WestDonegalTownship Board of Supervisors

Regular Meeting

August 8, 2016


  1. Call Meeting to Order
  1. Pledge of Allegiance, Silent Prayer, Tape Announcement
  2. Roll Call of Supervisors
  3. Approval of theJuly 11, 2016 Meeting Minutes (July Workshop was cancelled)
  4. Public Comments
    This is an opportunity for the public to make comments on items included or not included on the agenda. The Board requests each person offering comments to state their name and address for the record. A non-resident of West Donegal Township may address the Board concerning issues that affect their residency during public comment section only. Allremarks are to be limited to five minutes.

A. Financial Report (All Funds-subject to audit)H. GEARS

B. Manager’s ReportI. NWEMS

C. Code EnforcementJ. WDTPC

D. EngineerK. ERSA

E. RoadmasterL. EAWA

F. Police ChiefM. RHEEMS AA
G. Fire Companies


  1. Ironstone Ranch Star Barn Project


  1. Approve/Reject the resignation of Phil Dunn from the WDT PC.
  2. Approve/Rejectthe resignation of John Brandt from the WDT PC.
  3. Approve/Reject Matthew Aungst to the position on the WDT PC filling John Brandt’s position.
  4. Approve/Rejectthe sending of letters to 250 & 262 Poplar Lane regarding stormwater as prepared by Josele Cleary.
  5. Approve/Rejectthe revised sidewalk letter and distribution procedure.
  6. Approve/Reject the Rutts Road bids for roadway work.
  7. Approve/Reject the advertisement of the Hess Road Culvert Project after review of documents by the Solicitor.
  8. Approve/Reject the release of $9,695.22 cash escrow for Kenneth & Judith Ebersole retaining $4,761.07 for remaining items.
  9. Approve/Reject the release of $ 945,664.33 cash escrow for Exeter, retaining $23,200 for remaining items.
  10. Approve/Reject the issuance of letters for District 2 on-lot septic pump outs none response letters.
  11. Approve/Reject a fireworks display for August 20th at Ironstone Ranch.

A.Review of the proposed ordinance regarding tower regulations.
B.Lisa Bailey vs. West Donegal Township – Conciliation Conference August 10, 2016 at 1:00 p.m.
C.Benecon has recommended a change in life insurance and short-term disability insurance from Guardian to One America/American United Life Insurance to reduce costs and hold costs for 3 years.
D.Ron Ford recognition banquet August 26, 2016.
E.Discussion of agreement between Margaret Susan Lisi and West Donegal Township.
F.MS4 discussion.

G.Zoning discussion.

X.Executive Session

XI.Bills Payable (Final Unpaid List)
