Professional Development Plan 2015-2016

Professional Development Plan 2015-2016

Content Area / Aligned School Improvement Strategy / Training Needed and Description of Training / Funding Source and Amount / Staff Participating in Training / Measure(s) used to Assess the Impact on Student Achievement / Standard for Professional Learning
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Social Studies
English Language Arts / Improvement of Instruction and Delivery of Curriculum
Improvement of Instruction and Delivery of Curriculum
Improvement of Instruction and Delivery of Curriculum
Improvement of Instruction and Delivery of Curriculum
Improvement of Instruction and Delivery of Curriculum
Improvement of Instruction and Delivery of Curriculum
Technology to Enhance Instruction/Visual Enhancement
Improvement of Instruction and Delivery of Curriculum
Improvement of Instruction and Delivery of Curriculum
Improvement of Instruction and Delivery of Curriculum
Improvement of Instruction and Delivery of Curriculum
Improvement of Instruction and Delivery of Curriculum
Improvement of Instruction and Delivery of Curriculum
Improvement of Instruction and Delivery of Curriculum / Instructional Coaching will be used with teachers and principals by evidence-based practices being brought into classrooms by working with teachers and other school leaders. The focus is one-on-one support for teachers and school leaders around evidence-based literacy strategies with the goals of increasing student engagement, improving student achievement, and building teacher capacity in schools.
Alignment of Instruction and Curriculum with a Standard Based Approach (Hair on Fire)- this training will show teachers how to build connections between learning targets, D.O.K. formative and summative assessment and the method of assessment best used for each target.
The work of William Parrett, Kathleen Budge, and Eric Jensen will give our staff strategies to motivate and impact student learning. Some of the work is based on the book Turning High Poverty Schools into High Performing Schools. The learningis a great follow up to the MTSS training received in 2014 as it will give us strategies to utilize in a systematic multi-tiered system of support. The authors willbe supportiveof the IPS staff during the 2015-2016 school year to provide follow up support.
Members of the IPS staff will learn about Collaborative Inquiry and how it improves student learning.
Instructional Staff will learn SIOP strategies to help ELL and Migrant Students.
Teams of educators will work collaboratively to implement Learning Labs. Teachers will observe each other teach and learn from each other before, during, and after the lesson.
IPS staff members will continue to implement the strategies of CKH (Capturing Kids Hearts) to strengthen their relational capacity with the learner. This process makes an impact on student motivation. Relationships are critical to the success of students in poverty
Teachers and administrators will be trained to utilize technology in the classroom to impact student learning. The focus will be on formative assessment and changing classroom instruction.
Teachers will participate in professional development offered by Ionia ISD or another provider to learn how to implement the 8 science and engineering practices into their science lessons to engage at-risk students.
Instructional Staff will attend workshop(s) to effectively move toward the implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards into our curriculum.
Developing High Quality Math Instruction training will continue. Mary Bouck, Ph.D. will lead the training to push our math team to focus on questioning and helping students reach their potential.
New and veteran teachers will receive training on questioning techniques in order to improve instructional practices in math. Veterans’ high school teachers will attend a College Preparatory Workshop.
Teachers will be trained how to use Document Based Questions (DBQ) into their Social Studies courses.
Support the successful implementation of the MC3 Social Studies Curriculum.
Instructional staff will learn how to use reading and writing strategies in order to improve instructional practices in ELA. / Title II, A
Split funded: Title II,A and General Fund
Title IIA
Title IIA
Title IIA
Title IIA
Title IIA
Title IIA and General Fund
Title IIA
Title IIA
Title IIA
Title IIA
Title IIA, 31A
General Fund
Title IIA / K-12
PreK-12 / State Assessments: STAR Reading, Math, and
State Assessments: STAR Reading, Math, and
State Assessments: STAR math assessment and local assessments (identifying gaps), surveys
Local progress monitoring (DIBELS, STAR and classroom assessments)
State Assessments
Local Assessment Data
Local progress monitoring through Unit Assessments
Local progress monitoring
Local and state assessments
Local and state assessments
Local and state assessments
Local and state assessments
Local assessments / Leadership
Learning Communities
Learning Communities
Learning Communities
Learning Communities
Learning Designs
Learning Communities
Learning Designs
Learning Designs
Learning Communities
Learning Designs
Learning Designs
Learning Designs
Learning Designs

Ionia Public Schools