Resource Allocation Proposal
Originator: / Art Durbin
Program or Department Name: / Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Formerly Allied Health (AH)
Area Dean: / Kathleen Winston / Campus: / MVC
Area Vice President: / Dr. Vincent
Account Code:
Total Amount Requested:
One Time Funding ____ / On Going Funding 21,000+63,000 / Safety____
What are you requesting? Why is the request being made? Where was the need identified?
We are requesting to increase the hours worked by our Instructional Aide (currently 19 hours per week) to 40 hours per week.
Nineteen hours per week is sufficient to provide instructional support to two sections of AH-120. An additional 21 hours per week will allow the Instructional Aide to support two more section of AH-120, one section of AH-127 and one section of AH 121 per semester.
This need is identified in Program Review 2.2 and annual review.
Section I / Demonstrate how your request is supported by your Program Review/Annual Program Assessment:
This request is identified in the program review under 2.2 - Faculty. We have only one 19 hour Instructional Aide to support 100 EMS formerly Allied Health students per semester. Nineteen hours per week is not sufficient to support all EMS courses being offered at a potentially more successful level for the student.The new FTE Instructional Aide will share a portion of third party oversight during each semester by helping the students be more successful in mastering the following Student Learning Outcomes: psychomotor skills such as using a Bag-Valve-Mask, Traction splint, Oral Airway, Nasal Airway, Spinal Immobilization, and bleeding control. The Department Learning Outcomes affected would potentially see an increase in student course completion success.
Section I / Demonstrate how your request is supported by your Unit Plan and Division Plan (link to Unit/Division Plans 2011-2012)
Adding hours to the part-time Instructional Aide will make the position a FTE which would will assist in Goal #1 and Goal #3 by:
  1. Providing another consistent FTE to be available and flexible in with their time inassisting students with this new learning experience in medicine.
  2. The FTE Instructional Aide will help ensure students are engaged and can provide additional help in their learning experience.
  3. Supporting continued student academic growth requires more than one PT 19 hour Instructional Aide when you have approximately 160 students plus 30 in the refresher course. Additional consistent help and access to an FTE for students can assist in increasing the success rate of our students in this course.

Section I / Demonstrate how your request is supported by your CLO/DLO/PL0/AUO/SLO:
Adding hours to the part-time Instructional Aide is supported by our SLO’s as described in the following:
  1. SLO #2 – Improving the students’ critical thinking skills by allowing more time to work with the students outside of the classroom.
  2. SLO #4 & 6 – Further development of students’ patient assessments (medical and trauma) including determination of severity, medication/medical history recognition, and appropriate treatment plans.
  3. SLO #7 – Continuing the development of psychomotor skills providing additional tutoring including further demonstration, explanation, and increased opportunities for return demonstration by the students.
Adding hours to the part-time instructional aide is supported by our DLO’s as described in the following:
  1. DLO #1 – Emphasizing the students’ role as an EMT on scene of various types of incidents by using the prior experiences of the Instructional Aide on actual calls including interaction with patients, partners, other responding agencies, and hospital staff; as well as the leadership aspects of being an EMT including integrity, confidence, and delegation.
  2. DLO #3 – Developing further student understanding on the pathophysiology of hypoxia and shock by providing extra time for review and explanation.
  3. DLO#4 – Developing the students’ situational awareness of scene hazards using the prior experiences of the Instructional Aide in real world scenarios.

Section II / Describe how your request is aligned with one or more of the following Institutional Priorities: (link to SP)
Student Success
Increasing the number of hours the Instructional Aide works every week will allow for the increasing of Student Success by:
  1. Allowing theInstructional Aide to have additional office hours in order to provide further services to students. (Goal 1.1)
  2. Allowing theInstructional Aide to have additional office hours in order to tutor and mentor struggling students in both the didactic portion and the psychomotor portion of the class. (Goal 1.2)
  3. Allowing the Instructional Aide to have additional office hours in order to help students through initial requirements for the EMT program. (Goal 3.3)

Fiscally Sound Position:
Increasing the number of hours the Instructional Aide works every week will allow for the increasing of fiscal soundness by allowing the instructional Aide to work on additional grant applications i.e. Perkins.
Systematic Planning and Assessment:Decreasing the attrition rate in the EMT program is of paramount importance to our program. The key is to be able to accurately capture student data which accurately picks out the student who wants to become and EMT and work as an EMT versus the student using the EMT course as an elective or for some other purpose. By increasing the Instructional Aide’s time a powerful resource can be utilized in assisting with the important goal of coordinating/gathering and sorting the efforts of the staff in collecting usable data in program planning.
Section II / Institutional Pride and Organizational Culture:
Increasing the number of hours the Instructional Aide works every week will allow for the strengthening Institutional Pride and Organizational Culture by:
Allowing the Instructional Aide to expand on lecture material, providing additional information as well as different viewpoints on course material. Psychomotor skills can be demonstrated again and the students can receive additional coaching in the proper methodology and more hands on practice in conduction of particular skills, particularly patient assessments (medical and trauma). (Goal 9.3)
Community Partnerships and Service
Increasing the number of hours the Instructional Aide works every week will allow for the strengthening of community partnerships by:
  1. Allowing for better communications with contract hospitals and public agencies. Communications can take place during normal business hours reducing the delay in the successful resolution of problems as they arise. The Instructional Aide currently is only scheduled to work during class time in the evenings. This cannot be changed without the addition of more hours due to the in class workload that the Instructional Aide currently has. (Goal 10.6)
  2. Allowing for site visits to contract hospitals and public safety agencies. Site visits may be conducted to see the progress of students and ensure the quality of education and training on the students’ internships matches the classroom quality. (Goal 10.6)
  3. Allowing the Instructional Aide to meet with representatives from the contracted public safety agencies for the development and implantation of education plans including preceptor workshops. (Goal 10.6)
  4. Allowing theInstructional Aide to strengthen existing relationships with contracted hospitals and public safety agencies. The Instructional Aide will also have more time to work with existing staff members to pursue contracts with new facilities and agencies. (Goal 10.6)
  5. Fostering the existing relationships and cultivating new ones will allow the Instructional Aide to work with members of the local Emergency Medical system to assess the future needs and trends of this ever changing industry. This needs assessment will help the Instructional Aide and EMT faculty keep the MSJC EMT Program current and relevant to better prepare students for the area job market. (Goal 11.3)

Section III / Describe how your request will support one or more of the 12 Institutional Goals in the Strategic Plan (Strategic Plan)
  • Goal 1.1 –The Instructional Aide will have additional office hours in order to provide further services to students.
  • Goal 1.2 - The Instructional Aide will have additional office hours in order to tutor and mentor struggling students in both the didactic portion and the psychomotor portion of the class.
  • Goal 3.3 - The Instructional Aide will have additional office hours in order to help students through initial requirements for the EMT program.
  • Goal 9.3 - The Instructional Aide will expand on lecture material, providing additional information as well as different viewpoints on course material. Psychomotor skills can be demonstrated again and the students can receive additional coaching in the proper methodology and more hands on practice in conduction of particular skills, particularly patient assessments (medical and trauma).
  • Goal 10.6
The Instructional Aidewill have better communications with contract hospitals and public agencies. Communications can take place during normal business hours reducing the delay in the successful resolution of problems as they arise. The Instructional Aidecurrently is only scheduled to work during class time in the evenings. This cannot be changed without the addition of more hours due to the in-class workload that The Instructional Aidecurrently has.
The Instructional Aidewill haveadditional hours to perform site visits to contract hospitals and public safety agencies. Site visits may be conducted to see the progress of students and ensure the quality of education and training on the students’ internships matches the classroom quality.
The Instructional Aidewill haveadditional hours to meet with representatives from the contracted public safety agencies for the development and implantation of education plans including preceptor workshops.
The Instructional Aidewill haveadditional hours to strengthen existing relationships with contracted hospitals and public safety agencies. The Instructional Aidewill also have more time to work with existing staff members to pursue contracts with new facilities and agencies.
  • Goal 11.3 - Fostering the existing relationships and cultivating new ones will allow The Instructional Aide to work with members of the local Emergency Medical system to assess the future needs and trends of this ever changing industry. This needs assessment will help the Instructional Aide and EMT faculty keep the MSJC EMT Program current and relevant to better prepare students for the area job market.
Our request will help support the institutional goals by providing the students with an additional support structure for complicated skills acquisition thus putting the students on a more solid path to success. The instructor and the Instructional Aidewill be able to provide more one on one and small group attention to those students who are returning to college from a long absence;students who are youngercollege students taking a medical course for the first-time; or students who are just struggling with the EMT course. The instructor and the Instructional Aidewould be able to better assist the students’ academic growth in the medical field.
Section III / Demonstrate how your project goals are supported by any of the following plans (2009-16 Educational Master Plan, Distance Education Plan, Technology Plan and/or the Facilities Master Plan):
Our project goals are supported by the Allied Health 2009-16 Educational Master Plan, which states under the Personnel section ‘Additional instructors as well as classified staff will need to be added as the program grows.’ The EMT Program is large enough to need a full time Instructional Aide to provide support to both the instructor and the students. In addition to mentoring the students, the Instructional Aide actively participates in the writing and revising of course curriculum; information gathering to keep the course content up to date and relevant; and working with contracted hospitals and public safety agencies to ensure continued cooperation with them.
Section III / Describe your goal(s) for this proposal? How will this impact students or institutional services?
Our goals for this proposal are threefold:
  • Increasing course pass rate.
  • Increasing the percentage of MSJC EMT students passing the National Registry EMT exam.
  • Decreasing attrition rate.

Section IV / What are your measureable outcomes that will lead to you meeting your goal(s)? Provide how your outcomes are tied to your CLO/DLO/PLO/AUO/SLO
Acquire superior skills performance on SLO #2 and SLO #7 by passing with 95% - 100% on the national skills exit testing.
For the AH 120 course participants an increase in the national pass-rate above the current level.
For the AH 120B an increase in marketability when the end users of our students assess our students for jobs they will have a high pass rate on the practical exam involving assessment and treatment.
For the AH 127 an increase in marketability when the end users of our students see that our students have exited the course with advanced certifications and real life scenario training on a human simulator.
SLO #1,3,4,5 and 6 can be integrated into outcome data by tying them to scenario based testing which follow national rubrics.
Section V / What are the steps that you will take or need to be taken to implement this proposal? Demonstrate the following:
• (a) Who is in charge of implementing the project?
• (b) What are the projected start and end dates?
• (c) What other departments will need to assist with the acquisition/ implementation of the project?
• (d) When will the outcomes be measured?
• (e) How will you measure the desired outcomes?
Everything needed for this proposal to be implemented is in place.
(a)Art Durbin EMT Program Director EMT adjunct faculty and Part-time instructional Aide, and Hal Edgehill
(b) Dependent on funding but start Spring 2013; There is no projected end date as Instructional Aide employment is ongoing.
(c) Nursing Department and Maintenance Department
(d) End of Spring 2014
(e) The outcomes will be measured by using the national standards from the new National
Educational Curriculum (NEC).
Projected Expense Profile
New Personnel Request--This does not include Full Time Academic Faculty Positions.
For personnel requests please attach the job description, job classification and label "Exhibit I."
Position Title:______ / Estimated Cost
1XXX / Academic Salaries (Certificated)
3XXX / Benefits
Position Title:______ / Estimated Cost
1XXX / Academic Salaries (Certificated)
3XXX / Benefits
Position Title:
2XXX / Classified/Non Academic Salaries / 10, 11 or 12 Months
3XXX / Benefits: / Hours per Week_____
Position Title:______
2XXX / Classified/Non Academic Salaries / 10, 11 or 12 Months
3XXX / Benefits / Hours per Week_____
Sub Total:
Non Personnel Requests:
Object Code / Title / Amount Requested
4XXX / Supplies and Materials
5XXX / Services
6XXX / New Equipment or Building/Site Improvements
Sub Total:
Total Budget Proposal:
Secondary Effects (if this proposal is approved)
For Personnel Requests:
What additional space, if any, is needed to accommodate this position? If so, where is the proposed location?
No additional space is needed as current EMT Program facilities will be used.
For Equipment and Technology Request
Will additional space be needed to accommodate requested equipment? If so where is the proposed location?
Will requested equipment require maintenance agreements and or support personnel? If so what are the projected costs?
Please list future year anticipated needs and estimated financial needs. NOTE: This section refers to any anticipated funding not addressed by this RAP, but required in the future. This will not be automatically funded. A new RAP must be completed in future years.
Fiscal Year / Anticipated Need / Estimated Amount
Dean Approval / Date / Vice President Approval / Date