Table of ContentsPage
Introduction...... 2
Completed Activities:
Professional Staff Workshop Opportunities
DCC Professional Staff Development Workshops...... 3
Academic Affairs Programs...... 4
DCC In-service Computer Training Courses...... 4
Human Resources Management Programs...... 4
Tuition Support
DCC Tuition Reimbursement5
SUNY Tuition Waiver6
DCC Tuition Waiver6
DCC Credit Courses Audited6
DCC Credit-free Course Attendance6
Grant Support
Improvement of Instruction Grants7
C. B. Schmidt Award ('96-'97)8
Mentoring Institutional Equity Mini-Grants...... 8
DCC Foundation Mini-grant Awards ('96-'97)...... 9
Individual Professional Fund Allowance10
Encouraging External Grants...... 10
External Grants11
Professional Leave Support
Conference Attendance12
Conference Presenters...... 13
Sabbatical Leaves and Leaves of Absence ('96-'97)...... 14
Professional Staff Recognition
Length of Service15
Faculty Promotions and Tenure16
Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Professional Service...... 17
Administrative Three Year Term Appointments / Renewals...... 17
NTE Promotions...... 17
Next Year Preview:
Grant Support
C. B. Schmidt Award ('97-'98)...... 18
DCC Foundation Mini-grant Awards ('97-'98)...... 18
Professional Leave Support
Sabbatical Leaves and Leaves of Absence ('97-'98)...... 22
Commitment to the development of all the professional staff at Dutchess Community College is a continuing goal of the institution. This Professional Development Report shows not only the diversity and quality of activities undertaken by the professional staff, but also the willingness of the College to commit time, personnel and financial resources to support these activities. DCC is recognized by other colleges as a leader in professional development.
The Office of Academic Affairs administers Tuition Reimbursement, SUNY Tuition Waivers, DCC Credit-free course attendance, conference attendance, Improvement of Instruction Grants, contact hour release time, faculty sabbaticals and leaves, faculty promotion & tenure, the C. B. Schmidt and DCC Foundation Mini-grant Awards, and the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Professional Service.
The Office of Human Resources Management administers the DCC Tuition Waiver, the Length of Service Awards, and administrative staff sabbaticals, promotions and term appointments.
The Office of the Registrar administers audits of DCC credit courses.
The Business Office coordinates with the principal authors of external grants.
The Computer Center conducts regular in-service computer training.
The Professional Staff Development Committee, in conjunction with the Office of Academic Affairs, coordinates a program of staff development workshops.
The Office of Human Resources Management also coordinates a program of staff development workshops.
Many people provided information used in this report. Special thanks go to Delores Blauvelt, Nancy Clark, Paul Higgins, Alice Kelleher, Cathy McCue, Barbara Pesano, Kelly Smith and Chris Turner.
This is the fifth annual Professional Development Report. The Office of Academic Affairs is pleased to present this summary of professional development at Dutchess Community College for 1996 - '97. We hope you share in the continuing pride we feel for the fine accomplishments of our colleagues and ourselves.
Additional copies of this report may be obtained from the Office of Academic Affairs.
Madison K. Finley, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
DCC Professional Staff Development Workshops
The Professional Staff Development Committee, in conjunction with the Office of Academic Affairs, sponsored the following professional development programs this year:
Fall Semester
Teaching With Style (Tony Grasha)
A.D.A.M. and Eve (Animated Dissection of Anatomy for Medicine)
Professional Development Week, January 1997
Celebrating the Excellence of Our Academic Departments
Characteristics of Successful Retention Programs at Community Colleges (Crockett)
Opening of the American Mind (Lawrence Levine)
Library Open House
Conducting Research on the Internet
Conducting Business on the Internet
Creating Multimedia for the Internet
Ramp Up on Computers
Retention Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities
Developing Effective Research Assignments
Asynchronous Computer-based Distance Learning
Classroom Demonstrations for Excitement and Interest
The Presentation of the Other
Multimedia Lecturing with Toolbook
Inequity in the Classroom
Interdisciplinary Infusion: Quantitative Reasoning in the Humanities and Humanism in Science (John Kellermeier)
Professional Development Week, May 1997
First year Faculty Roundtable Wrap-Up
Promotion and Tenure Workshop
Intro to PowerPoint
Genetic Engineering: For Better or Worse
Portfolios: Where Does this Grade Come From?
Equity in Action
Academic Affairs Programs
The Office of Academic Affairs conducted the following professional development programs this year:
Academic Affairs Division Retreat
Adjunct Faculty Orientation
Departmental Affairs Council Retreats
First-year Faculty Roundtable Discussions
New Full-time Faculty Academic Orientation
Orientation for New Full-time Members of the Professional Staff
Promotion and Tenure Workshop
Writing Center Roundtable Lunch Series
Human Resources Management Programs
The Office of Human Resources Management offered the following staff development workshops this year:
Team Leadership Development
Effective Listening
Quality Student/Customer Contact
Planning a Focus Group Session
Benchmarking Team Preparation
Leadership Through Quality
The Use of Quality Tools and Techniques
Sexual Harassment Training
Right to Know Law
Intro to Personal Computers and DOS
Intro to Campus Novell Network
Intro to Windows 3.1
Intro to the Internet
Intro to Netscape
Intro to Word Perfect 5.1
DCC Tuition Reimbursement (Account #5113)
Twenty-nine faculty and administrators received support totalling $15,474.
Thomas Andrew
Domenica Bellacicco
Laura Caputo
Bruce Cassel
Mette Christiansen
Patricia Delessio
Mary Lou Della Guardia
Toni Emery
Jacqueline Goffe-McNish
Johanna Halsey
William Harwood
Larry Johnson
Kathleen King
Susan LaFosse
Linda LaRou
Deborah Langenau
Maryann Longhi
Deborah Most
Victoria Passikoff
Aaron Rand
Nestor St. Charles
Yvonne Sewell
Carol Stevens
George Stevens
Lois Stewart
Joanne Tucker
Mareve VanVoorhis
Wendy Walker
Rita Weber
All applicants are encouraged to file in the fall for available funds. Second and third opportunities to apply for remaining funds occur prior to the spring and summer semesters.
SUNY Tuition Waiver
Five members of the professional staff used SUNY Tuition Waivers totalling $3,883:
Jackie Appeldorn
Holly St. John Bergon
Toni Doherty
Pamela Duda
James Miller
DCC Tuition Waiver (Account #5701)
Forty-onemembers of the professional staff used the DCC Tuition Waiver for themselves and/or their immediate family members to take DCC credit courses at no charge. As of August 1, 1997, the total amount of the College contribution to this benefit for the 1996 - '97 year was $20,208.
Fall 1996 12
Spring 1997 14
Summer 1997 15
DCC Credit Courses Audited
Five members of the professional staff audited DCC credit courses.
Fall 1996 3
Spring 1997 1
Summer 1997 1
DCC Credit-free Course Attendance
Thirty-one approvals were issued for DCC professional staff to take job-related credit-free courses, with a total tuition amount of $3,219, as of August 1, 1997.
Improvement of Instruction Grants (Account #5704)
Thirty-one faculty and administrators received support as of August 1, 1997 totalling $21,997.
Jacquelyn Appeldorn
Evelyn Carlin
Mark Condon
Kelly Conner
Joel Diemond
Michele Elone
Madison Finley
Jacqueline Goffe-McNish
Johanna Halsey
Gerald Hamel
Tad Herman
Marilyn Holsipple
Sally Klein
Beth Kolp
Patricia Krause
Susan LaFosse
Anne Landry
Patricia Lamanna
Barbara Liesenbein
Holly Molella
Deborah Most
June Pierson
Aaron Rand
Richard Reitano
George Stevens
Judith Tavel
Mary Louise Van Winkle
Anita Voogt
Leigh Williams
Anthony Zito
Donna Zulch
C. B. Schmidt Award, 1996 - '97
Until his death in 1968, C. B. Schmidt served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Dutchess Community College. His ten years of service to the college guided it during a period of rapid growth. He was actively concerned with the expansion of Dutchess' curriculums as well as its physical facilities. Mr. Schmidt's contributions as Chairman of the Board were recognized by the professional staff with the establishment of a development fund in his name.
The criteria for awards has been the "anticipated contribution to the development of the DCC professional staff."
Members of the 1997 C. B. Schmidt Awards Committee were David Schmidt (family member), Lynette McKinney, Sandra Giordano, Leigh Williams and Madison Finley (Chairperson). The Committee recommended the following award:
Connie Bard-Fowle, Director of the P.A.C.E. Program, received an award of $750to attend the Administrative Management Institute at Cornell University. This is a week-long professional seminar for college and university administrators, business managers and department heads.
Mentoring Institutional Equity Mini-Grants
The following mini-grant projects were funded by VATEA under the direction of the Institutional Equity Committee:
Mentoring Project with Poughkeepsie High School
International Fair in Celebration of Women's History Month
Males and Early Childhood Education
Transition Fair for Students with Disabilities
Profile of Male Students
Outreach Project to Hispanic Students
Math Success Forum
DCC Foundation Mini-Grant Awards, 1996 - '97
All applications were considered. Priority was given to projects that address one of the two college objectives for this year:
Improving Student Recruitment and Retention, or
Celebrating 40 Years of Excellence and Service to the Community
Members of the 1996 DCC Foundation Mini-Grant Awards Committee were Susan LaFosse, Leigh Williams, Seemin Ahmad, Lois Stewart, Ron Kupin and Madison Finley, (Chairperson). After review of the twenty applications, the Committee recommended awards totalling $22,000:
Patrick GriffinDesign framework for DCC Web Site
Karen InghamProduce slide series for MLT students
Aaron RandHigh school architecture competition
Tim Decker, Howard Himelstein Forum for employer personnel administrators
Leigh WilliamsAnnual Writing Center workshop
Debbie WeibmanProject to enhance academic advising
Jay SimpsonDigital camera for DCC Web Page project
Carol StevensStudent support system in designated curricula
Gail HermosillaTake Impromptu training (for COCO)
Camilo RojasContinue Learning in Progress
Nursing DepartmentHealth/Student recognition of excellence
Math/Science facultyMath/science fair targeting female students
History/Government/Economics Dept.Produce video and booklet on learning skills
Individual Professional Fund Allowance (Account #5230)
Each member of the professional staff is entitled to be reimbursed up to $350.00 per year toward the purchase of books, journals, subscriptions, computer hardware and computer software. Purchases must be job-relatedas approved by the staff member's department head.
As of August 1, 1997, a total of $37,342 had been paid from this fund this year claims.
The DCC Individual Professional Funds, commonly known as the "Book Allowance" fund, are also used to defray costs of attending professional conventions, conferences, and seminars.
Encouraging External Grants
SPIN (Sponsored Program Information Network) is a web-based program that allows grant seekers to search for potential funding sources. The link is available through the Academic Affairs/Websites of Interest link on the College web page.
Teaching for Success
This monthly newsletter (except for summer months) is available for viewing in academic departments, DCC South and the Office of Academic Affairs.
External Grants
The following twenty-one employees of Dutchess Community College obtained funding agreements from external sources.
Laura Caputo
Carl Denti
Matt Finley
Connie Fowle
Susan Hochhauser
Mario Johnson
Anne Landry
Barbara Liesenbein
John Mazzetti
Alice McGovern
Tom O'Gorman
Gary Pfeifer
Russ Pirog
Gerri Pozzi-Galluzi
Arthur Pritchard
Elliot Rudoy
Andrew Sillin
Richard Steffen
Lois Stewart
Mary Louise Van Winkle
Anita Voogt
Wendy Walker
Conference Attendance (Account #5231)
Members of the professional staff filed applications to attend 500 off-campus activities in 1996 - '97, including conferences, workshops, and other professional meetings, as follows:
September 34
October 84
January 31
March 31
April 91
May 53
June 47
As of August 1, 1997, $61,786 had been spent to support these activities this year, not including any amounts spent from the Improvement of Instruction account.
Conference Presenters
The following members of the professional staff were presenters at professional conferences in 1996 - '97:
Julett Butler
Matt Finley
Connie Bard Fowle
Joyce Hinnefeld
Bill Holland
Henry Horwitz
Kathleen King
Stephen Kohl
Anne Landry
Cathy McCue
Deborah Most
June Pierson
Richard Reitano
Camilo Rojas
George Stevens
Mareve Van Voorhis
Anita Voogt
Rita Weber
Deborah Weibman
Pat Zerbe
Anthony Zito
Faculty Sabbatical Leaves, 1996 - '97
According to the 1996-2000 negotiated agreement, up to 5% of the faculty may be awarded sabbatical leaves each year. The following faculty sabbatical leaves were approved by the DCC Board of Trustees for 1996 - '97:
Holly St. John BergonFull year.
Lowell ButlerFall.
Elisabeth DeranFall.
Ingeborg GrutznerSpring.
Larry JohnsonFull year.
Jonathan StoneFall.
Leaves of Absence, 1996 - '97
The following faculty leaves of absence were approved by the Board of Trustees for 1996 - '97:
Tanya MarcuseFull year.
Richard SteffenFall.
Administrative Sabbatical Leaves, 1996 - '97
According to the 1996-2000 negotiated agreement, up to 5% of the non-teaching educators may be awarded sabbatical leaves each year.
There were no administrative sabbatical leaves for 1996 - '97.
Length of Service Awards - January, 1997
The following members of the DCC professional staff have worked continuously in full-time positions and were recognized for their service of:
Donald Liberti
Joan M. Mazza
Richard Reitano
Patricia A. Zerbe
Toni M. Emery
Nancy Greska
Timothy D. Smith
Madeline L. Bashoff
Judith Tavel
Rita Banner
Timothy Decker
Patricia Delessio
Nancy Giaccone
Sondra Giordano
Kathleen King
Barbara Liesenbein
Susan L. Mead
Rita Weber-McKee
Elisabeth Deran
Samuel E. Englehart
George Stevens
Lois B. Stewart
Faculty Promotions and Tenure
The Board of Trustees approved the following personnel actions, effective September 1, 1997:
From Instructor to Assistant Professor
Johanna Halsey
Barbara Kaelber
Lynette McKinney
Anthony Ruggiero
From Assistant Professor to Associate Professor
Jeffrey Clark
Joseph Norton
From Associate Professor to Full Professor
Patricia Delessio
Dean Nelson
Donald Puretz
Aaron Rand
Granted a Continuing Appointment (Tenure)
Jefferson Cavalieri
Michele Elone
Barbara Kaelber
Lynette McKinney
Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Professional Service
1996Connie Bard-Fowle, P.A.C.E. Project Coordinator
1997Jay Simpson, Director of Telecommunications and Instructional Media
Administrative Three-Year Term Appointments and Renewals
The Board of Trustees approved the following personnel actions, effective September 1, 1997:
Mary Biasotti
Howard Himelstein
Edward Kompass
Susan Moore
Russell Pirog
Non-Teaching Educator Promotions
The Board of Trustees approved the following personnel actions, effective September 1, 1997:
Jay Simpson
C. B. Schmidt Award, 1997 - '98
Members of the 1997 C. B. Schmidt Awards Committee were David Schmidt (family member), Mike Weida, Toni Doherty, Joel Diemond, Bill Benedetto, and Madison Finley (Chairperson). After careful consideration, the Committee recommended the following three projects receive awards of $400.00 each:
Jackie Appeldorn
This project will fund a half-day workshop in leadership training for chairpersons of the standing committees of the Professional Staff Organization. Topics will include setting agendas, conducting meetings, making group decisions, dealing with conflict, and understanding tasks and processes. It is expected that this training will improve the overall performance of PSO committees.
Connie Eames
Funding for this project will help defray costs to attend the summer conference of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society in Toronto, Canada. There will be an opportunity to investigate new technologies i the medical and biological sciences that will assist the applicant to prepare an application for further funding of equipment under a National Science Foundation grant.
Gerri Pozzi-Galluzi
Funding for this project will help defray travel costs to attend two intensive Chautauqua courses this summer that are made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation. The two courses are Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases: Their Clinical Spectra, Ecology and Prevention (Philadelphia), and Principles of Modern Immunology (Boston).
DCC Foundation Mini-Grant Awards, 1997 - '98
All applications were considered. Priority was given to projects that address one of the two college objectives for next year:
Celebrating 40 Years of Excellence and Service to the CommunityX
Improving the Teaching/Learning Process Through Technology
Members of the 1997 DCC Foundation Mini-Grant Awards Committee were Pat Delessio, Ed Kompass, Susan LaFosse, Richard Malboeuf, Jay Simpson, Ansi Varkey and Matt Finley (Chairperson). After review of the seventeen applications, the Committee recommended awards totalling $23,000. Additional recommendations were made by the President's Cabinet.
Tom DentonDepartment of English and Humanities
This project will sponsor and publicize a writing contest to celebrate the College's 40th Anniversary. Participants from the community will be invited to submit essays to describe how their DCC educational experience has influenced their lives. Winning essays could be used in College publications. Three modest cash prizes will be awarded.
Elone, Michelle
This project will fund a collaborative project between the Department of English and Humanities and the Department of Performing, Visual Arts and Communications. The project broadens considerably the Medieval Day that was tried successfully this year as an experiment in collaboration between the programs in foreign languages, music and theatre. Funds will support costumes, supplies, decorations, a banquet for student performers and her professional services. The project will require additional organizational support from several College offices to be successful. High school foreign language students will be invited to the campus.