A storybook by Simon Bartran, 2002. Templar Publishing

ISBN : 1-84011-491-6

Réécriture simplifiée

P1 : This is Bob.

P2 : He is “the man on the Moon”.

P3 : Every morning, Bob gets up at 6 o’clock. For breakfast, he has a cup of tea (Flashcard) and two eggs (flashcard). Then he buys a newspaper (flashcard) and chocolate toffees (flashcard).

P4 : At 8 o’clock, he puts on his special suit and

P5 : takes his fantastic rocket ship. In the rocket, he reads the newspaper and does the crossword. (flashcard)

P6 : At 9 o’clock, he starts working. He cleans the moon.

(P7 ? Some people say it is the aliens’ fault. But aliens don’t exist….)

P8 : At 12(:30 ?) he has lunch. He has 2 sandwiches, an apple and chocolate covered nuts (ou chocolates ?) (flashcards ?)

Sometimes he has lunch with his friends Billy and Sam. Billy is the Man on Mars and Sam is the Man on Saturn.

P9 : After lunch, tourists arrive and Bob must do somersaults, handstands and high Moon jumps. The tourists take photos. After 2 hours, Bob is tired / exhausted / (exact from book) out of puff. (à mimer)

P10 : Sometimes, the tourists land on the Moon. Bob gives them a guided tour and sells souvenirs. Sometimes, they ask questions about aliens. But aliens don’t exist.

P11 : At 4(:30), the tourists leave the Moon. Bob looks in the craters. No, no-one is in there.

P12 : It’s time to go home. He packs all his equipment. He switches on the Moon’s nightlight. And he flies back to the Earth.

P13 : He arrives on the Earth at 5 o’clock. (It’s rush hour).

P14 : He has a bath, drinks a mug of cocoa / hot chocolate (flashcard). And he goes to sleep.

P15 : And aliens ? Well, aliens don’t exist. Bob would know if there were aliens …. Wouldn’t he?