1) Introduction of all attendees
2) Overview of finances could not be conducted.
3) Proposed Mission Statement disseminated to all attendees by Kevin Kline. To be voted on next month as the official Mission Statement of the Connecticut River Lacrosse Club.
4) A review of the most commonly noted areas of improvement:
Registration Number of Teams
Tryouts/Team Placement
Selection of Coaches/Training of Coaches/Background Checks
Scheduling of fields, practices, games, referees
5) Lengthy discussion was conducted on all aspects of the above list.
Regular BOD/Organization meetings
Enhanced use of web site and email to disseminate information, to include BOD minutes
Assigned duties and responsibilities for organization needs and BOD positions
Omit unilateral decision making/scheduling
Identify, review, maintain, and/or publish by-laws, incorporation, and insurance documents
Identify, review, account for all revenue, financial streams, financial obligations, financial security
Organization will be treated as one entity, not as a boy’s side and a girl’s side
Registration/Number of Teams
Need to initiate registration as soon as possible. Fees $125 for all teams but Bantams, $100 Bantams, $75 for Mini-Ticks
Need to formulate a dissemination of information concerning our organization and registration process
Need to fully identify and communicate what are the expectations of assignment to each team, number of practices, games, tournaments, etc.
Need to fully develop Bantams and Mini Ticks Program
Tryouts/Team Placement
A formalized process is being developed and will include coaches and coaching directors
Coaches will determine based on team content if team plays CONNY schedule. All teams will play a non-CONNY schedule. Top team in each division will also play a CONNY schedule. Other teams in a division may.
Selection of Coaches/Training of Coaches/Background Checks
Many coaching positions filled. Need to identify additional coaches. Much will depend on the number of players who register.
Means to fill coaching openings relative through publication and contact with Ticks Alumni
Mandatory coaching certifications via USA LAX and CONNY
Ticks will set up coaching training relative to skills, management, administration, to include the use of the Ticks web site
Uniform coaching philosophy, skills, and systems
Concussion and First aid training
Scheduling of fields, practices, games, referees
Need to fully identify and secure fields at OTW, Essex Elementary, OS High School, and Deep River
Need to ensure all administration relative to field insurance coverage, etc., is completed
Need to develop and monitor a master schedule to insure coordination
Use of certified referees
Systematic use of game equipment, table, clock, box, etc.
Need to inventory all equipment in storage
Need to order needed equipment
Development and standardization of all equipment needed for each team
Need to ensure proper storage to prevent deterioration
Ordering of uniforms will be done in an expedited manner
Ticks have received $1,000 from COMLAX
Voting for BOD Positions
Election results
Vice President – 3 positions – Mark Fader, Jon Mason, Graham Rider
At Large member – Jeff Flowers
Treasurer – Phil Orlando
Coaching Directors – Greg Ruel and Jim Swanski
Town Representatives: Old Lyme – Jamie Childs, Sarah Bowman
Old Saybrook – Cindy Cody, Todd Hartt
Essex – Ed Burrleson, Tim Schultz
Registrar/Master Scheduler – Jodi Azzinaro
Equipment Manager – Mark Fader
Uniform Manager – Jackie Doane/Hilary McCarthy
A master list of all tasking/doables/returnables and due dates will be developed and disseminated to BOD members for action
End 21:30