Pro Life Knights in a Pro Life Texas!
January, 2014
41 Years of Roe v Wade
Worthy ACE Award winner and Brother Jim,
I congratulate you upon having achieved the ACE Award. You are now among an elite group of Knights in this great State of Texas. You have joined thousands of Pro Life Knights working to save the lives of countless babies, and I cannot begin to thank you for your commitment to all those little ones!
As you know the ACE award stands for Pro Life without Apology, without Compromise, and without Exception. You represent these strong Pro Life values, and your work in the Pro Life movement is worthy of this award.
We have lost well over 55 million babies in the US since 1973… that means that we lose 150 little ones every hour of every day. I’m sure that we lost great Priests and great statesmen among those 53 million+. We Knights are upset over this thought, but I believe we must now look forward to the lives that you yourself helped to save. With your efforts we have saved many great Priests, and great statesmen… you have helped to save teachers that will touch the lives of hundreds of students, and you have helped to save someone that will be a wonderful mom or dad themselves one day. Yes it is true, we have lost too many babies, but with Knights like yourself, we are now saving precious lives!!!
Please wear these wings with pride for your Pro Life accomplishments, but please let them also be a source of strength for the future. People will ask you what they are and what they stand for… these will be great times to spread the Pro Life message. Allow these wings to remind you that our job is not finished and that you must continue to work new Pro Life events as well as those that earned you your ACE Award. Remember, now that you are an ACE, you should help another brother Knight to earn his wings.
My ACE Award changed my life and I am ever thankful for this program… by encouraging our Brothers at your Council, in your District, and throughout the Diocese, you will help to change their lives, and the babies will be the big winners!
Again I congratulate you upon earning the ACE Award, keep up the good work, and thank you for caring about the babies!
God’s blessings!
Tom Clark
State Pro Life Chairman
Texas State Council Knights of Columbus