Intermediate 1 and Intermediate 2

Attached are the proposed revised Arrangements Documents for Drama referred to in the update letter to centres from Eddie Clarke, dated 11 June 2001

Appendix1Reducing assessment in Intermediate 1 and 2 Drama


This note outlines proposed changes to Drama courses at Intermediate 1 and 2 based on feedback from centres delivering the courses.

Only if centres feel these changes are acceptable will they be introduced for 2001/ 02. Further improvements will be possible for next year but we propose to reduce the amount of material a candidate has to retain in their Drama Skills folio. This affects internal (unit) assessment but may also affect external (course) assessment.


The main aims of the proposed changes are to:

a.attempt to simplify the internal assessment procedures and

b.considerably reduce the amount of internal evidence required by centres.

We have also taken this opportunity to correct any mistakes in the original Course Arrangements Documents and to clarify any contradictions or discrepancies between the NABs and the course Arrangements.

The proposed changes are as follows:

Intermediate 1

Drama Skills (D193 10)

The written Folio items currently required as back-up evidence for the teachers' summative observational checklist will be removed.

The only required instruments of assessment for external assessment will be:

Summative Observational Checklist25% (Learning Outcomes 1, 2 & 3)

Set of Restricted Response Questions10% (Learning Outcome 4)

If this is acceptable, we will provide a more detailed marking scheme for the restricted response questions with exemplification of good, fair and poor responses to support the revised NABs and course Arrangements.

We also propose to simplify Learning Outcome 2 and to remove one performance criterion. This will mean encompassing all aspects of the learning outcome within one revised performance criterion.

Theatre Production Skills (D194 10)

Directing will be added to the list of Theatre Production Skills that can be used.

The instruments of assessment for Learning Outcomes 1, 2 & 3 will be simplified and further clarified, creating a new pro-forma for assessment of Learning Outcome 1.

Production (D195 10)

The content and assessment of this unit will remain unchanged, however we propose to issue an exemplar of the visiting examiners' marking scheme for each Production Skill that is examined. This will help centres prepare candidates more effectively for the examination.

Intermediate 2

Drama Skills (D193 11)

The written Folio items currently required as back-up evidence for Learning Outcomes 1, 2 & 3 would be removed.

Learning Outcome 2 will be removed.

The restricted response questions for Learning Outcome 4 will be reviewed and will incorporate the candidate having to evaluate their direction of others as well.

Learning Outcome 5, Direct Others in a Short Dramatic Scene, will be assessed not just by the teachers' summative observational checklist but by a short written Dramatic Commentary on the candidates' scenes. Details of content and layout will be given in the new NAB materials. This Dramatic Commentary will be internally marked and externally moderated.

The marks breakdown for external assessment of Drama Skills will be as follows:

Teachers' Summative Checklist20% (Learning Outcomes 1, 3 & 5)

Set of Restricted Response Questions 10% (Learning Outcome 4)

Dramatic Commentary5% (Learning Outcome 5)

Theatre Production Skills (D194 11)

Directing will be added to the list of Theatre Productions Skills that can be used.

The instruments of assessment for Learning Outcomes 1, 2 & 3 will be simplified and clarified. This will be achieved through use of a new proforma for assessing Learning Outcome 1 and through Learning Outcomes 3 & 4 being assessed only once.

Candidates undertaking restricted response questions for Learning Outcome 3 based on one area of Theatre Production Skills will be assessed on another area for Learning Outcome 4.

Production (D195 11)

The content and assessment of this unit will remain unchanged, however we propose to issue exemplars of the visiting examiners' marking scheme for each Production Skill that is examined, allowing centres to prepare candidates more effectively.

Core Skills

It is unlikely that these changes will affect the core skills profile attached to these courses and units. However, we need to check this out and so may need to remove the core skills statements meanwhile.

National Assessment Bank (NAB) materials

Revised NAB materials and other supporting material have been produced. If the changes are acceptable, these will be distributed early in the new term

Timescale for implementation

As these are reductions in the more demand for documented evidence, we feel we want to and can respond to a widespread demand by implementing these changes from August 2001


Please let me know whether the proposed changes are acceptable either by emailing me at or contacting me at.

Eddie Clarke


Hanover House

24 Douglas Street


G2 7NQ

Tel 0141 242 2189

FAX 0141 242 2278

June 2001



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