Flowers for Algernon Intro Webquest

Flowers for Algernon Intro Webquest

Daniel Keyes is the author of Flowers for Algernon. Read his biography to find out some information about the author. List five facts about him and/or his inspiration for Charlie Gordon.'s%20Flowers%20for%20Algernon/pages/keyes_biography.htm





5. ______


This site will tell you a little about the history of intelligence testing. Answer these questions:

1. Who developed the first intelligence test?

2. What is an average IQ score?

3. What is a major criticism of intelligence testing?

4. What types of tests are being used instead of IQ tests now?


Mental Retardation

1.  We have all heard the word intelligence used many times but what does the word intelligence really mean?

Read the following questions. Go to the website, read article, use the information to answer the questions.

2.  What is mental retardation?

3.  People with mental retardation have trouble learning. What are some things that take people with mental retardation longer to learn?

4.  What causes mental retardation?

5.  What are “life skills”?

Read the following questions. Go to the website, read article, use the information to answer the questions.

6.  What percent of the population is affected with mental retardation?

7.  What are the symptoms of mental retardation?

8.  What are the exams and tests indicators of mental retardation?

9.  What is the primary goal of treatment?

10.  Complications vary, but they generally fall into what three categories?


Go to the website to take a survey on multiple intelligences. Write down your areas of strength and weakness here: ______


Here’s another great cite on MI. intelligences


6. What is a Rorschach or inkblot test?

7. On this site for question #6 you will find five inkblots or Rorschach tests. Look at each inkblot and write what you see in each of them. If you are working in a group, you may have more than one answer.

Inkblot #1

Inkblot #2

Inkblot #3

Inkblot #4

Inkblot #5

Personal Response

8. If you could have an operation to change one thing about yourself, would you? If so, what type of operation would you have and why? If not, why not, and what do you feel about others who would? This should be about a paragraph long.

9. What do you think the story ‘Flowers for Algernon” will be about?