(Aided Schools)

Reviewed by M. Saunders Jan 2013



The responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of employees, pupils and visitors at BJCF Primary School is shared between the City of Salford Council, the School’s Governing and Managing Bodies and the Head Teacher/Principal and the Health and Safety Co-ordinator.

The Council’s responsibility is devolved too the Chief Education Officer, who in turn, has appointed various Officers to assist him to fulfil these obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act: the Council’s Safety Policy and the Education Department’s Safety Policy.

The Managing Body is responsible for maintaining the major structural fabric of the school, as detailed in Appendix 1

The Governing Body is responsible for maintaining the internal fabric of the school, (see Appendix K), and for formulating its safety policies and procedures.

The Head Teacher is employed by the Governing Body, and is responsible for managing the school’s activities and its safety performance; and implementing the Council’s, the Education Department’s and the Governing/Managing Bodies’ Safety Policy.

Bearing in mind the foregoing division of responsibilities, BJCF Primary School shall, so far as is reasonably practicable:

a)  ensure the health, safety and welfare of the employees of the school;

b)  ensure the health, safety and welfare of registered pupils of the school;

c)  take steps to ensure the health and safety of other persons who come into the school, or who may be affected by any school activity.


2.1 BJCF Primary School shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, ensure the health, safety and welfare of staff and pupils of the school in two distinct ways:

a)  By maintaining the areas of the school and its activities which is the responsibility of the Governing/Managing Bodies: and

b)  By monitoring and requesting improvements from the Governing/Managing Bodies, those parts of the school which are their responsibility.

2.2 This can be achieved by the provision and maintenance of:

a)  plant, machinery and equipment which is safe; has been manufactured to a British, European or International standard; is regularly inspected, tested or examined as appropriate; and that offers protection from danger by being suitable guarded. This would include such items as the heating and hot water plant; kitchen equipment and appliances; powered cleaning equipment; and portable electrical appliances

b)  teaching methods and working procedures that are healthy and safe. These may be written procedures or Codes of Practice drawn up by the school, Education Department, Direct Service Organisation or Department for Education, etc; or, sometimes, may be an agreed verbal working method.

c)  arrangements for the healthy and safe use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances such as knives, glassware, cleaning chemicals, junior science equipment, etc.

d)  sufficient information, instruction and training to enable staff and pupils to carry out their work activities healthily and safely; and to contribute positively to their own and others health and safety at school

e)  a safe and healthy school building, with safe access and egress, paying particular attention to the structure of the buildings; the electrical installation; drainage; glazing; maintenance of floors, corridors, playgrounds, steps, doorways and fire escape routes; and security arrangements which would minimise the risk of acts of violence;

f)  a healthy working and teaching environment with effective management of illumination, temperature, ventilation, dust, smoke, fumes, noise, cleanliness and food hygiene; and adequate protection against occupational disease and infestation

g)  positive arrangements for fire evacuation, first aid and other emergency situations

h)  adequate welfare arrangements such as eating, washing and toilet facilities; and accommodation for clothing and personal belongings

i)  suitable protective clothing and equipment which should be worn, when deemed necessary by the Head Teacher, teacher or supervisor

j)  an effective road safety provision and regular liaison with parents to minimise the risks to pupils arriving and leaving school

k)  aspects of child safety within the curriculum which includes; safety at home; on the road, around eater areas and railway lines; fire, matches and fireworks; no talking to strangers; bullying; smoking and drug abuse; and healthy eating


3.1  BJCF Primary School will, so far as is reasonably practicable, ensure the health and safety of visitors to the school, and other persons who may be affected by the acts or omissions of members of staff or pupils whilst taking part in school activities

3.2  This shall be achieved by identifying the areas of risk to other persons, and taking the steps necessary to minimise those risks

3.3  Identifiable visitors and other persons who may be affected

a)  Invited guests and visitors to the school;

b)  Volunteers and students who may assist with teaching;

c)  Parents and customers to a jumble sale or Garden Party;

d)  Users of school property, out of school hours such as an aerobics class or a football club;

e)  Bus drivers or other persons encountered on an external trip or holiday;

f)  Contractors at school, other than their own work activity, which they themselves are responsible for;

g)  Council employees such as peripatetic teachers, ground maintenance staff, advisers, refuse collection operatives, etc;

h)  Deliverers of goods, meter readers, etc;

i)  Trespassers, unless injured by their own unsafe activities

3.4  This duty will be met by providing and maintaining a healthy and safe school and grounds, so far as is reasonably practicable, and by providing adequate information, instruction, training and/or supervision as is necessary


4.1  This Safety Policy document will be brought to the attention of all staff at the school, and will be used as a basis for actively encouraging all persons involved with the school to think and act safely

4.2  Meetings of the Governing/Managing Bodies, and Staff meetings will include an agenda item on health and safety, where issues can be discussed and hopefully resolved

4.3  The day to day responsibility for health and safety lies with the Head Teacher, who will always be available to discuss health and safety issues

4.4  The trade union appointed Safety Representative can play a positive role in consultation with the Head Teacher

4.5  Detailed responsibilities of the Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, Teachers, Secretary, Caretaker, Kitchen Staff and Midday Supervisors are to be found in PART B. of this document

4.6  Detailed codes of practice and/or summaries of previously agreed safe methods of working are to be found in PART C: ARRANGEMENTS

4.7  Professional advice on all aspects of health, safety and welfare is available from the Council’s Personnel Department, Safety Section based at Chaseley Field, telephone number 0161 736 4006, and I urge Governors and staff to use this facility.

4.8  My aim is to achieve a high standard of health and safety at BJCF Primary School, and it is my experience that all members of staff will carry out their duties, responsibilities and work activity in the same way

Signed …………………………………………………. Chairman of the Governing / Managing Bodies BJCF Primary School, Salford


This section of the Safety Policy specifies duties and responsibilities of Governors / Managers, the Headteacher, teaching and non teaching staff, at BJCF Primary School.

Although the Governing / Managing Bodies are deemed to be the employers certain responsibilities still remain with the Education Department. Therefore this Safety Policy should be read in conjunction with Salford Education Department Safety Policy


The Governing/Managing Bodies shall ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that they:

5.1  carry out its responsibilities and duties under the Education Reform Act 1988, the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, the Council’s Safety Policy, the Education Department’s Safety Policy;

5.2  allocate sufficient financial resources to the areas of the school that it is responsible for maintaining;

5.3  guide and monitor the Headteacher to ensure that he/she keeps health and safety as a high priority in the day-to-day management of the school;

5.4  appoint one of the Governors as health and safety adviser;

5.5  consider the health and safety implications of policies and guidance issued by Salford Education Department;

5.6  draw up and issue their own policies and guidance on curricular and non-curricular topics where necessary, paying particular attention to health and safety aspects;

5.7  discuss and resolve health and safety issues at meetings of the Governing / Managing Bodies;


The Headteacher/HSO is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school and shall, so far as is reasonably practicable:

6.1  ensure that the Council’s, the Education Department’s and the school’s Safety Policies are carried out at all times;

6.2  ensure that all members of staff know, understand and accwept their health and safety duties and responsibilities;

6.3  ensure that adequate resources are allocated to facilitate healthy and safe working and teaching practices.

6.4  ensure that the Governing/Managing Bodies are advised of health and safety implications when undertaking the management of the school budget;

6.5  ensure that all employees, pupils and visitors;

6.6  ensure that all machinery appliances and equipment purchased by or used within school conforms to a British, European or International Standard; is used in the manner that it was designed for; and is periodically examined, tested and maintained as appropriate;

6.7  ensure the use of safe working practices and, where necessary, draw up and communicate written codes of practice for safe working and teaching;

6.8  ensure that only approved chemicals and substances are used at school, and ensure that the appropriate safety information and risk assessment is available to the user;

6.9  ensure that suitable and appropriate protective clothing is provided for staff and pupils, who require it, and ensure that it is worn when necessary;

6.10  ensure that adequate first aid treatment is available by the provision of a First Aider or appointed person, and ensure that first aid boxes are kept fully stocked;

6.11  ensure that accidents are recorded, and where necessary investigated, and reported to the Council’s Safety Officer as soon as possible: and also reported to the Governing Body in the Headteacher’s Termly Report. In the event of a major injury, the Chairman(men) of the Governing/Managing Bodies shall be informed;

6.12  ensure that a record is kept of contagious diseases, acts of violence and bullying, and reported to the Governing/Managing Bodies as appropriate;

6.13  ensure that fire procedures are planned and are rehearsed at least once per term;

6.14  ensure that emergency procedures are planned and are rehearsed at least twice a year;

6.15  ensure that fire equipment, fixtures and exits are checked periodically and maintained to ensure that they are in working order;

6.16  ensure that adequate welfare facilities are provided and maintained for staff and pupils;

6.17  ensure that periodic safety inspections of the school are carried out;

6.18  ensure that there is consultation with the staff Safety Representative on matters of health, safety and welfare;

6.19  ensure that contractors at school report to him/her before work commences, in order to ascertain work details and agree safety procedures;

6.20  ensure that in his/her absence, health and safety duties are delegated as appropriate;

6.21  ensure that there is an annual appraisal of the school’s health and safety performance;


7.1  The Deputy Headteacher shall, in the absence of the Headteacher, undertake the duties of the Headteacher, so far as is reasonably practicable, bearing in mind that the responsibility for these duties still lies with the Headteacher

7.2  The Deputy Headteacher shall, upon request, attend the meetings of the Governing / Managing Bodies.


Shall, where appropriate and so far as is reasonably practicable:

8.1  Ensure that the Council’s Education Department’s and the school’s Safety Policies are implemented at all times;

8.2  Be responsible for the health and safety of the pupils they supervise;

8.3  Ensure that equipment used at school is healthy and safe; and ensure that any defects should be either rectified immediately or taken out of use and reported to the Headteacher for repair or disposal;

8.4  In the event of fire, ensure that all pupils know the fire procedure and are evacuated safely;

8.5  In the case of an injury, arrange for suitable first aid treatment; investigate the accident that caused the injury; and record the details in the accident book;

8.6  Ensure that all classroom-based activities are carried out healthily and safely;

8.7  Ensure that playground activities are supervised as appropriate and ensure that any violent behaviour is stopped;

8.8  Ensure that pupils are adequately supervised whilst on midday dinner;

8.9  Ensure that, whilst pupils are playing for a sports team, provision has been made for dealing with injuries and other emergencies;

8.10  Ensure that whilst transporting pupils by car, safety seatbelts are worn and the Council’s guidelines are followed;

8.11  Ensure that when undertaking school trips and holidays, sufficient research, planning, precautions and supervision are undertaken as laid down in the Council’s procedure. Where specialist instructors are engaged to lead pupils, the role of supervision must be discussed and agreed with the instructor;

8.12  Ensure that they do not bring into school any potentially dangerous article or hazardous substance without the expressed permission of the Headteacher;

8.13  Take appropriate action to make safe any dangerous condition caused by wet or icy weather;

8.14  Ensure that any agreed security provisions are carried out;

8.15  Co-operate with the Headteacher/HSO on all aspects of health, safety and welfare.


This section of the Safety Policy concerns HOW to achieve healthy and safe working and teaching conditions at BJCF Primary School. In most cases detailed codes of practice or guidance have been issued by the Education Department, the Council, the Department for Education, the Health and Safety Executive or other specialist bodies. These have been adopted by the school as being the safest way of conducting working and teaching activities, a copy of which is available in the staff handbook.