This is to amend Ordinance #14 dated June 11, 2002 by adding the word “minimum to Section 6 and deleting the first sentence of Section #13 “ No above the surface monuments or markers are permitted in the South Addition of the Big Flats Cemetery.”
The ordinance shall read as follows:
The Town of Big Flats, AdamsCounty do ordain as follows:
Section 1 Henceforth, no person shall be buried in the Town of Big Flats, AdamsCounty cemetery without first paying a nonrefundable one hundred dollars ($100.00) per gravesite to the AdamsCounty treasurer for Cemetery Perpetual Care. A proof of payment will be required before burial.
Section 2A gravesite may be reserved by making payment to Adams County Treasurer for perpetual care.
Section 3No curbing shall be constructed around graves or lots to interfere with mowing.
Section 4Henceforth, an outer container of a non-oxidizing material must be used for burial vaults.
Section 5There shall be one person per gravesite or no more than two (2) cremations per gravesite unless Town Board approves otherwise.
Section 6Monuments shall have a minimum 4-inch, ground level footing on each side of the stone.
Section 7The Town shall keep records of all transactions of burial according to the gravesite number.
Section 8No trees or shrubs will be permitted.
Section 9All flowers (natural or artificial shall be set at the front of the monument. Pots and hollow pipes for flowers shall be set at ground level. All Shepard staffs must be placed as close as possible to the monuments.
Section 10Removal of dead or faded flowers will be at the discretion of the cemetery employee.
Section 11There shall be no burials of any kind without the consent of the Town Clerk.
Section 12Section 1 thru Section 11 shall also pertain to and govern the South Addition of the BigFlatsCemetery.
Section 13Upkeep of the monuments or markers are the responsibility of the grave site owner.
This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and posting in 3 public places within the town. I, Mary Clapper, Clerk of the Town of Big Flats, Adams County, Wisconsin hereby affirm that this ordinance was amended by the Town Board of Big Flats, AdamsCounty on May 26, 2009.
Todd Peterson, Town Chairman
Larry Beck, Supervisor 1
Eugene Blackburn, Supervisor 2
Attest: Mary Clapper, Clerk
Introduced: 5-23-2009
Adopted: 5-23-2009
Passed: 5-23-2009