BOGOTA, AUGUST 13-16, 2013
(Centered title, Times New Roman 12, bold)
Rodriguez, Clara1; Orjuela, Sebastián2; Mendez, Mario3
1 Programa de Recursos Naturales, Universidad Colombiana de Investigación, Popayán, Colombia
2 Instituto de Investigación en Temas Ambientales, Bogotá, Colombia
3 Ministerio de Asuntos Atmosféricos, Lima, Perú
Autor de correspondencia:
Please use this template to prepare your extended abstract. Set the document to letter size (21.5 x 27.9 cm) and 2.5 cm margins, single-spaced type, font Times New Roman 11, insert page numbers, and organize the text in two levels of headings, with a blank line between paragraphs and headings below. Both left and right justify columns. The total length of Extended Abstract should be between 2000 and 4000 words with the following structure: Title, Authors with affiliation, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (optional), and References. The header of each page carries the information of the meeting as in this page. The abstract should have a length of 150 words.
KEY WORDS (minimum 3, maximum 5)
Briefly describe the scientific background that allow formulating the research problem and formulate the objectives of the experiment.
The title of the manuscript should be concise (less than 16 words) and at the same time must provide enough information to enable the reader to form an idea of the scientific level of interest of the study.
In the author list includes names and given names of each author and current affiliation (Department or Program, School or Centre, University or Institution), city, country. Write the email of the author who handles communication with the Editor.
The abstract, a paragraph not exceeding 150 words, summarize the objectives, methods and results of the work.
Describe the research methodology so that readers can replicate the work or identify limitations on the data interpretation, report the spatial location of the experiment if applicable (geographical coordinates, geographical features).
The incorrect or inappropriate use of statistical methods is unacceptable. Do not describe the statistics (comparison of means, variance analysis, etc.), include the relevant reference. Describe statistical models and experimental design (classes, blocks and/or experimental units).
Results can be illustrated with tables and figures (maps, graphs, drawings, photographs), but not duplicate or repeat the information in the text. Describe briefly the most important results. The interpretation of the data should be based (1) on the statistical results, not personal or subjective (avoid speculation) and (2) in scientific publications. Discuss the outstanding results. Do not repeat the results.
Should be inserted in the text in editable format in Word or Excel and numbered sequentially in the order they appear in the text, with Arabic numerals and referring to them as: Table 1, Table 2, ..., as appropriate. The title should be placed at the top and should not duplicate results presented in figures.
They are sequentially numbered, as appropriate. The unit system used is the International System of Units (SI).
Correspond to graphs, charts, diagrams and photographs. Should be numbered sequentially in the order they are referenced in the text as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.., and its title should be placed at the bottom of the representation.
Include in the conclusions only the results that are capable of verification or further study. Limit your findings to the results of their research.
Mention to individuals or institutions that have provided technical assistance and funding sources of the study.
For citation within the text in parentheses write the author's surname and year of the document consulted as well: (Grant, 2003), (Grant and Smith, 2004), if the reference is between one and two authors. If there are more than two authors use the term "et al.", for example (Grant et al., 2003). If the reference is part of the sentence, is expressed as: Grant (2003) explains ... The references of the same author in the same year should be distinguished using letters, for example, 2000a, 2000b, etc.
The list of references should appear at the end of the text, in alphabetical order according to the surname of the author or authors mentioned in the article, and limited to the sources cited in the text. If there are multiple publications by the same author, they are arranged chronologically from oldest to newest.
When an author has more than one publication in the same year, the chronological order is maintained and letters are used to distinguish the references of the same year (e.g., 2001a).
When using Internet sources, you must mention the author, the document name and the website consulted.
If it is an electronic journal, specify the volume, number, year, pages and place where you can consult.
Below are some examples for managing bibliographic references:
Nriagu, J.O., Pacyna, J.M. (1988). Quantitative assessment of worldwide contamination of air, water and soilsby trace‐metals.Nature 333, 134‐139.
Jiang, F.Guo, H., Wang, T.J., Cheng, H.R., Wang, X.M., Simpson, I.J., Ding, A.J., Saunders, S.M., Lam, S.H.M.,Blake, D.R. (2010). An ozone episode in the Pearl River Delta: field observation and model simulation. Journalof Geophysical Research‐Atmospheres 115, art. no. D22305.
Finlayson‐Pitts, B.J., Pitts, J.N., Jr., 2000. Chemistry of the Upper and Lower Atmosphere: Theory, Experiments,and Applications, Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 40‐45.
EEA (European Environment Agency), 2009. EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guidebook 2009 ‐Technical Guidance to Prepare National Emission Inventories, EEA Technical Report No. 9/2009, Copenhagen,21 pages.
Reynolds, R.D., 1974. Mathematical Modeling of Photochemical Air Pollution.Ph.D.Thesis, California
Institute of Technology, California, United States, 491 pages.
Clarenburg, L.A., 1997. Ethical aspects of a law of the atmosphere.Proceedings of 10th Regional IUAPPAConference, September 23‐26, 1997, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 12‐21.
Web references
For web references, in the text refer them by including theabbreviation of the related institution/website and the year of access/the year associated withthe information taken from the website, e.g. (TSMS, 2009) or (EPA, 1995). Please do not cite webreferences in the main text by writing the full URLs in parentheses.
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