










This book is about the Fraggles Countdown. They start out with

15 Fraggles and at the end of the book they end up with only

one. Read and find out what happens to each Fraggle.


--- Conversation Questions---

(1)  Retell the story in your own words.

(Answer) Any logical answer.

(Follow Up) What was your favorite part?

(2)  Imagine you were the last Fraggle left, how would you feel?

(Answer) Any logical answer.

(Follow Up) Why?

(3)  Imagine you were the author, would you end the story in other way?

(Answer) Any logical answer.

(Follow Up) How would you end it?

(4) Compare a time when you played dodge ball to the Fraggles countdown.

(Answer) Any logical answer.

(Follow Up) Have you ever been the last one standing?

(5) Define “countdown”.

(Answer) Start at a certain number and take one away, one at a time.

(Follow Up) Use countdown in a sentence.

(6) How may Fraggles did they start out with?

(Answer) Fifteen.

(Follow Up) What happened to the first Fraggle that was taken out?

(7) What did one of the Fraggles swing on?

(Answer) A swoople vine.

(Follow Up) Have you ever swung on a vine?

(8) What were the twelve Fraggles counting?

(Answer) Radishes.

(Follow Up) Do you like radishes?

(9) What were the seven Fraggles munching on?

(Answer) Doozer sticks.

(Follow Up) Have you ever ate so much you didn’t feel like doing anything?

(10) What were the four Fraggles climbing on?

(Answer) A toe-stub tree.

(Follow Up) Have you ever played in a tree?


1.  Draw the different things the Fraggles did while counting down. Label.

2.  List the types of games you like to play.

3.  Make a list of numbers 1-15. Tell why each Fraggle disappeared.


1.  Have the word countdown scrambled up on the table. Ask the children

to unscramble the word. Discuss. Today we will be reading about a

Fraggle countdown. Let’s read and find out what happens.

2.  Show the front of the book. Ask the children what they think the

book is about. Discuss. Let’s read and find out.

Book Title: Fraggle Countdown

Author: Michaela Muntean
/ Illustrator: Diane Dawson Hearn
ISBN: 0-03-003264-4 / # of Text Pages: 29 AR: N/A LEX: N/A
Building Oral Vocabulary
2 / slippery / 9 / scampers / 27 / exploring
Prediction Questions
3 / What do you think will happen next?
9 / What do you think will happen next?
26 / What do you think is going to happen at the end?

This resource is provided by THE LEARNING CORPS—Barren County Board of Education, an AmeriCorps project funded in part by the Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service and the Corporation for National and Community Service.