Agenda Item 3
Attachment A
OGP Interdepartmental Committee Meeting
5 July 2017
Interim Working Group guidance for agencies in implementing OGP commitments, May 2017
The Interim Working Group, established by the Government in August 2016 to help develop Australia’s first National Action Plan for the Open Government Partnership, has agreed the following guidance for agencies in implementing OGP commitments.
The lead agency (or agencies) is responsible for initiating and managing action to implement each commitment.
Every effort should be made to meet the milestones set out in the plan.
Agencies should approach implementation in the spirit of partnership with Civil Society.
This will generally require more than routine or one off consultation with stakeholders.
The varied nature of the commitments mitigates against a one size fits all plan. Each lead agency is encouraged to adopt an open, inclusive and collaborative approach to implement the commitment:
- Highlight the commitment on the agency website and in other communications.
- Explain publicly the commitment and why it is important, particularly how it benefits the public.
- Review the detail of the commitment with stakeholders and experts.
- Publish the commitment,milestones and steps to implement the commitment, including opportunities for the public, stakeholders, and experts to be involved.
- Unless they are requested to be withheld by the individuals or organisations involved, publish submissions and names of attendees at public consultations by default.
- Use tools like social media to raise awareness and other techniques such as open invitation meetings to facilitate input.
- Give close consideration to matters raised during public engagement and provide feedback wherever practicable.
- Report regularly and publicly on the status of the commitment, including about challenges and setbacks.
Agencies should bring to the attention of PM&C and the Interim Working Group issues that arise that may warrant significant reconsideration of the published terms of the commitment.