PTSA Association Meeting

January 24, 2013

MHS Library 8:30 am

In Attendance:

Rhonda Mosser, Lynell Perna, Audra Hotchkiss, Cindy Vandor, Wendy Pumpelly, Kathryn Ibarra, Kathy Haag, Farah Rezvan, Patricia Manney, Nicole Bassett, Janice Leonard, Karen Farrer, Andrea Zuckerman, Cindy Crawford, Mindy Peterson, Janice Nikora, Elizabeth Anthony, Marie Wexler, Fiona Corrigan, Heather Anderson, Lauren Sills, Justine Petretti, Roohi Stack, Linda Colby, EBeth Anthony, Mindy Peterson, Laura Rosenthal, Shirlene Comfortes, Colleen Baum, Amy Young, Fiona Corrigan, Heather Anderson, Audra Hotchkiss, Wendy Wax-Gellis, Jerry Block, Siugen Constanza

Meeting called to order by President Amy Young at 8:30 am

Reminder – only members can vote. $8 fee membership fee can be processed now to allow participation in today’s voting.

MOTION: Roohi Stack moved to approve the minutes from the October 25th Association meeting. Seconded.

Financial Report: Fiona Corrigan, auditor, standing in for Anne Blackwood (absent)

{See handout} -

MOTION: Kathryn Ibarra moved to ratify checks 6609-6635. Seconded.

EBeth - Question – we appear to be under on our spending?

Amy Young – we just received the second payment from the Shark Fund.

Grant request for $500 from Maia Zander to attend the American String Teacher Association in Providence, Rhode Island in March. The conference registration cost is $295, hotel reservations are $580 and airfare is unknown at this time. Requesting $500 and any extra help that might be available.

MOTION: Karen Farrer motioned to approve the $500 grant request for Maia Zander. Seconded.

Heather Anderson – Nominating Committee Chair

PTSA nominating committee for 2013 – Heather Anderson, Karen Farrer, Janice Nikora, Patricia Manny, Mindy Peterson and Kathryn Ibarra and Fiona Corrigan to serve as alternates. Present 30 days before meeting. March 21st Association meeting. Will present to Board at the February meeting.

All in favor in approving Nominating Committee; none opposed.

Contact Amy Young, Heather Anderson or Karen Farrer with questions regarding board and chair positions that do not require attendance at all meetings.

Principal Report: Jerry Block

Wonderful first semester for everyone. Great to complete finals before winter break.

Displayed Props – Cow – (Computers on Wheels)

-Random computers given to teachers over time. Consolidated into carts for labs in classes. Internet research and Power Point presentations can be done in classrooms, rather than have to go to the lab. Teachers will be trained. Thanks to PTSA for generous donations.

Thanks to parents and staff involved in WASC process for accreditation. Every 6 years all high schools and colleges are reviewed in order to issue transcripts. Review of entire program of strengths and weakness. Over 300 page report. Important that entire staff and community had input. Visiting team March 3-6th. End of school day reception to reveal findings to staff and community. A public forum.

Our plan for next 6 years: (see handout) - Critical Core Standards

#1 - reduce # of underperforming students

#2 - transition to align with Common Core Standards being rolled out throughout country. Critical thinking and problem solving skills in literacy and math.

#3 - Systematic approach to remediate and enrich students. We have after school tutoring, which is not well attended because of buses, arts and athletics. Investigate time slot in school day for help. Faculty meeting supported time slot for teachers to help students.

#4 - Teacher staff professional development. Move to a passport system instead of one size fits all approach during which everyone hears the same Friday lecture. Each faculty member will attend 15 hours of professional development in their areas of interest and specialty. For example, if teachers are interested in having a Smart Board in their classes, they can select a Smart Board training session.

Technology Committee

-Enriching STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). Sent survey to science classes before winter break. Competitive rocket and robotics team were two top interests for future clubs. We will have a faculty advisor but need an expert.

-Also revamping science department curriculum. Beginning next year implement one course per year - starting with next year’s incoming freshman. Honors class will still be summer science but also be an intro into AP science in 9th grade. Prerequisite skills for AP bio and chemistry imbedded into 9th grade honors class. Phasing out honors biology and be able to take AP biology. Following year AP chemistry in 11th grade. 12th grade AP environmental or AP physics or if not in original honors track, they can take one of the AP sciences.

Roohi – Question - Who determines who goes into AP in 9th grade? Solid math foundation because they will be doing chemistry. Similar requirements as in the past. Balancing act.

Question - Will AP biology be offered? Yes. Not to 10th graders but those who have already taken biology so maybe the 9th graders who are currently taking biology or those 10th and 11th graders who have already taken chemistry.

-Zuma project probably will not happen in AP biology class.

-State standards are changing which may affect Zuma project.

-AP classes standards follow College Board, not state standards.

-Professional development for teachers at the Summer AP Institute.

New ASB accounting system:

-Blue Bear - gold standard for ASB accounting. Web store component linked to student id card. Bar coded on ID card and scan sku for their purchase. History available and all info linked together – easy and efficient. ASB will be able to generate its own checks. Old system was a bureaucratic nightmare. District purchased system. Parallel use at this time with the District. Training will start shortly. Available for Get Your Stuff Day.

Thankful and grateful to be Principal of MHS.

Amy Young, President - forgot to add to our budget conversation at the beginning of the meeting - Sacramento Safari - 3-day legislative conference in March.

-We have 4 students who have applied for 2 slots. Once the deadline comes, we might be able to send all 4 if spaces open up.

$400 per student and Heather Anderson as volunteer parent.

-Need to release $2,000 to pay for Safari Budget and Legislative Conference Budget.

MOTION: Ebeth Anthony motioned to release $2,000 for Sacramento Safari. Seconded.

Honorary Service Awards: {see handout for different award categories}

-”Special thank yous for special people”

-Need help identifying nominees for award, applications on the table.

-February 15th – deadline for submission for spring award ceremony. Drop off in PTSA president’s mailbox in main office

-2012 Honorary Service Awards:

-Melisa Andino, Pete Anthony, Ray Humphreys

-2012 Very Special Person Award:

-Kim Stefanko, Sandy Thacker

-2012 Continuing Service Award:

-Fiona Corrigan, Joe DiMercurio, Lisa Holmes

-2012 Golden Oak Award:

-Wendy Sidley

District and State Budget Update:

Amy Young – we do not have many details yet. What we know is the following:

State Budget: Governor has a proposal of how the $ is going to be distributed to the Districts

-In past funds have come categorically. Proposing more local control on how $ is spent. A dollar amount per student with layers above that - “weighted student formula” which is very controversial.

Mr. Block: Districts without a lot of socially economically disadvantaged students will get less money than they are currently receiving. A lot of lobbying against it.

-The good news is there are no cuts to budget this year.

District level budget: still waiting for details about District Wide fundraising and Dollar Per Day Campaign. 2014 - no longer pay staff from PTSA funds but $ coming from Ed Foundation.

MHS impact: Few staff paid by Shark fund. Science technician and athletic trainer paid by Shark Fund. But, if Elementary schools lose aids in the classroom, they will likely lose students to private. This could ultimately impact MHS enrollment.

Cindy C. – Question - How do parents allocate donations?

-At this time, $ is not directly allocated to your school, it goes to centralized fund. Once we know the details of the centralized funding plan from the district, PTSA’s will be better able to advise you on how to allocate. At the moment we are in transition.

-Shark Fund donations are different than Ed Foundation donations. TSF funds stay here to fund Academic, Athletic & Arts Programs.

-Kathryn Ibarra - Shark Fund supports MHS programs. Ed Foundation - $1 per day goes to educating kids throughout district. The Ed Foundation has funded amazing programs and events at Webster.

-Heather Anderson – we envision that parent donations to Ed Foundation will be a small percentage of the fundraising. We are hoping for strong corporate support. One criteria for a company to give is determined by parent support of the Ed Foundation.

-Karen Farrer - motion passed by school board does not limit fundraising to elementary schools. No dates as to when it will expand to middle and high schools.

-Amy Young – Last I heard, the final Ed Foundation agreement with the district includes all schools K-12.

-Janice Nikora – the quality of our schools keeps house values up. $365 investment helps real estate values, keeps schools and district stronger.

Cindy Vandor – referenced the School Board meeting on January 17th. 4 hours into meeting, talks about the cost of litigation for the lawsuit about the lights by MHS neighbors arose, claiming that it becomes the liability of the Shark Fund.

-Amy Young interjected that this subject is not related to the District Wide fundraising discussion underway & that she had previously advised Cindy that we could not discuss this matter at this association meeting.

-“However, all School Board meetings are open to the public and available for viewing online. During the public comments section of the last meeting, the neighbors who are suing the school district made a presentation of their case. Because this is an open lawsuit, the PTSA is not the appropriate venue for discussion. The PTSA is not a part of it.

- There were actually several great things discussed at the last BOE meeting during the public comments sections including a parent concerns about class size in elementary school & the need for programs that help bridge the achievement gap for African American students.

Movie Screening - Ethel - Rory Kennedy is a co-producer - parent at Point Dume Elementary. About the life & times of Ethel Kennedy. Service learning program for students to earn hours & learn about her humanitarian efforts; some history students are writing for extra credit. February 5th at 7:00pm in the theater.

-Karen Farrer - Rory Kennedy is the youngest child of Robert & Ethel Kennedy. Amazing and well made movie.

-PTSA sponsored event.

-Kathryn Ibarra - Rory embraced service learning. Nena Lauerman, MHS community service learning coordinator, wants to build off of the movie. Service fair will follow.

Mindy Peterson, Public Relations Coordinator

-Reminder – see flyer - PTSA sponsoring self-defense classes for girls. “How to protect yourself to be safe.” Fun and active classes open to students, moms, female teachers and community members. First class tomorrow in the Old Gym. Event is free. Other classes February 15 and in April. All the same classes, not a series. Ask that moms accompany 9th grade girls. 10th and 11th grade girls can have waiver signed to attend without their mothers.

EBeth Anthony, 3rd Co-VP with Roohi Stack - Special presentation of 2 entries from the Reflections Contest

-Haley Haag’s dance choreography - won at school and advancing to state level. Haley Haag’s mom is present since students did not want to miss class time.

Ellie O’Neill’s film is also up for an award at the 33rd District.

Heather Anderson, Parliamentarian - First 12th grade graduation meeting tomorrow at 8:15. Forming basic committees, not tons of planning, just determining future committees and meeting dates.

8th Grade Promotion needs event chairs - info about meeting dates will follow.

Laura Rosenthal - Malibu City Council and parent of a 12th grader.

-Updates - Malibu Library - lecture series starting. First one will be on March 18th at 7:00 pm at MHS - Garth Stein will discuss his book. Events are free.

-Please sign up for Malibu City week - Updates Malibu emergency services. Sends text messages through Sheriffs department

-Working on getting a dedicated right hand turn lane off of PCH on to Morningview. Currently illegal. Bike lane going in at Busch to City limit. Turn lane will be part of project through Caltrans.

-BB Project going to City Council next month again. Need MHS parents who understand project.

-Welcome everyone to attend meeting. 2nd and 4th Mondays each month at 6:30pm. Wendy and Colleen from Parks and Rec do a great job letting everyone know about city programs.

Art Show first weekend in February.

Cindy Vandor - Right hand turn lane at Trancas Canyon – shouldn’t bike lane be part of that project? Laura Rosenthal responded– It is being taken care of through the Trancas Development Project.

AMPS update - one of two City Council liaisons presented feasibility project paid by AMPS and supported by District, CFO and Sandy Lyon. Called “unification” - go to for further information. Working on an outreach letter. Feasibility looks good including financials. Sandy Lyon presented info at the Council meeting. Some issues exist with the teachers’ union. Malibu Times articles lays out challenges that are being worked on as we move forward. Contact Laura, Karen Farrer or Seth Jacobson.

-Karen Farrer - SM Daily Press wrote an article about the presentation.

Roohi Stack, 3rd Co-VP - Jonathan Mooney, author and public speaker, next Tuesday at 6:30-7:30 in the MHS Library. “How is this kid smart?” Ways to identify strengths of students. Mr. Mooney was identified in elementary school as a special education student with low expectations for academic success. Ended up with Ph.D. from Brown University. He has written several books and now a parent in our District. Phenomenal speaker.

Boys and Girls Club – Siugen Constanza - Program Manager.

-Last Monday took 50 teenagers to Big Bear. No issues, lots of fun.

-Last year only 25 attended but this year 50 participated.

-Spring calendar is very exciting. New programs to appeal to high school students. Leader in training program. Workshops to promote leadership and work experience training. Interviews required. Will receive 45 hours per semester and accommodate busy schedules. Stipend of $100 at end of semester. 8 students will be sent to a 3-day camp about leadership skills. Malibu won competition for all of Boys and Girls Clubs in America. Won $500 and donated to an organization in Camarillo.