Contingency Planning for Off-Campus trips and Events

Any group leaving the University campus on Official University business must prepare a response plan to any and all of the following contingencies that are applicable: (field trips as well?)

(Acceptable responses should include an outline of the steps to be taken including essential information and/or the contact numbers for the key people or resources needed to recover or respond.)

List of Potential Contingencies:

·  Lost student (student separated from the group/doesn't show up as expected)

·  Loss of money, wallets, credit cards, traveler's checks, etc.

·  Lost passport, visa, letters of introduction, or trip information and itinerary

·  Lost airline tickets

·  Lost personal property including luggage

·  Logistics confusions (arrangements not as anticipated)

·  Incapacitation of tour guide or leader (follow-up contact numbers)

·  If the group needs to leave, but someone cannot because of some emergency

·  Vehicle accident

·  Personal injury accident or health crisis for one of your group

·  Assault and/or battery against one of your group

·  Kidnapping/ransom situation

·  Arrest or detention by local authorities of one of your group

·  Public disruption, earthquake, riots, terrorist attack, some sort of public crisis in your area

·  A public relations crisis for your group and/or the University because of some event (kids involved tangentially in riot scene, interviewed by CNN, accused of property damage, kids picked up in street "sweep" looking for drugs, etc.)

List of information or potential resources that would be helpful:

·  Personal information sheet on each travel participant (including leaders)

Form of information sheet (one or more of the following)

Actual printed page

File in computer or PDR

Access to file by phone, fax, or email (24/7)

Type of information included

Current picture

Student ID number

Emergency family contact names and numbers

Permanent residence address

Residence Hall contact names and numbers (roommates, RA)

Health care coverage

List of personal health conditions or issues like allergies, diabetes, etc.

Person (parent, power of attorney) who University should work with in crisis

Drivers License # and/or Social Security number (necessary??)

·  Phone numbers for. (Phone cards or credit cards that could be used to make emergency calls, provision of cell or satellite phones for communication with main campus?)

Local US Embassy for overseas trips

Local hosts

Stanford Alumni living in area

Mission agencies in the immediate area

Airport and airline numbers

Stanford University campus numbers available (24/7)


Public Safety

Departmental contact person

Typical Emergency Procedures: (What you should do if you need to ...)

Rent emergency transportation

Book emergency housing

Secure a substitute Passport of Visa

Someone is arrested

What should they be told to say to authorities?

How do you secure local representation?

How do you confirm insurance coverage (World Risk and Heath)

Who should have copies of plans:

Contingency Plans must be developed before leaving campus, a copy of the plans should be left on campus with a departmental representative and a copy provided to Public Safety/Switchboard (in case a call comes in after hours).

s:\cli\n-s\stanford university\renewals\2004-05\foreign liability\foreign crisis plan\contingency planning for off-campus trips and events - stanford.doc