To All Science Fair Participants and their parents

Introduction: Welcome to T.H. Bell’s___2010-2011__ Science Fair project activity. We are excited to begin this activity and are looking forward to seeing competed projects. We are looking for original ideas.

Objectives: At the conclusion of this project, students will have gained valuable experience in organizational skills, research skills, use of the scientific method of problem solving, and presentation skills.


1) To provide the student with the opportunity to conduct research, formulate a hypothesis, establish experimental procedures, and reach a conclusion based on research, experimentation, and present their findings to the class.

2) Give the student the opportunity to explore a subject (science related) that is of particular interest to them.

3) We are not expecting new research, but a research project new to the student.

CAUTION: Do not wait until the last minute to do a project, simply to fulfill a requirement. Our expectations are high. These types of project are not acceptable. We want your best work.

General Information:

1) In order to help you move along we have material available to help you in choosing a subject.

2) Projects must be pre-approved by your parents and teacher prior to you beginning your work.

3) If project problem changes, a new plan must be submitted for teacher approval by __November 17, 2010__. Without teacher approval student will not receive credit for the project plan (100 pts).

4) Many of you will want to take your projects on to the district and state fairs. Others will be asked to enter these competitions.

Specific Requirements:

1) All science students must participate–this is a grades assignment.

2) Subject papers need to be signed and turned into your teacher by _____28 Oct 2010______.

3) Project are due by ____8 December 2010______.

4) Projects must be displayed, presented and shown in class.

5) Projects must be scientific.

6) If units of measure are required (mass, length, etc.), the metric system is to be used.

7) You are required to use the Scientific Method of Problem Solving (Problem, Research, Experiment, Analysis, and Conclusion)

8) Attached grading rubric shows a breakdown of points. Keep rubric sheet for future reference; Turn in the day of presentation.

Parents: Thank you for helping your student with their science project. Please, help them pick a subject. Identify the title of the project and sign and date below.

Science Project Plan: Write the purpose of your science project and what you’re planning to do. Include the resources and materials you will need to complete it. This paper must be completed and signed in order to receive 100 pts (see rubric).

1) What Problem am I trying to solve ______

2) My hypothesis is:______

3) What references or resources will I use: ______

4) Experiment I plan to do: ______


5) Materials I will need: ______

6) How I will recorded my results:______

Sign and date below Return page 1 signed and keep page 2.

Student Name:______Student Signature______

Parent Signature:______Date:______

Science Fair Project Rubric: Must be turned in on the day of the presentation


Project Title:______

1)Use of the Scientific Method: (30 points possible)______

24-30pts(Student designed an experiment with a single variable andclear control)

17-23pts(Student designed an experiment with either two variables or lacked clear experimental control)

10-16pts(Student designed an experiment with either multiple variables or lacked experimental control)

0-9 pts(Student designed an experiment that had multiple variables and lacked experimental control)

2) Effective Test of Hypothesis: (30 Points) Possible) ______

24 -30pts(Student designed an experiment that effectively tested their hypothesis)

17-23pts(Student designed an experiment that adequately tested their hypothesis.)

10-16pts(Student designed an experiment that indirectly tested their hypothesis.)

0-9 pts(Student designed an experiment that did not effectively test their hypothesis)

3)Thoroughness of Research and Data Collection: (30 points possible)______

24-30pts(Student collected data with care and precision, used the metric system correctly and appropriately, and a high level of detail)

17-23pts(Student collected data with care but lacked precision (accuracy)or used the metric system incorrectly)

10-16pts(Student did not collect data with care or failed to use metric system)

0-9pts(Student collected data inappropriately, without care, or did not have any data at all

4) Graphs (30 points)______

24-30pts(Student has put together graph(s) correctly, neatly and help explain experimental results well)

17-23pts(Student has not put together graph(s) correctly, neatly or help explain experimental results well)

10-16pts(Student has not put together graph(s) correctly, neatly and help explain experimental results)

0-9ptsStudent did not put together any graphs/ data tables at all

5) Understanding and Scientific Thought (50 points possible)

40-50pts(Student completely understands the topic very well and had strong research to back up hypothesis)

25-39 pts(Student demonstrates solid understanding of the topic and had moderate research to back up hypothesis)

10-24 pts(Student displays insufficient understanding of the topic or did not have research to back up hypothesis)

0-9pts(Student lacks understanding of the topic and did not have research to back up hypothesis)

6) Quality of Oral Presentation: (30 points possible)

24-30pts(Student presents topic with good volume, eye contact, body language,andenthusiasm.)

17-23pts(Student presents topic with the lack of good volume, eye contact, body language, orenthusiasm.)

10-16pts(Student presentation of topic is not clear because of poor volume, eye contact, body language, and/orenthusiasm)

0-9pts(Students presentation fails to inform audience because lack of volume, eye contact, body language, and/or enthusiasm)

7) Effectiveness of Exhibit or Display: (75 points possible)

70-75pts (Layout is logical, well organized, and utilizes exceptional/excellent use of space and materials)

60-74pts (Layout of display is logical, well organized, and doesutilize good use of space and materials)

21-59pts (Layout of display is not logical, well organized, ordoes not utilize good use of space and materials)

0-20pts (Layout is difficult to understand; student uses materials poorly and ineffectively.)

8)Best Dress: (25 points possible) (Dress for Success)______

25 pts (Student dressed neat and appropriately for presentation)

Example: collared shirt with tie and dress pants for young men/ skirt or dress pants for young women. If there are any concerns teacher needs to be contacted before day of presentation.

0 pts (Student did not dress appropriately for presentation)

9)Abstract: (40 points possible

31 -40(Abstract is typed, neat, well organized, and clearly explains the important information about the project)

21-30(Abstract gets the point across, but lacks organization or neatness)

11-20(Abstract does not explain project clearly and/or lacks neatness and organization)

0-10(Abstract is poorly written, sloppy, and unorganized)

10) Returned Science Project Rubric (10 points if turned in on the day of presentation)

Total Points:______/350

11)Notes on other students projects (50 points possible)

12)Project Topic and Plan -signed, completed and turned in on time (100 points) Total: 500 points possible