+39 349 32 81 556

+39 339 71 04 051

A village and its residents. Recollections, tales, traces of memory.



1st – 2nd – 3rd September 2017 – MontalbanoElicona (ME)


This announcement is addressed to theatre companies, bands, dance companies or single artists coming from all over the world andworking in the fields of theatre, music and dance to promote the recovery of the “traces of memory” of different countries and cultures. (Particular relevance will be given to companies, groups or young professionals aged 18-35). The selected companies will participate to the Theatre Festival of Memories that will take place on the 1st 2nd and 3rd September 2017 at the Castle Frederick IIIofAragon in MontalbanoElicona (ME).

The Theatre Festival of Memories is one of the activities promoted by the Project “TRACCE DI MEMORIA”, parcel n.229 - CUP J88I14000040008, funded by the Cohesion Action Plan "Giovani No Profit" of the Presidency ofthe Council of Ministers– Department of Youth and National Civilian Services, following the ranking published with reference to the Public Announcement “Giovani per la valorizzazionedeibenipubblici” by executive decision n. 5 20/02/2014. Itis organised by A.T.S., with the Association ArchiDrama as lead contractor together with the municipality of MontalbanoElicona, the association Aurora and with the cooperation of the Club I Borghipiù Belli d’Italia.


Tracce di Memoriais a project created by the cultural association ArchiDrama. It has been evaluatedfinanceable by the Public Announcement “Giovani per la valorizzazionedeibenipubblici” of the Presidency ofthe Council of Ministers– Department of Youth and National Civilian Services.

Tracce di Memoriais organised by A.T.S., with the Association ArchiDrama as lead contractor together with the municipality of MontalbanoElicona, the association Aurora and with the cooperation of the Club Borghipiù Belli d’Italia.

This project aims to re-launch the touristic and cultural promotion of the territory, through the enhancement of the Castle Frederick III of Aragon in MontalbanoElicona (ME) and its medieval village. This promotion will occur throughthe organisation of various cultural and artistic activities in the field of theatre, music and dance (residential workshops for professionals and beginners, workshops for schools and the creation of a Theatre Festival of Memories), and through a touristic and cultural offer.

This project provides the following activities:

  • Theatrical Workshops:the project aims to create an educational centre in the field of theatre, in the wonderful setting of the castle Frederick IIIofAragon. It will cooperate with the community of MontalbanoElicona to discover its ancient habits and customs through popular memory. This journey will provide two kinds of workshop:

Residential theatrical workshops for beginner or professional actors, musicians and dancers aged 18-35. Four editions of these workshops will take place during the 24 months of activities provided by the project.The activities of each workshop will last 70 hours, subdivided into 10 days.

Short workshops for students, addressed to boys and girls aged 14-19 coming from secondary schools of the municipalities of Messina and Catania.The activities will be structured in 10 laboratories of 7 hours each.

  • Creation of an historical archive and touristic itineraries: the material gathered during the workshop will be organised and put into an historical archive for future generations to consult and as a source of information and news for visitors.

The itineraries created will be aimed to point out the main features of MontalbanoElicona and to make the village an improved touristic attraction, able to seduce not only its residents but also many tourists, thanks to its uniqueness.

  • Festival of Memories: organised at theCastle Frederick IIIofAragon and in the village of MontalbanoElicona, the Theatrical Festival of Memorieswill consist in a three-day event concerning theatre, music and dance. It will host companies from all over the world to promote the recovery of the “traces of memory” of different countries and cultures, with an eye on the companies founded by young professionals.


Organised in the wonderful setting of the Castle Frederick IIIofAragon and in the ancient village of MontalbanoElicona, the Theatre Festival of Memorieswill consist in a three-day event concerning theatre, music and dance. It will host companies from all over the world to promote the recovery of the “traces of memory” of different countries and cultures. (Particular relevance will be given to companies founded by young professionals aged 18-35).

This Festival will provideto the wide public theatrical entertainments, meetings and talesabout the subject of “memory”. Famous guests like MamadouDioume, Angelo Privitera, Sara Orselliand many others will take part in this event. This event will also consist in an occasion to give exposure to the work of theworkshops organised by the project “Tracce di Memoria”.

During the Festival, conferences will be organized about the topic of the recovery of the “traces of memory” viewed from different perspectives: anthropological, artistic, social and touristic.

At the end of each day of Festival, theatre, music and dance showswill be performed by the festival guests. It is possible to check the Festival schedule on the website of the project:


Theatre companies, bands, dance companies or single artists coming from all over the world and working in the fields of theatre, music and dance to promote the recovery of the “traces of memory” of different countries and cultures. (Particular relevance will be given to companies, groups or young professionals aged 18-35).

Every mean of expression (concert, narration, dance and so on) is allowed, as long as it is related to the subject ofthe recovery of the traces of memorybelonging to a place or a population.

Among all the proposals, nine will be picked according to specific criteria of evaluation, as described in the Section 3-Evaluation Criteria and scores. They will be given the opportunity to perform their show/concert/performance during the three days of the Theatre Festival of Memories following a schedule that will be communicated at a later time.

The selected companies:

-Will perform in front of a panel composed by famous international artists as MamadouDioume, Angelo Privitera e Sara Orselli;

-Will have the possibility to use the audio light equipment made available by the organisation (only after providingthe technical data sheet of the show);

-Will have the chance to lodge for free at the Medieval Resort in MontalbanoElicona and to benefit from the cafeteria services offered by the organisation during the 3 days of the Theatre Festival of Memories;

-Possible additional SIAE fees for the realisation of the shows will be in charge of the organisation of the Theatre Festival of Memories;

-Travel expenses and possible social security and insurance charges INAIL, INPS and INPS ex ENPALS for the workers involved in the shows will be in charge of every company, group and/or single artist and will not be refund by the organisation.

-Among the selected proposals that will be performed during the Theatre Festival of Memories, the panel will select 3 winners that will be awarded as explained in section 5-Awards. The final decision of the committee is unappealable.


The first selection will be made by the entity organizing the Theatre Festival of Memories, according to the following criteria:

Artistic evaluation of the show/concert/performance in relation to the subject of the Festival / 0-10
Technical feasibility of the show / 0-5
Previous experience of the company/band/single artist / 0-10
Total / 25


To apply for this selection, the followingforms and documents must be filled, undersigned and sent via email within the 25th of August 2017 to the e-mail address :

  • Application Form;
  • Self declaration - AFFIDAVIT;
  • Privacy Policy;
  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • Show presentation sheetplus two photographs in high resolution;
  • Link to the full video already uploaded on YouTube;
  • AppearanceRelease;
  • Copy of a current identity document of the legal representative

Section 5 - AWARDS

First prize:Award plaque Theatre Festival of Memories + mini summer tour 2018 with three repeat performances of the show presented at the Theatre Festival of Memories in three different villages members of the Club I Borghipiù Belli d’Italia.

A financial contribution of €500,00 for each repeat performance, for a total amount of €1500 for three repeat performances (one for each village) and free board and lodging will be provided to the company, group or artist taking part at the show. Contribution and accommodation for the winning company, group or artist will be provided by the villages that will host the show through the Club IBorghipiù Belli d’Italia.

Second prize:Award plaque Theatre Festival of Memories + a Smartbox “I Borghipiù Belli d’Italia” to lodge for free in one of the villages members of the Club I Borghipiù Belli d’Italia.

Third prize:Award plaqueTheatre Festival of Memories + a guidebook of the Club I Borghipiù Belli d’Italia.


Application forms must be sent within the 25thof August 2017 to the e-mail address:

The ranking will be calculated and officially published by the 27thof August 2017 on the website:

For further information, please send an e-mail to or contact the people in charge for this project at the following mobile numbers:

  • Alfio Zappalà +39 349 32 81 556
  • Maria Rita Simone +39 339 71 04 051