- Apologies
Apologies were received from Janet & Robin Gupta, Carole Ball, Alicia Thomas, Matt & Ruth Wong, Angela Cole, Christine Dadd, Jean Thompson, Jim & Margaret Woodford, Revd. Sheila Fisher, Helen Giles, Pauline Thomas, Gavin & Kate Teague, Val & Paul Ricketts, Richard Hampshire, Vivienne Larkin, Jan Miles, Jack Hainsworth, Jean Geal, Hannah Eastwood and an unreadable name.
- Minutes of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting for 2014
The minutes of the last APCM were circulated, agreed and signed as a true copy.
- Appointment of Readers to the PCC
Mick Spiller was nominated and accepted as the Reader representative on the PCC.
- Election to Deanery Synod
There were no new nominations for Deanery Synod and with the resignation of Val Ricketts this leaves Janety Beaty and Ian Larkin as our Deanery Synod representitives.
- Election of PCC Members
There were five vacancies for members to stand for three years.The following were nominated, Tim Giles, Jean Geal, Ann Keates and Monica Mullinex,and all present were in favour of them becoming PCC representatives.
- Appointment of Sidespersons
Rosemary Green was nominated as a new sidesperson for St Paul’s and all present were in favour of her becoming a sidesperson.
- Appointment of the Independent Examiner
K Mhairi Vernon was appointed as the independent examiner last year, but resigned during the year. Her place was taken by Ken Mitchell who examined the current accounts and his appointment for the coming year was proposed by Ian Larkin and seconded by Sheila Jones, all present agreed.
- Electoral Roll Report
As required by the Church Representation Rules 1990, a revised Electoral Roll for the aboveParish was initiatedby Abi Freeborough the Electoral Roll Officer before her resignation on 1st April. A revised electoral roll report was signed by Tim Giles on behalf of the electoral roll officer on the 24th April.The revised Electoral Roll for 2015 has 258 names, with no new members and 5 deceased removed. The revised list has been displayed near the door of St Mary’s and St Paul’s during April 2015.
- Annual Report and Accounts for 2014
The Annual Report and Accountswere approved at PCC on the 24th March 2015and were circulated prior to the APCM, Janet Beaty as the treasurer made a presentation about the parish finances.The presentation is to be placed on the Church Website with the Annual Report and Accounts for 2014. Janet Beaty was thanked for all her work.
- Chair’s Report
The Rev’d Dr Jan van der Lely commented on the Annual Review document, which included her annual report and the reports from each sub-committee or group in the parish. The review can be viewed on the website. The groups also produced a wonderful display of posters in St Mary’s of their activities.
All who contribute to the work of the parish were thanked.
The Vicar made especial mention of the children and young people work which is done in the parish and introduced the Benefice initiative to provide a paid specialist for children and young people by members of the congregation pledging money for three years, which together with grants and parish funds would pay a full time salary.
The Vicar’s report together with annual report and presentation can be viewed on the website
- Any Other Business
Tim Swan thanked Rev’d Jan and clergy for all that they have done in the last year and especially for their concentration on vital areas especially the growth areas for the future and their good relationship with St Mary’s school.
- Date of next meeting
The date of the next Vestry and APCM meetings is to be decided at a later date.
The meeting closed with the saying of the Grace.
Signed…………………………………………………. April, 2015
C:\Users\PCC\2015\4. April 2015 APCM\APCM Minutes 2015 v2.doc