Alligator Rivers Region Technical Committee

Meeting 30

21 – 22 May 2013

Meeting Summary

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Alligator Rivers Region Technical Committee - Meeting 30


Tuesday, 21 May 2013(0900 -1700)

1. Preliminary Session (Chair)

1.1 Welcome and Introductions

1.2 Apologies and Observers

1.3 Correspondence

1.4 Conflict of Interest Declarations

1.5 Governance

2. ARRTC29 Outcomes (Chair)

2.1 ARRTC29 - Summary Record

2.2 ARRTC29 - Actions Arising

3. Stakeholder Reports

3.1 Uranium Equities Ltd - Nabarlek (Ms Taylor)

3.2 Environment NGOs (Dr Mudd)

3.3 Department of Mines and Energy (Mr Ball)

-Regulatory decisions and related science

3.4 Northern Land Council (Mr Thompson)

3.5 Supervising Scientist (including Monitoring) (Mr McAllister)

3.6 Parks Australia (South Alligator Valley) (Ms Morgan)

4 Research Reports

4.1 Supervising Scientist Division

4.1.1 Proposed eriss 2013-14 research program (Dr van Dam)

4.1.2SSD publications since ARRTC29

4.2 Energy Resources of Australia Ltd

4.2.1 ERA operations/ ITWC update (Dr Sinclair)

4.2.2 ERA publications since ARRTC29

Wednesday, 22 May 2013(0900 - 1700)

5. Strategic Overview (ERA/eriss)

5.1 Status of research informing closure criteria

5.2 Initial assessment of the geomorphic stability of the conceptual rehabilitated Ranger landform

5.3 Status of Pit#1 rehabilitation and final landform

5.4 Rehabilitation-Closure Risk Assessment Outcomes

5.5 KKN revision status

5.6 ARRTC Summary Discussion

6. Other Business

7. Next Meeting


Dr Simon Barry / Independent Scientific Member and Chairperson
Prof Paul Boon / Independent Scientific Member
Prof David Mulligan / Independent Scientific Member
Prof Colin Woodroffe / Independent Scientific Member
Mr Andrew Johnston / Independent Scientific Member
Dr Gavin Mudd / Environment NGO stakeholder member
Dr Greg Sinclair / Energy Resources of Australia Ltd
Mr Adam Thompson / Northern Land Council
Mr Russell Ball / NT Department of Mines and Energy(Day 2 only)
Mr Richard McAllister / A/g Supervising Scientist
Mr Stuart Paul / Parks Australia Division
Dr Jenny Stauber / Independent Scientific Member
Ms Jane Coram / Independent Scientific Member
Ms Melissa Taylor / Uranium Equities Limited
Ms Anna Morgan / Parks Australia Division
Mr Justin O’Brien / Permanent Observer - Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation
Mr Peter Waggitt / NT Department of Mines and Energy
Ms Sally Strohmayr / NT Department of Mines and Energy
Ms Shelly Iles / Energy Resources of Australia Ltd
Ms Sharon Paulka / Energy Resources of Australia Ltd
Dr Ping Lu / Energy Resources of Australia Ltd
Dr Graeme Esslemont / Energy Resources of Australia Ltd
Mr Thomas Marshall / Energy Resources of Australia Ltd
Dr Rick van Dam / Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist
Dr Che Doering / Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist
Dr Andreas Bollhöfer / Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist
Dr Chris Humphrey / Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist
Dr Amy George / Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist
Dr Renée Bartolo / Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist
Dr Mike Saynor / Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist
Dr Wayne Erskine / Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist
Dr Andrew Harford / Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist
Ms Kate Turner / Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist
Mr John Lowry / Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist
Mr Scott Parker / Office of the Supervising Scientist
Ms Shannon Traut / Office of the Supervising Scientist

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1 Preliminary Session

1.1 Welcome and Introductions

The Chair (Dr Barry) welcomed members to the 30thth meeting of the Alligator Rivers Region Technical Committee (ARRTC). Mr Parker provided members with a facilities and safety briefing.Dr Barry noted Mr Hughes is on long term leave pending his retirement and Mr McAllister is currently acting Supervising Scientist until September this year. ARRTC acknowledged Mr Hughes’ significant contribution to the protection of the Alligator Rivers Region environment as Supervising Scientist and in previous roles with the NT Government. Dr Barry noted that Dr Stauber has fallen ill and may not be able to attend the meeting. ARRTC noted that the meeting agenda structure has been revised in line with the changes agreed last meeting.

ARRTC30-1: ARRTC acknowledged Mr Hughes’ significant contribution to the protection of the Alligator Rivers Region through his work as Supervising Scientist and in previous roles within the NT Government.

1.2 Apologies

Apologies from the following members were noted:

Dr Jenny Stauber / Independent Scientific Member (sick)
Ms Jane Coram / Independent Scientific Member
Ms Melissa Taylor / Uranium Equities Limited
Ms Anna Morgan / Parks Australia
Mr Justin O’Brien / GAC (permanent observer)

1.3 Correspondence

The following correspondence was noted.

Outgoing - Letter to Minister Burke – ARRTC29 outcomes (30 April 2013)

Incoming - Ministerial response pending

1.4 Conflict of Interest Declarations

No conflicts of interest were declared. Dr Barry advised that he is currently contractually engaged to provide technical services as part of the review of the National Water Quality Guidelines being managed by eriss. He also noted that CSIRO is currently engaged by Energy Resources of Australia Ltd on a range of technical and rehabilitation related projects, and is working collaboratively with eriss on a sediment toxicity project. Dr Mudd advised that he is contractually engaged by Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation to provide scientific and technical advice on a range of water and rehabilitation related issues. Prof Mulligan noted that QU CMLR will be assisting SSD in undertaking a number ofUnmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)demonstration flights in June 2013.

1.5 Governance

Mr Parker advised that the draft Terms of Engagement document provided in the meeting papers has been revised based on advice from DSEWPaC Legal and comments from a number of members including Energy Resources of Australia Ltd and Geoscience Australia. Mr Parker noted that a number of members have already advised they have no concerns with signing the document once finalised. It was noted the draft document will be finalised once comments have been received from CSIRO.ARRTC agreed that the draft Terms of Engagement should be finalised as soon as possible out-of-session to minimise any potential impacts on the Committee’s work going forward. It was also noted that, in addition to the Terms of Engagement, it is currently proposed that observers at ARRTC meetings will be required to sign deeds of non-disclosure to further ensure confidential information provided at ARRTC meetings is appropriately protected. It was noted that Commonwealth and NT government officials are already subject to non-disclosure obligations under their respective codes of conduct. ARRTC noted that all information from ERA provided to this and future ARRTC meetings is deemed to be confidential and cannot be disclosed to any third party or used for any other purpose than what it was provided for, without express written permission from ERA. It was also noted that other industry members should clearly mark (or otherwise identify to the ARRTC Secretariat) all confidential information provided to ARRTC. It was also noted that industry members will absent themselves from presentations from other industry members as per the protocol agreed at ARRTC29.

ARRTC30-2: ARRTC agreed that the draft ARRTC Terms of Engagement should be finalised out-of-session as soon as possible.

Mr Parker advised that he had sought advice from his legal area regarding the questionraised at ARRTC29 regarding whether shares in uranium companies operating in the Alligator Rivers Region held by a member, theirpartner or in a family trust would constitute a conflict of interest. He advised the general view is that, in addition to complying with the relevant clauses in the Environment Protection (Alligator Rivers Region) Act 1978pertaining to disclosure of members’ pecuniary interests, members should obtain their own legal advice regarding the implications of such share holdings given their particular circumstances.

2 ARRTC29 Outcomes

2.1 ARRTC29 - Summary Record

The ARRTC29 draft Meeting Summary was approved without amendment.

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2.2 ARRTC29 – Actions/Outcomes

Action/Outcome / Status
Carried over
ARRTC27-4 / ARRTC requested Ms Paulka to seek agreement from UEL to provide closure criteria and Hydrogeological review reports to Prof Mulligan, Dr Muddand Mr Johnston. / ARRTC Secretariat to follow up with UEL.Noted these issues are covered in UEL’s meeting report.
ARRTC27-5 / ARRTC agreed that UEL be invited to submit a proposal to amend the (Nabarlek)KKN and that ARRTC then consider based on the evidence that has been provided to support this. / ARRTC Secretariat to follow up with UEL. Items in red were added at ARRTC30
ARRTC28-18 / ARRTC agreed that ERA and SSD should undertake further work as part of the proposed risk assessment process to draft a risk based framework for prioritising the KKNs associated with the decommissioning and rehabilitation phases at the Ranger mine. ARRTC agreed members will be involved where possible in person by or email. / ARRTC agreed this action is complete.
ARRTC29-1 / ARRTC commended Dr David Jones on his outstanding contribution to improving the level and quality of scientific understanding of the impacts of uranium mining on the environment of the Alligator Rivers Region. / Completed
ARRTC29-2 / ARRTC agreed the Chair would formally record ARRTC’s recognition of Dr Jones’ contribution in his letter to the Minister following the meeting. / Completed
ARRTC29-3 / Mr Parker to provide clarification as to whether shares held by partners of ARRTC members or in family trusts of which the member is a beneficiary, constitute a potential conflict of interest. / Completed
ARRTC29-4 / Secretariat to circulate the final draft Terms of Engagement out-of-session in early 2013. / Completed
ARRTC29-5 / ERA to include details on the effectiveness and associated water quality impacts associated with the levee in its operational reports to future ARRTC meetings / Addressed this meeting - Completed
ARRTC29-6 / ERA to provide details on any measurements of pore moisture in the wall of Pit#3 to next meeting. / Dr Sinclair advised that monitoring shows there has been no further movement in the Pit#3 wall
ARRTC29-7 / ARRTC commended Dr Smith and ERA on their excellent work to date in developing approaches for integrating traditional indigenous knowledge into the rehabilitation and closure planning processes for Ranger. / Completed
ARRTC29-8 / Dr Smith to provide ARRTC members with copies of his other papers on approaches for integrating traditional indigenous knowledge into the rehabilitation and closure planning processes. / Completed
ARRTC29-9 / Parks Australia to provide further details on the groundwater and vegetation monitoring programs for the El Sherana containment including any relevant reports and data to next meeting. / Addressed this meeting - Completed
ARRTC29-10 / ARRTC agreed that members will clearly identify in their reports and presentation to each meeting those scientific issues relating to operational or regulatory decision making on which they seek ARRTC’s views. / Completed
ARRTC29-11 / ERA to provide a presentation on Pit#1 rehabilitation status and proposed final landform to next meeting. / Addressed this meeting - Completed
ARRTC29-12 / ARRTC thanked Prof Hart for his presentation and commended the Working Group on its work. / Completed
ARRTC29-13 / ERA/GAC to provide copy of the ISWWG report and recommendations to ARRTC members once it has been finalised. / Completed
ARRTC29-14 / ARRTC thanked Dr Sigda and Dr Kozak for their presentations and commended Interra on the quality of the work undertaken to date. / Completed
ARRTC29-15 / ARRTC noted Dr Toll is leaving ERA and thanked him for his valuable contribution to the work of the Committee. / Completed
ARRTC29-16 / ARRTC noted the proposed research scope developed by Dr George and Ms Valdron-Clark and requested that a more detailed project proposal be provided to next ARRTC meeting. / Addressed this meeting - Completed
ARRTC29-17 / ARRTC agreed that further work under KKN 3.1.2 be placed on hold pending the outcomes of the risk assessment in 2013. / Completed
ARRTC29-18 / ARRTC commended ERA and SSD on their cooperative working arrangements to date and the high quality of their reports and presentations. / Completed
ARRTC29-19 / ARRTC agreed that, prior to each meeting, the Secretariat will circulate a table listing the KKNs under which presentations will be provided, and that members will highlight any other KKNs on which they would also like presentations. / Completed
ARRTC29-20 / ERA to provide further information on the status of research informing the development of closure criteria for Ranger to next meeting. / Addressed this meeting - Completed
ARRTC29-21 / ARRTC noted that resource constraints will continue to be an issue for SSD and that ongoing prioritisation of research effort will be required. / Completed
ARRTC29-22 / ARRTC agreed to establish a new standing agenda item named “Strategic Overview” under which the status of work under each KKN against agreed milestones will be reported. / Completed
ARRTC29-23 / ERA to provide members with details of the proposed approach for the KKN risk assessment workshop (including dates) out of session. / Completed
ARRTC29-24 / ARRTC agreed that independent scientific members are able to contacted out-of-session if required and to explore opportunities for making better use of individual members’ scientific expertise. / Completed
ARRTC29-25 / ARRTC agreed the next meeting should be held in last week of May 2013 to allow time for the outcomes from the KKN risk assessment process to be considered. / Completed
ARRTC30-3: ARRTC agreed the Secretariat will follow up actions ARRTC27-4 and ARRTC27-5 (as amended) with Ms Taylor out-of-session.

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3 Stakeholder Reports

3.1 Uranium Equities Ltd (Nabarlek) (Ms TaylOr)

Ms Taylor was unable to attend the meeting but tabled an update report on behalf of UEL. Key points are summarised below.

Exploration - UEL remains committed to the region and has signed an agreement with Cameco to acquire 100% of the West Arnhem JV (exploration areas immediately surrounding the Nabarlek ML). Exploration in 2012 was suspended due to the ongoing negotiations with Cameco and 2013 exploration programs were curtailed due to the current financial climate.

Rehabilitation of Legacy Areas - Wet Season Program 2012-13 - UEL undertook two weed spraying campaigns during the 2012-13 wet season and planted 2,750 tubestock in February 2013 in the sewage, old camp, waste rock dump and plant run-off areas.

Closure Criteria Development - Draft Closure Criteria – UEL closure obligations are outlined in section 5 of the Nabarlek Rehabilitation and Closure Plan and relate to infrastructure (to be removed as agreed), the Radiological Anomalous Area (contamination to be removed to a pre-mining background dose rate of 1.7µG/h), surface and groundwater (surface water currently acceptable and groundwater being reviewed as part of the hydrogeological review) and revegetation and weeds (criteria to be agreed by stakeholders)

Infrastructure/RAA– TheNabarlek Plant Infrastructure Rehabilitation Planand Nabarlek RAA Rehabilitation Plan were submitted to NTDME in 2012 and comments were received from NTDME and SSD. UEL is unable to proceed with planning work at this stage due to market conditions.

Groundwater - A groundwater data review was conducted early in 2011 to collate all historic collected groundwater data into a single database. A Hydrogeological Assessment, Monitoring Data Review and Risk Assessment was undertaken in 2012 to develop and document a robust understanding of the groundwater system at the Nabarlek site. NT DME has approved the report and noted that further work will be required to establish closure criteria.

Revegetation Closure Criteria – UEL proposed approach involves adapting erissmonitoring program (2003-04) to suit criteria and stakeholder requirements and developing closure criteria in consultation with Traditional Land Owners. The fundamental criterion for measuring success of rehabilitation is confirmation by TOs that rehabilitation blends in with the surrounding vegetation. Measureable values will be set for each milestone and for final closure. These will link to agreed milestones for bond reductions. The current plan is suspended due to capital market conditions.

3.2 Environmental Non-Government organsiations (Dr Mudd)

Dr Mudd provided a report on behalf of environmental NGOs. Dr Mudd advised he had attended a public forum held prior to ARRTC which had been organised by the Environment Centre NT. He noted a range of uranium related issues were discussed at the forum including the Ranger 3 Deeps proposal and associated environmental approval process. Dr Mudd advised that the environment movement remains opposed to uranium mining and will continue to monitor the developments at Ranger.

3.3 NT Department of MINES and ENERGY (ms strohmayr)

Ms Strohmayr provided an update on NTDME regulatory activities during the reporting period. Key points are summarised below.

There are currently six uranium mining and exploration tenements authorised under the NT Mining Management Act in the Alligator Rivers Region and surrounding areas. Uranium Equities Limited has two projects: Nabarlek and West Arnhem JV (in process of being authorised). The Headwaters project was closed out in February 2013. Cameco Australia Pty Ltd only has the Arnhem project. UXA has two projects: Nabarlek North and Nabarlek West. Alligator Energy has one project at Tin Camp Creek.

Ms Strohmayr advised there were no significantapprovals during the reporting period. Three applications were received from ERA including for the extension of the Ranger 3 Deeps exploration decline, ventilation shaft and bulk sample(April 2013); the Pit#1 closure stage 2 preload placement (10 May 2013) and the Ranger 2013 surface exploration program (18 May 2013). All of these applications are currently under review by the MTC.

Ms Strohmayr advised that the Ranger 3 Deeps proposal was deemed to be a controlled action under the EPBC Act on 13 March 2013 and will be subject to a full EIS. She noted that the proposal is unable to be assessed under the Commonwealth-NT bilateral agreement as components of the project are located on Commonwealth lands where the agreement does not apply. The project is therefore being assessed by the NT and Commonwealth Governments. NTDME has provided comments on the draft EIS guidelines and a workshop for stakeholders is scheduled for early June 2013.

Ms Strohmayr advised that an inspection of the earthen levee constructed between Magela Creek and the mine access road at Ranger in April confirmed that there has been minimal erosion and native vegetation is establishing at the site. In addition, continuous water quality monitoring has not detected any significant increase in turbidity downstream of the levee (and was in fact higher upstream). Ms Strohmayr advised that, following MTC approval, water was siphoned from the interim water management pond at Jabiluka into Swift Creek, subject to minimum flow requirements. A total of 60ML (40ML remaining) was released with no detectable impact on Swift Creek.

ARRTC noted the key research issues of interest to NTDME include an updated tailings consolidation model and solute transport model for Pit#1 to assist in determining a final permanent tailings level; finalisation of closure criteria for Pit#1 to remove it as a process water catchment; brine injection and disposal in Pit#3; anddevelopment of scientific and cultural rehabilitation criteria for Jabiluka and Djarr Djarr.