Support The Fair Day in Court for Kids Act
Call your Senators and Representatives TODAY!
The Fair Day in Court for Kids Act, introduced as S. 2540 by Senator Reid (D-NV) and H.R. 4646 by Representative Lofgren (CA-19) would ensure access to counsel, legal orientation programs, and post-release services for children and other vulnerable individuals while they are in immigration court proceedings.
Under current law, individuals facing immigration removal proceedings do not have a right to legal representation, even if they are children. As a consequence, many children go before immigration judges alone, and an overwhelming majority of children without attorneys are ordered deported. However, when children are represented with an attorney, they are five times more likely to be granted protection.
The Fair Day in Court for Kids Act would ensure that children; individuals with disabilities; and survivors of abuse, torture and violence have legal representation, so that they understand what is happening in court and can fully present their case for protection. The bill would also create a case management pilot project to increase court appearance rates, and would ensure that legal orientation programs are available to all detained immigrants. More information about this legislation can be found here.
Call your Senators & Representatives: 202-224-3121
Urge them to cosponsor and support S. 2540 and H.R. 4646
Please call three times to be connected with your Representative and both of your Senators.
Sample Script: I’m a constituent from [City, State] and I urge all Senators and Representatives to co-sponsor and support The Fair Day in Court for Kids Act. Children from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras are fleeing traumatizing violence and should not have to stand before an immigration judge alone. The Fair Day in Court for Kids Act would increase legal orientation programs, ensure children have access to lawyers, and increase court appearance rates.
Also, tweet at your Senators and Representatives and your network to spread the word. Here’s a sample tweet: “.@Senator / Representative Kids can’t represent themselves alone in court. Protect kids by supporting the Fair Day in Court for Kids Act! #not1more”
ex: .@SenJohnMcCain Kids can’t represent themselves alone in court. Protect kids by supporting the Fair Day in Court for Kids Act! #not1more
ex: .@RepDavidValadao Kids can’t represent themselves alone in court. Protect kids by supporting the Fair Day in Court for Kids Act! #not1more