Proposal to the Indiana Supreme Court

Proposal to the Indiana Supreme Court

Proposal to the Indiana Supreme Court

Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure

for Rule Amendments to theIndiana Rules of Court

  1. What is the name of person/organization making this proposal for rule amendment?
  1. What is the contact information of a specific person who is familiar with the proposal, could discuss it, and answer questions?


Street address

E-mail address

Telephone number

  1. What rule set and rule number are you proposing to amend?

 Rule(s) of the Rules of Trial Procedure

 Rule(s) of the Rules of Criminal Procedure

 Rule(s)of the Rules for Small Claims

 Rule(s) of the Rules for Jury Rules

 Rule(s) of the Rules for Rules of Evidence

 Rule(s) of the Rules for Procedure for Post-Conviction Remedies

Rule(s) of the Rules for Alternative Dispute Resolution Rules

Rule(s) of the Rules for Tax Court Rules

Rule(s) of the Rules for Rules of Appellate Procedure

Rule(s) of the Rules for Procedures for Original Actions

Rule(s) of the Rules for Trial de Novo

Rule(s) of the Rules for Administrative Rules

Rule(s) of the Rules for Child Support Guidelines

Rule(s) of the Rules for Parenting Time Guidelines

Rule(s) of the Rules for Admission and Discipline Rules

Rule(s)of the Rules for Professional Conduct Rules

Rule(s) of the Rules for Code of Judicial Conduct

Rule(s)of the Rules for Interpreter Code of Conduct

Rule(s) of the Rules for Disciplinary Process for Interpreters

  1. What problem or issue are you trying to solve with this proposed rule amendment? What are you trying to accomplish?______


  1. Please use the WORD version of the rules from the Supreme Court website. Delete rules that are not included in the proposal. Attach the language for the proposed amendment using track changes before editing. Language that is proposed to be deleted is indicated by strikethrough and new language is indicated by underlining. An electronic version of the proposed amendment, in WORD format, should also be sent to .
  1. Has this proposed amendment been vetted by a committee, bar association, or organization, etc.?

YesNo If Yes, please explain:

  1. Is this proposed amendment supported or opposed by a particular committee, bar association, or organization, group, etc?

YesNo If Yes, please explain:

  1. All rule amendments take effect on January 1 following the year in which they are adopted by the Supreme Court, unless there is a compelling reason for a different effective date. Are you proposing an effective date different from the January 1 date, and if so, explain why: ______


  1. Should the Rules Committee review the proposed amendment or should it go directly to the Supreme Court?

Rules Committee review____ Supreme Court directly ____

If directly to the Supreme Court is selected, please explain:______



  1. Should the proposed amendment be published for public comment?

Yes____ No____ If No, please explain:______



Submitted by:




