Human Design Tele-course

January 16, 2006

Code Number 2210



Get the process going to build a pyramid

Find the funding


Generators/Manifesting Generators build the pyramid

Have Sustainable workforce/life-force energy

Real difference between this type and all others is Sustainability


35% of population

Manifesting Generators

35% of population

Both have Sacral Motor

Manifesting Generator also has motor to Throat

Sacral Motor

Designed to respond

If try to make something happen it doesn’t work out

Feelings of frustration

Have an idea, concept, notion

Know what it is going to look like and go out and do it and can’t

manifest it because haven’t responded to something

because not designed to initiate it

Example of Manifestor

At 6 years old mom asked why he couldn’t just be like other people

Child packed bags and ran away from home and come back just fine


Not raised to be Generators - they are raised to be Manifestors – just do it

We tend to teach them to initiate

We raise 70% of population to just do it and they are frustrated because it hasn’t worked

Key: finding work you love

Sacral motor doesn’t work unless responding

RA says if you could free the Generators the world would change

Generators make it happen when they learn to respond


This is what I want

Wait until it shows up in the outer reality and respond

Generator dances with evolution

Children conditioned not to honor their response

Do you want to take a math test?

U-uh does not work in school

Key is sustainable energy

When responding

In a positive way

Sacral motor is most powerful motor in the body

Must be turned on to access energy to fullest capacity

Very difficult for Generator to be in work he hates

Can do it but will get burned out

Live your strategy

Find your own inner authority

Honor that inner authority

Let go of what you “should” be doing

“Am I really responding to this or not?”

When responding and accessing Sacral energy you will become alive!!!!

This is classic of Generators doing the work they love

A 22 year old nurse worked 40 hours per week and came home exhausted. She had no children and slept until she had to go to work again and went to work tired. She couldn’t stand her job. One day a dr. asked her to do something that she did not agree with and her Sacral said, “That’s it. We’re done!” and she immediately left her job.

If Generator and not bounding through life

Ask what is it you are responding to

And what is it you are not responding to

If responding

You wake up with energy that is unbelievable

Have endless energy available for work

Almost hate weekends because you love your work so much

Wish there were way more hours in the day to work


Must be turned on

Operated through response

(conditioned not to flow through response)


Think things look a certain way

Go out and try to make it happen

Never turns out how you think

Ask Generator to think about what the most exciting, enlivening experiences of their life are.


When something in outer reality shows up and you respond “A-huh” or “U-uh.”

Example – you decide to sell your home and are looking for a realtor.

Set intention


Driving to Starbucks and on your way happen to see 3 signs with the same face on them

Is that the realtor for you? “A-huh”.


Your friend gives you a business card and you respond, “U-uh”


Can run your finger down the listings in the phone book and respond

U-uh, U-un until you get an A-huh


Wait for invitation

A-huh, U-un does not work for them

Should not be doing the calling


Thinks she might want to sell house

Talks to her Generator husband

Wait and see what comes up

It is all MAGICAL

How does Generator find a new place to live?

Wait! – Absolutely Wait!

Generator never has to wait long

Just fears he will never have anything to respond to

Set intent

Have clarity

Might happen to be passing by a bulletin board and respond, A-huh!

Example of not responding

Manifesting Generator wants to rent a place close to his shop.

He looks and looks for months and even schedules appointments and when he gets to the place, finds out it has been rented that morning.

Finally decides he is just going to give it up and that day someone walks into his shop and asks if the Manifesting Generator knows anyone who wants to rent a place right up the street.

When you try to make it happen, it never works out the way you think!

Get clear on what you want

Be clear something better will show up

Be clear the right place to live will show up and

Expect it to show up in a magical way

Release the way you think it will show up and

Expect that you dance with the Universe

What is the most magical thing that has happened to you?

MassageCenter / HealingCenter was created

Knew she wanted a different place to practice

Kept driving by a place – had sense it was right

Mentioned it to her husband

Husband called and they were renting

Had room for 2 years – needed more space

Talked to husband

He discovered the other people moving out and whole house was available

She rented it

Had idea of using for community

Put it out there


Trusted it would show up

Obey Sacral

Notice it is not connected to head

Decision making best from Sacral

Encouraged to do zero initiating this next 4 weeks

Respond only and wait to see what shows up

May end up completely different than imagined but better


Exciting, fulfilling, navigational tool

Right place, right time, right job will show up

What if Manifesting Generator is not willing to take advice?

Let him go and experience. He will probably be back in a few years when he figures out what he is doing is not working.

Generator with 3 or 6 in Profile

May choose to experiment and try to just do it until age 30 or so


okay with not being a Manifestor

start talking about frustration in coaching session and they get it

Manifesting Generators

Can’t believe they are not Manifestors


Wait and nothing is going to happen

Have this great idea and if not waiting to respond nobody shows up to witness the great idea

Know that stuff shows up if responding – and shows up quickly

What is the difference between waiting and responding?

The question we are really asking – What do I need to do to stimulate something to respond to?

Be clear

Know it will happen

Be open

So simple it is mind boggling!

Wait for it to show up

Respond with A-huh, U-huh

Generators are only type that can know thyself deeply

“know thyself” by responding

Not uncommon to be confused and frustrated

What do I do?

Have the ability to know what you want through responding

Have someone you trust ask yes/no questions for you to respond to

Through response reach clarity

Are people with open Head and Ajna influenced?

No if responding from Sacral – does not come from Head

Sacral Session

Asking yes/no questions and responding with A-huh, U-huh

Must be someone you trust

Can ask yourself, but more difficult as your mind already has answer

Sacral interprets questions very literally


Once you start to make sounds, can’t turn off

Frequency of energy that buzzes and hums

Do you like chocolate?

Do you want to live close to where you live?

Want to live in suburbs?

Want to live in city?

Want to buy another house?

Want to rent another house?

Want to rent a condo?

Want to buy a condo?

Want to live in apartment?

Want to live in duplex?

Is it okay for you to wait right now?

Would you like to have yard?

Would you like someone else do the work for you?

Is there a situation you are not aware of right now?

Is it okay to let your friends know you are looking for a place to live?

Do you want to continue working with same realtor?

Do you need a different realtor?

Can you find him/her in phone book?

Okay to wait for realtor to show up?

Okay to make decisions that are good for your son?

Okay to have son commute to current school?

Does that expand your selection?

Do you like to stay down town?

Okay to wait for realtor to show up?

Does that feel okay to you?

Do you prefer your son does not commute?

Is it okay for right people to show up?

Does it matter if it is house, condo, and apartment?

Is it okay for you to make decision based on son’s needs right now and know when he is out of school you can find another place?

Defined Emotional Solar Plexus

Make a note of questions/answers

Go over in a day or so – must sleep on it no matter what type

Clarity over time – won’t be clear until you get that click

Style of wave defined by tribal, individual, collective

Each person has his own timing on how fast/slow the wave moves

When buying a house

Find the place

Look at it

Don’t sign paperwork until you have gone through wave and responded

Manifestorsleep on it before starting

Generatorsleep on response

Projectorsleep on invitation

Emotional Click

Okay I am ready

If not waiting for click may be jumping in too quick and will regret it

Open Solar Plexus

Answer is correct in the moment

Don’t have to sleep on it

Abraham Hicks work

Emotions are guidance system

If it feels right you are going in right direction

With human design

Have emotional waves

Applies to everyone

Speed is different

Manifesting Generator with Open Emotional Solar Plexus

Response in moment stays same

Continuous good feeling

Defined Emotional Solar Plexus

In moment it might feel good

Over time it might not be

If can’t maintain that good feeling over time – might not be going right direction

Waves determined by channels that define Solar Plexus

Solar Plexus (about sexuality)

is stuck

Sacral might respond to opportunities to wake up in fun way

Really simple – challenging to grock because it is so simple

Sacral knows everything!

See how long you need to wait

1 day? 2 days? 3 days?

Fascination when Sacral says A-huh and mind says U-huh

Things you thought you wanted to be/do/have totally U-huh


Not intuition

But is guidance system

Stardust GPS

Used to tuning out Sacral

Give self permission to play

Change energy


All about right place

Right time

Right opportunities

Know it is MAGIC


Projector and Generator decide to sell home

Put add in paper

No responses for 2 months

Nobody invited Projector and Generator

They did not wait for something to show up in outer world

No one responds to add

Generator and Projector discuss together

Generate ideas as Projector

Let Generator do work

Marketing and Design

You just need to put self out there

Fine for Manifestor

Is there a class coming on how do I get a job, make money, based on Strategy?

The more you relax into strategy

The more you fee other people’s strategies

Projector guy had hots for teacher

He called teacher and she knew energetically he wanted to be invited

Had to hold her tongue a few times because it was not appropriate for him to join class

Can feel where people are on auric field

Aura communicates your strategy

For something to respond to

Invite me


Responds to new job, work, opportunity

Stair step learning curve

Initial surge in mastery

Starts new job, files, knows phones, lunch room etc.

Hits plateau

Level of mastery doesn’t change – still know that stuff

Generator on static plateau of no change gets frustrated

“I feel stuck”

Will start vibrating at energy that will take you up to next level of mastery if still responding

In a matter of time will reach next level of mastery

Suddenly have skill you have been waiting for

Go to next level and hit plateau


Important to not quit when reach frustration

Feel stuck

Doesn’t’ matter how much practice phoenix, times tables- you’re on a plateau

If not responding to practicing everyday it’s okay

Designed to be masters

Respond to skills over time

When kids get stuck there is no responding to request

Do you need a week off?

In a job they hate – feel stuck

Celebrate cause that is when something else is about to show up


Designed to wear the Sacral out – everyday

Designed to obey Sacral

If having hard time sleeping – not wearing motor out

Don’t wait for second wind


If don’t wear Sacral out

Hard time falling asleep

Serotonin level goes down

Looks like ADD


Hard time sleeping

Need more exercise

Sleepy in middle of day – take a nap

Sacral must be obeyed

Manifesting Generators

Have faster process than pure Generators

Same journey

Hired for same job as Generator – seems like M.G. learns better, and faster

Leaps over plateaus

Skips steps

At 6 months both Generators and Manifesting Generators are at same point

Tell Manifesting Generator

Okay to find fastest way to do stuff

They may find they have a history of missed steps so they are paying extra attention to detail and still can’t believe they missed something

Generator that hangs with Manifesting Generator

May find M.G. moves faster

M.G gets frustrated others not moving fast enough

Wonder why people are so slow

Generator gets frustrated

Manifesting Generator gets frustrated and angry

Both go to store and find a sign saying “Will be back in 10 minutes.”

Generator – frustrated and walks away

Manifesting Generator – frustrated and kicks door and walks away

Manifesting Generator

Gets into own groove

Don’t believe they are not Manifestors

Don’t think of asking for help

Would do well to INFORM

Manifesting Generators

Make lists

Designed to do many things at once


Process is more deliberate

Unfolds with deliberation over time

Manifesting Generator

Faster up front

Has to go back and fix steps they skipped

Manifesting Generator

Try it out in imagination

Can respond to more than they can complete

Have energy to do more

People will tell them to slow down, pick one thing at a time, practice and master it

Influenced by cartography

If responding with A-huh, U-huh, and society doesn’t know about it

Think they are weird, inappropriate, rude

Learn how to say A-huh, yes please and U-uh, no thank you

Generators are making those sounds anyway – listen and pay attention

Sacral is longing to respond

With kids play game

3 year old responds - A-huh with Sacral and U-uh with head

Age appropriate for 3 year old who is expressing No for everything – learning about control

Work with them until alignment of Head and Sacral over time

Once frequency of energy comes out, can’t stop it

Manifesting Generator

Less deliberate and quicker than Generators

Try idea on in imagination

Unique configuration to do more than 1 thing at a time

May take on too much

More about how others perceive you

“slow down” they say

“pick one thing”

“why are you doing so many things?”