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Proposal Form for a new Global (GBL) course or experience

Word format for electronic submission – DRAFT 8/25/15

Signature page for the course/program identified below

At least one week before the established deadline, provide this entire document to your department chair and dean for review. Obtain the signatures indicated below and provide this signature page in a hard copy to Lisa Alcon of the Global Education Center.

Course Title (include geographic location in title):

Printed name of Department Chair:

Signature of Department Chair: ______

Printed name of Dean:

Signature of Dean: ______

Instructions for filling out the proposal form for a new Global course or experience: This form duplicates the on-line SharePoint form, which is not yet active. Please complete the form, save it as a Word document (.doc or .docx), number the pages and submit it electronically to Michael Carignan () chair of the Global Education Curriculum Committee and the appropriate administrator (see below), by the established deadline for your proposal.

Please note, you must submit a separate form for each new course being proposed. For example, the pre-departure seminar to accompany a short-term faculty-led winter term course requires a separate proposal form (“Global: On campus”).

Basic Information (corresponds to page 1 of Sharepoint form)

Designate up to two co-proposers (if applicable):
Program/Department: Choose one of the following:
Global: Study Abroad (submit also to Rhonda Waller – )
Global: Study USA (submit also to Mark Dalhouse – )
Global: Blended (combined US and abroad; submit also to Woody Pelton and Donna Van Bodegraven – and )
Global: On campus (submit also to Woody Pelton and Donna Van Bodegraven – and )
Proposal Type (highlight or select ONE):
New Deletion Revision
Proposal is about (highlight or select ONE):
Course Major Minor Program
Is your proposal for the undergraduate or graduate Curriculum? (check one):
☐Undergraduate ☐Graduate
Does your proposal impact another department or program?
☐Yes ☐No
If yes, list the name and theElon email addressfor each additional Department Chair, Program Director, and/orDean (other than your own) who is impacted by this proposal.

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New Course Proposal Form (corresponds to page 2 of SharePoint form)

Course Prefix: GBL
Course Level (check one)
0xx – level (non-credit bearing)
300-level (Contact the chair of the Global Education Curriculum Committee before proposing a 300-level course)
Course Title (include geographic location in title):
Proposal Type (check one):
New Study abroad experience
New Study USA experience
New blended (abroad and USA)
New on-campus course/experience
Proposal is seeking ELR credit.
If “yes” complete Appendix A.
Proposal is about:
Short-term faculty-led off-campus course (winter or summer)
Travel-embedded program (fall or spring)
Non-credit bearing program (any semester)
On-campus course
Semester Hours:
Number of Sections Per Year:
Semester(s) Offered per Year (check any that apply):
☐Fall ☐Winter ☐Spring ☐Summer
If this is an on-campus course/experience, what type of instructional space will be required? (select one)
☐Seminar Room
☐Computer Lab

☐Science Lab

☐Studio Space


☐Not applicable – off-campus course/experience

Core Curriculum area(s) this course will probably fulfill (check a maximum of 2)





not applicable

Briefly describe the proposal and the rationale behind it. If this is an off-campus course or experience, include a justification for the chosen location.Address any potential safety or health concerns associated with the proposed location.

What are the specific learning outcomes of this course/experience?

What are the implications for staffing, budget, and library resources?

What is the timeline for implementation of this proposal?

What implications (if any) does this proposal have on other programs/departments?

Course/Experience Proposal Details:Complete the template beginning on p. 4.

Appendix A: For programs/courses seeking ELR designation, complete this form.

  1. Preparation: Which of the following pre-experience activities will be employed in the preparation phase of this program? Check all that apply.
Pre-departure preparatory seminar (1 s.h.) - Required for short-term faculty-led off-campus programs. NOTE: A separate proposal is required.
Pre-departure meetings
Number of meetings planned
Total hours of contact planned
Other (Please specify below)
  1. Intentional interaction across cultural difference: Briefly describe how, when and where students will engage with cultural difference. Refer to specific activities on the planned itinerary. (Limit – 200 words)

  1. Reflection: Which of the following activities will be employed so that students reflect on the experiential component of this program? Check all that apply.
group discussion(s)
daily journals
class presentation(s)
research paper(s)
reflective paper(s)
artistic work(s)
Other (Please specify below)
  1. Assessment of Experiential Learning: Briefly describe the assessment plan for the experiential component of this course/program. (Limit -- 200 words)

The rest of the proposal for the course or experience must include the following items in the following order. The Global Education Committee requires a syllabus draft and you should use this template, which will provide the committee with what it needs for the evaluation. This document duplicates the proposal template form on SharePoint. NOTE: This document will probably serve as the basis for your course syllabus.

  1. Course designator, level and title: (e.g. GBL 2xx Arizona: On the Line in the immigration Debate)
  2. Catalog description: 200 words or less; include location and prerequisites, if any
  3. Instructor(s)’ name(s) and contact information.
  4. Student learning outcomes for the course or program
  5. Grading scheme: Include
  6. Required components and their relative weighting in the final grade.
  7. Point distribution per grade (e.g. 93-100 = A; 90-92 = A-, etc.)
  8. NOTE: if the program is a non-credit bearing ELR experience, indicate the requirements that must be met for the granting of the ELR credit.
  9. Tentative readings and other course materials: Provide a tentative list of required materials in standard bibliographic format.
  10. Program outline/itinerary: Provide a general program itinerary and clearly articulate the connection between the subject matter and each location on the itinerary.
  11. Assessment plan for Global Engagement objectives: Complete the grid (Attachment A) provided to identify TWO global engagement goals that you will assess. Write ONE student learning outcome per goal chosen, indicate how that goal will be achieved through program activities and how achievement will be assessed.
  12. Assignments and activities: Include a brief description of three different graded assignments or activities planned for the experience. Include at least one activity that will be used in the assessment plan described above.
  13. Program design ideas vis-à-vis positive behavior inside and outside the classroom: What are your ideas about encouraging and modeling appropriate choices for avoiding risky behaviors during the course or experience? (response need not exceed 200 words)
  14. Physical limitations or cautions statement: A statement on any special limitations to students applying (eg. physical demands).
  15. Provost’s boiler plate insert: This is where the current language from the Provost’s Office (regarding academic integrity, disabilities services, continued enrollment in the course, etc.) will be inserted.

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Attachment A: Assessment Plan for Global Engagement Goals

Through courses and experiences that carry the GBL (“global”) prefix, students will address many, if not all, of the following goals. Highlight in yellowTWO goals that will be assessed in this course or program.NOTE: These goals were approved by the Global Education Curriculum Committee in April 2015 in consultation with other campus entities and were established based on the study and consultation of advanced scholarship on high-impact practices for global engagement.

Global Engagement Goals to be assessed*
(Highlight in yellowTWO goals that will be assessed in this course or program) / Student Learning Outcomes
(Identify ONE student learning outcome per goal selected) / Methods to achieve
(List program activities or assignments that will contribute to achievement of the goal) / Assessment
(Identify an assignment or activity that will be used to assess achievement of student learning outcome)
  1. Critically evaluate one’s own culture and biases.

  1. Develop self-awareness and self-confidence through exposure to and reflection on difference.

  1. Problem-solve and function within an unfamiliar context.

  1. Interact and communicate effectively with those from another culture or background using appropriate cultural and linguistic strategies.

  1. Reflect on how understanding language is essential to understanding other cultures.

  1. Understand the multiple dimensions of human experience within and across cultures and environments. (also Core Curriculum goal #5)

  1. Analyze the interconnectedness of global systems.

  1. Examine one’s responsibilities as an active global citizen informed by multiple cultural perspectives.

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