Prospect Soccer Club (PSC)
6-September - 2017
Attendance:David Cambra –coach/President; Mike Parks-coach/VP, Michelle White-coach/secretary, Bill Pfeffer-coach, Adrian Celi,- coach, Paul Mena-coach, Brian Harte-coach, Aaron Semrow-coach, Dennis Szantyr- coach, Mark Brilliant- referee, Dan Barrows-coach/travel and field coordinator, Joe Norton-equipment coordinator, Stephanie Way-coach, Peter Diamante-coach, Rafael Mendez, Lisa Di Giovanna, JanetSweetland
Motion to start at 8:04pm made by Dave C. Aaron S. seconded
- Approval ofthis week’s agenda and lastmeeting’sminutes- unanimous
- Opening Remarks
- Welcome
- Open board position - Public Relations still needed. Michelle W. will follow up with high school on implementing a student intern, If anyone knows an interested adult let us know
- Coaches Shirts should be ordered hopefully within the week-
- Please make sure everyone is background checked (every three years or less) anyone on the field needs one
- Please make sure all coaches and assistant coaches are listed on website and we can order shirts for everyone,
- College Soccer Night – Uconn game Saturday- free tickets, trying to set up a team night at a future game for PSC
- Key to Hotchkiss shed resolved
Treasurer’s Report–Eric C. not present. Email statement was sent out. “Attached is the current status of PSC financially. I still need to pay for the uniforms. I sense there should be another uniform bill. I only receivedtwo bills. One for 952 and another with soccer balls ordered. I don'tthink either of these bills are related to Rec jersey purchases. Let me know. Other than that we continue to have money coming in (late comers). Had a big CJSA bill over 6,000. Need to finalize how much Dynamosowes us in fees.”
Dave, a lot of late adds- thanks to everyone helping with late registrations, but financially numbers are ok as of now, one trainer lowered costs- we need to be cost effective
- Updates from Vice President - none
- Updates from Referee Assignor –email from heather- certified and in house refs. We need refs. But we are doing ok, League effort to unify ref pay, our rates are posted, we are paying rate about in the middle.
- Updates from Equipment and Uniforms- fed ex didn’t deliver yet- Joe N.- mini kickers in and Joe will get them to Chris G.- He has equipment bags, a couple of rec coaches didn’t request, Paul M. will check. Dan B. added some balls to storage at Caplan
- Eric C. Had previously asked- Joewants to know is there a package deal with Challenger for shirt rates.
- Rec shirts- Challenger- Last year $3600/ 259 shirts/ printing cost of $700 : shirts for this year, now 203 shirts $2800, printing $1700- Joe got it lowered to $862, however they couldn’t explain the increase, so concern is for next season, Prices do vary- Joe will ask Barry about the 1K increase in printing cost.
- Last meeting- net catch all, tabled for further discussion due to cost,Cost will be shared with premier on all big purchases, for example, nets, fix to lights,, ball net cather….etc
- Initial estimate was $2300 + installation-, further discussion needed., lighting is a priority, as well as goals and nets
- Updates from Public Relations- still looking, Dan asked who to contact for local papers, was referred to Janice
- Updates from District- small sided games, U9/10 7v7, U11/12 9v9, and U13 and up 11v11. No 8v8 anymore 25, 30, 35 min halves respectively. Build out line discussed at length - , also in reference to making in house adjustments to mimic travel rules. goody bags from district on the table.
- Updates from Registrar- many late adds and Dan provided the steps required to get someone verified and approved for travel.
- Updates from Training (Local Talent) - took a while to get housing set up again this season.
- Training will be 5-6foot skills and fundamentals, 6-7 coaches bring kids to trainer to work on coach requests and trainer discretion, 7-8 trainer discretion , advanced training
- Take your practice to the trainer do not transport back and forth from another field to Hotchkiss, be mindful of the practice schedule and field space
- Updates from Programs (Start of Season)- season starts this weekend at Pent 9/9 -3pm games at Hotchkiss due to baseball- Dan checking field space
- Recreational
- MiniKickers– Possible last season, we will still have it, but challenger is branded and if we can’t support trainer…, 7K for the trainer– 3 sessions 9,10, 11 with parents session @ 12, Joe has some extra uniforms, Brian wants to know if in state challenger coaches are less cost, Dave says unlikely but will confirm.
- In-house Rec–Paul M., a lot of add-on players. Joe has maybe one spare uniform each team, Paul M. needs set up help at Pent, Joe N. emailed Tony m checking on field prep
- Premier- Dan B. -twist tournament was success, summer camps were very successful, everything is going well
- Travel- Dave, Player passes have to be in tonight or can’t play this weekend/
- Dan, schedule updated , lights in next week, rescheduling sat 3pm Hotchkiss for 9/16 and 10/14 dates, lighted field is available .Dan will not move the travel game unless he hears from Dennis or Rob/Paul - Brian, feels team still in weak category. Dave- want to have fair teams, district doesn’t want anyone weighting teams
- Brian, discussed team level, Dave C. - premier players carry weight – if they are on a premier roster they show up as such. Dave takes responsibility to make sure it’s right and fair. Late fees to discuss at future time.
- Updates from Field Coordinator-Are nets set for the weekend? Zip ties in the shed at Hotchkiss. Dennis S. and Paul M. - kids climb on the nets- we donate them to the town, remind people not to do it/ safety issue, sandbags required- coaches, please give sand bag update to Dan- Rec needs one, Back field needs 3, all else need 2. If Not enough- please check, Joe will check cost of additional bags.
- Light band aid option – Dan B. Is still awaiting an answer from town- Dennis has family connection that can take a look on Friday, Dan is getting Confirmation from Moffo to look at the light.
- Paul is getting zip ties at Hotchkiss, Pent has some ditches, Pete said it’s a little rough at Caplan from football, Brian asked about pinning at Caplan-
- Again Coaches- Please check all nets and sandbags
- Updates from Web Master- found a new bug- when you assign players it defaults to player status, some don’t, export to CJSA won’t pull players- insurance issue if cant verify players- Rob will be notified by Paul M.
- Updates from Members in addition to above agenda items-
- More build out line talk
- Coach, had a parent problem with notifications- Dave- have them check their profile and update it, Paul said defer to him- also team name- rec can picka name, or use country on shirts
- Stephanie W. Question of U7/8 girls @ 9am? Yes, this is correct
- Other information/request
President’s Remarks:
- Yellow Cards / Red Cards --- Supporting our Children- summer league play, sportsman ship
- Rules are sustained, district confirmed, Dave confirmed that the coaches addressed the issues with the player.
- Our job as coaches and parents to help kids learn sportsmanship.
- Going forward in summer program conduct rules will be consistently enforced.
- Motion to adjourn made at 9:35pm by Dave C. Seconded by Mike Parks
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