will loading and unloading on the back stage loading ramp supervised by the main stage manager and crew
- The Fringe area traffic will use the entrance on Aldwick Road – only on the Western side of the road closure.
Reflective jackets will be given to all people managing traffic.
Also see:
- Traffic management plan
- Statement for use of FireFighting equipment
3. Generators
Site map location: Behind Main Stage, beside bar, behind ‘U’ Stage, near performance area (Fringe section)
At ROX2012 we will be using, 1 small,1 medium and two large generators supplied, installed and maintained by the accredited company. There will be one medium generator behind the second stage, one by the performance area in the Fringe section. There will be restricted access and safety signs posted well away from the public, (Placed behind fencing) and fire extinguishers in situ. They will be part of the on site electricians job to ensure they are properly installed certificated and checked. First Aid team will be notified of their location at the site meeting.
The Main stage will be supplied from the large generator that will be sited away from the public and fenced in at the backstage area.
The Fire brigade will be given a copy of this document to note the location of the generators.
The storage of any fuel will comply with the C.O.S.H.H regulations (a copy is held by the Rox Organisation) in a compartment of a locked marked vehicle parked away from any source of ignition.
Please note: that where possibly all electrical supplies will come from fixed, existing sources to avoid the use of generators.
Also see:
- Fire training strategy
- Statement for use of FireFighting equipment
- Sound, light and electrical equipment
4. Stages
Site map location: Main Stage in the grounds of The Royal Norfolk Hotel.U Stage in the skate park. Classic Stage inside the Hotel. Garden stage in the rock gardens and beach party stage at Vision nightclub on the pier.
The Main stage is being supplied and erected by a reputable contractor. They will also be checking the stage throughout the event and providing information on its wind capacity and fire retardant rating, (See attached information of stage specification).
All stages will be a no smoking area.
Each stage will be signed for public orientation, as well as times and place of each performance.
Safety certificates for stages will be available for inspection.
Each stage will have experienced Stage managers and crew assigned to it during times of operation as well as relevant sound and lighting technicians. The Stage manager will be issued a radio for communications and be in charge of the crew they have been assigned, they will carry out on site training prior to the stage becoming operational. The Rox Organisation will provide relevant P.P.E. and ensure the Stage manager is aware of the crowd control procedures.
The fire brigade will be given a copy of this document to note the location and nature of each stage.
Security and Stewards will be in place during times of operation (See separate security arrangements supplied by S.B. Security Solutions).
Crew/Stewards/performers etc will be issued passes to restrict access to stage areas. Fencing will be in place to guard hazards and keep the public out. Lighting will also be provided back stage to illuminate and show emergency exits as well as allow safe working production areas.
Crowd surge barriers will be in place to protect the public from the main-stage, allowing distance and space (in the pit) for security/first aid and safety (i.e. good line of sight, safety of performers, means of escape). These barriers comply to the standards outlined in the ‘Temporary demountable structures: Guidance on design procurement and use’ publication.
Fire fighting equipment will be in place for use by trained crew, (See Fire Training arrangements).
Posted information at each stage will include:
- Evacuation procedure
- No Smoking
- Fire points
- Hazards signed
Stage managers will have emergency plans and evacuation procedures to hand.
All equipment will be safely stored and monitored by the Stage manager, in the production office, (See map) overseen by the Health and Safety co-ordinator.
Professional contractors have been employed for the sound and lighting for each stage and will be providing their own trained crew who will be made aware of the site safety procedures.
All the stage power will be provided by the electrician and earthed as appropriate; connections are designed for external use. Certificated and provided by electrician for inspection.
Any changes to the publicised program will be posted at the information point.
Speaker towers will be placed both sides of the stage and tied in for stability, these will be supplied by the stage company.
Also see:
- Sound, light an electrical equipment
- Production Office
- Evacuation procedures
- Statement for use of FireFighting equipment
5. Production Office
Site map location: Inside one of the back stage marquees
The production office will be clearly signed and will be the focal point for site management and production before during and after the event.
Two event co-ordinators and the Health and Safety co-ordinator will be based here as well as it being the focal point of contact for all other co-ordinators and crew. Access will be restricted to avoid event production being hindered by overcrowding although in the event of an emergency the emergency services will be given space to operate.
Please note that due to the nature of the event all co-ordinators may be elsewhere on the site at any time although at least one allocated person will man the office during opening times.
The production office will have posted information to view:
- Performance times and places
- Emergency procedures
- Large site map
- As well as having the key documents, including the event log book and accident/incident forms.
The production office will be open from 8am to midnight on event days, but will be the focal point before and after the event for the co-ordination of activities.
At present the production office will be the point where crew etc pick up their assigned radios, as well as any new instructions.
Contact each day with the MET office will be established to plan for weather conditions and posted in the office.
The production office will be manned throughout the event. A fixed line telephone is also available for emergency use.
6. Sound, Light and electrical equipment
Site map location: Throughout site
During set-up, the event and breakdown, a competent qualified electrician will be on site to ensure and carry out safe use of the electrics.
Tried and tested contractors Kaotic Event Productions Ltd ( Formerly CABCO) will be carrying out all the sound and lighting for each stage during the event, providing their own trained crew to operate the systems as well as set-up and breakdown. They have agreed to provide the Rox Organisation with all the relevant documentation/certificates and will directly liaise with the on site electrician.
All overhead equipment will have safety bonds and be carefully mounted on secure structures.
Fire fighting equipment will be provided at all the locations for use by trained crew, (also see fire training arrangements).
Sound levels will be monitored by Kaotic Event Productions Ltd and the Event management in accordance with the guidelines received for the event from A.D.C. In the event that Sound levels are found to be over the agreed limits then monitoring person/agency must immediately inform the event management as they do not want to exceed agreed levels.
The HSE has been contacted with regard to the performers with electrical equipment, the advice was given that the Rox organisation should recommend that all personal electrical equipment be P.A.T. tested (Portable Appliance Test). All bands will be contacted.
Sound levels will be monitored throughout the event using a portable sound monitor, (as approved by ADC), checks will be made at regular intervals and the results along with action taken will be recorded in the event log book. (See additional documentation for agreed sound levels for ROX2012)
Also see
- Generators
- Statement for use of FireFighting equipment
7. Fencing and other structures
Site map location: Various areas throughout site
Herris fencing will be used throughout the site for public and crew safety. Maintained by Rox Organisation and monitored by H&S co-ordinators.
Crowd crash barriers, (high specification for use on concrete) will be used in front of the main stage, allowing security/Steward control and an emergency space for the first aid to gain access. It also provides a safe area in front of the crowd. These specialty crowd barriers are designed for use in such areas
A small structure will be established in front of the main stage to accommodate the ‘Front of house desk’ (Area where sound and lighting are controlled from). This structure will have fencing around.
A cable will run underground from the front of the Stage to the Front of House structure.
Any danger areas will be marked and signed, as well as being checked by the Health and Safety co-ordinator.
Also see:
- Food and drink provision
- First Aid
8. Art Exhibition, Workshops,World Area & Garden Party
Site map location: Rock gardens, Skate park, Esplanade & Aldwick Road.
A fringe co-ordinator has been assigned to oversee the daytime Fringe activities.. (An up to the minute list and times are available on the ROX web site at
The co-ordinator will be in radio communication and have a crew based in the Fringe area during event opening times.
All non-public areas will be fenced off and danger areas clearly marked.
All fringe artists will be made aware of their arrival times and given relevant passes as well as information on where to park/unload. Disclaimers will be issued in case of damaged equipment.
ROX will be operating the fringe activities in various tents which will be supplied, erected and dismantled by contractors. The tent will come certificated and house fire fighting equipment.
Any changes to the publicised program will be posted at the information point.
All workshop and exhibition leaders will be made aware of the event management structure. The activities will be monitored during the event to ensure agreed safe practices are being adhered to, (all workshop activities will be fully discussed with the ROX workshop co-ordinator and health and safety co-ordinator prior to the event) (a list of workshops will be published as soon as confirmation has been received).
All hazards such as trailing trip hazards, the use of sharp objects (scissors etc) will be highlighted to leaders and removed/dealt with if necessary.
Also see:
- Evacuation procedures
- Workshop list for ROX2011
- Sound, light and electrical equipment
- Child protection policy
- First Aid
- H&S Policy
- Statement for use of FireFighting equipment
9. Crowd control
Site map location: Various
S.B. Security Solutions Company will be supplying fully trained security personnel (Including SIA licensed personnel) on duty throughout the event opening times and overnight.
They will also be training and co-ordinating the stewards in their duties, such as managing minor areas.
Along with the Stewards and the Rox volunteers the HSE recommendations of 300:1 ratio will be fully met. This approximates to 16 Stewards for the ROX2012event
9a. Capacity Strategy/Event Emergency Shut down
The expected numbers for the ROX2012event is 2,000 to 3,000 over each day of operating hours. These figures have been reached by looking at the profile of the event (See event profile), previous experience and discussions with SAG members. Area capacity, minus footprint of infrastructure, is conservatively estimated at 4000 for The Royal Norfolk Hotel.
The ROX organisation will fully co-operate with the police without question. The key to success will be clear communication between any emergency services.
S.B. Security Solutions Company will be monitoring crowd capacity and behaviour and liaising with event management consistently by using an observation tower (by ‘front of house’) and patrolling the area as well as doing the following:
To monitor the size of the crowd the following will be useful indicators of capacity levels:
- Space between people
- Rough count of people in a small identifiable area (e.g. between lamp posts)
- The rate of flow in or out of an area (i.e. the number of people passing a fixed object using counter clickers (Hotel Area)
- The possible use of the fix CCTV in the area (Discussions with CCTV monitors to take place)
- Viewing vantage point will be located on top of Front of house where they can scan all the key areas and their lines of sight are not obstructed(See map)
- There is sufficient public lighting to assist with this when dark as well as stage spot lights that can be directed at the crowd if needed.
Crowd behaviour is also a factor relating to capacity, when monitoring the following will be used as indicators
- Signs of distress
- Pushing and surging
- Shouting or anti-social behaviour
When it appears event areas are reaching capacity the event co-ordinators will be notified and a decision made to shut down the stage until natural dispersal (phased departure) allows the area to be re opened. If this occurs the police will be notified immediately. Monitoring sheets will be used to check estimated capacity. This information will be monitored every hour by the Health and Safety co-ordinator and recorded in the event log book. (Monitoring will become more frequent should the event appear near capacity).
See above
S.B. Security Solutions will be dealing with all issues of violent behaviour and will be in contact with the police while keeping the event manager informed of all situations, please see S.B. Security Solutions policy on crowd control etc.
The following statement is for all ROX volunteers/crew: