Early Models of the Atom Scavenger Hunt


Objective:To divide and conquer by any means possible (i.e. using books, videos and the internet). Every member of the group must have a completed copy, and be able to explain the model to each other and to the teacher if asked. Be concise and to the point.


  • You will be divided into teams assigned by the teacher.
  • When filling out the following, make sure you answer the following:
  • What did their model look like? Draw a picture if necessary and label them
  • Did their model build on another?
  • Find the approximate time range of their discoveries.
  1. Democritus (Early Greeks)
  1. John Dalton
  2. What are the four main points of his atomic theory?
  3. State the difference between elements and compounds according to him.
  4. What did his model look like, and how was it different than Democritus.
  1. Micheal Faraday
  2. State the relationship discovered by him
  1. Sir William Crookes
  2. State the discovery
  3. Draw a simple diagram of the Cathrode Ray tube used by Crookes/Thomson. Label the cathode and anode and their charges (+/-)
  1. J.J. Thomsom
  2. Why was it called the plum pudding model?
  3. What subatomic particle did he discover, and its electrostatic properties
  4. Draw the Thomson’s model of the atom
  1. Robert Millikan
  2. State the discovery made by Millikan regarding the electron
  1. Henri Becquerel
  2. State the discovery made Becquerel which allowed Rutherford to explore the atom
  1. Rutherford
  2. Describe the experiment that he performed that changed people’s concept of the atom.
  3. How did the results of his experiment differ from his prediction?
  4. How did he explain the results of his experiment?
  5. What particle did he “discover” from his experiments?
  6. Who “discovered” the particles that confirmed his explanation?
  7. Draw a picture of this model.
  1. James Chadwick
  2. State the subatomic particles discovered by James Chadwick
  1. Proust
  1. Bohr

Additional information required.

  1. What is the law of conservation of mass?
  1. What is the law of definite composition?
  1. What is the law of multiple proportions?
  1. What are isotopes?
  1. How are isotopes of the same element the same? b) How are isotopes of the same element different?
  1. What is the mass number and what is its symbol?
  1. What is the atomic number and what is its symbol?
  1. Fill in the following chart

Electron / Proton / Neutron