Project: Internationalization of the University of Ljubljana
Problem solving workshop
Faculty of Education, October 21st and 22nd 2014
Tuesday, October 21st
Location: Faculty of Education, room 329
10.00 – 10.15 / Welcome and Introduction:prof. Janez Krek, dean of theFaculty of Education
prof. Tatjana Hodnik Čadež, the coordinator of the workshop
prof. Primož Šparl, head of department for mathematics and computer science
10.15 – 12.00 / Session 1 / Prof. Dr. Benjamin Rott, Universität Duisburg Essen, Germany
12.00 – 12.30 / Tea / coffee break
12.30 – 14.00 / Session 2 / Prof. Erkki Pehkonen, University of Helsinki, Finland
14.00 – 14.45 / Lunch break
14.45 – 16.15 / Session 3 / Dr. Józsefné Libor, Apor Vilmos Catholic College, Hungary
16.15 – 18.00 / Session 4 / Vesna Jeromen Ph.D, student at the Faculty of Education.
Wednesday, October 22nd
Location: Faculty of Education, room 329
10.00 – 12.00 / Session 5 / Prof. Dr. Bernd Zimmermann, University of Jena, Germany12.00 – 12.30 / Tea / coffee break
12.30 – 14.00 / Session 6 / Interim Prof. Dr. Ana Kuzle, University of Osnabrück, Germany
14.00 – 14.45 / Lunch break
14.45 – 16.15 / Session 7 / Dr. Alice Horvath, Apor Vilmos Catholic College, Hungary
16.15 – 17.00 / Discussion
The coordinator of the workshop: assoc. prof. Tatjana Hodnik Čadež
Tuesday, October 21st :
Session 1: Prof. Dr. Benjamin Rott, Universität Duisburg Essen, Germany()
Heuristics and self-regulation in problem solving processes and their implementation in the German curriculum
Focusing on heuristics and self-regulation, we will have a detailed look into problem solving by working on problems ourselves as well as by discussing the results of students’ processes.
We are then going to discuss the implementation of problem solving and the training of heuristic techniques in the German curriculum for lower secondary schools.
Session 2:Assoc. Prof. Erkki Pehkonen, University of Helsinki, Finland()
Enrich your mathematics teaching with problem fields
Firstly the main concepts of the presentation are briefly dealt with: problem, open problem, problem field. Then we will deal with some problem fields (e.g. Polygons with Matchsticks, Number Pyramid, Number triangle) for the teaching practice of school mathematics. At the end we will discuss about the implementation, i.e. the use and meaning of problem fields.
Session 3:Dr. Józsefné Libor, Apor Vilmos Catholic College, Hungary
Teaching Combinatorics and Probability in elementary schools
Why is it important to teach this part of maths so early?
What are the most common mistakes and how can teacher help to avoid them?
What methods and tools can be used?
Some typical tasks form Hungarian lower classes workbooks.
Session 4:Vesna Jeromen, Ph.D., student at the Faculty of Education ()
Problem solving at different levels of math education
Some mathematical problems are so simple that they can be presented to children at different levels of math education, starting at lower grades of elementary school. At the same time, those problems are mathematically rich enough to present a challenge also for the high school students. In this workshop, few such problems from the field of number theory (e.g. sums of consecutive numbers) will be presented and the participants will have the opportunity to explore them.
Wednesday, October 22nd:
Session 5:Prof. Dr. Bernd Zimmermann, University of Jena, Germany ()
Experimental Mathematics
This workshop focuses on hands-on-mathematics. The potential of link cubes can be explored from figured and other number patterns, number theory, combinatorics, geometry until series. Furthermore experiments to geometric probability and graph-theory will be offered. Participants are will be given possibilities to explore corresponding problem fields with main focus on the middle grades.
Session 6:Dr. Ana Kuzle, Universität Paderborn, Germany
Promoting geometric thinking by teaching through problem solving
A simple square piece of paper can provide an entry point into a rich problem-solving session. In this workshop we will transform the paper into an open box through a set of simple steps. Afterwards we will explore geometry, algebra, and other mathematics that unfolds. In the next step we will discuss what potential does the activity have with respect to deepening students’ understanding of mathematical concepts, developing mathematical habits of mind, creativity and problem solving ability, and increasing students’ interest in mathematics. At the end I will propose some ideas for teaching through problem solving at all levels of school mathematics.
Session 7: Dr. Alice Horvath, Apor Vilmos Catholic College, Hungary
Talent in mathematics
Key areas of talent. Mathematical talent. Developing mathematical talent and its features.
Identifying and developing mathematical talent. Key areas of talent. Geometrical problems for 8-10 years old children.