Academic Program Assessment Plan

LA - CLAS Social Sciences

Which academic program are you submitting? Please check the appropriate box below. If you believe that any of these programs are no longer active, please contact the Provost's Office (undergraduate) or Graduate College (graduate) for information about disestablishment. We will remove the program from our list when we receive a disestablishment memo from them.

/ Academic Unit / Program / PlanCode /


/ Geogphl Sci & Urban Pln Sch T / BA Geography BA / LAGCUBA
Geogphl Sci & Urban Pln Sch T / BS Geog (Meteorology-Climatology) / LAGCUMBS
Geogphl Sci & Urban Pln Sch T / BS Geog (Urban Studies) / LAGCUUBS
Geogphl Sci & Urban Pln Sch T / BS Geography BS / LAGCUBS
Geogphl Sci & Urban Pln Sch T / BSP Urban Planning / ARPUPBSP
Geogphl Sci & Urban Pln Sch T / CERT Atmospheric Science (certificate) / LAATMOSCE
Geogphl Sci & Urban Pln Sch T / CERT Geographic Info Science (Cert) / LAGISCERT
Geogphl Sci & Urban Pln Sch T / CERT Geographic Information Science (certificate) / LAGEOGISCE
Geogphl Sci & Urban Pln Sch T / CERT Transportation Systems (certificate) / GCTRANSCE
Geogphl Sci & Urban Pln Sch T / MA Geography / LAGEOGMA
Geogphl Sci & Urban Pln Sch T / MAS Geographic Education / LAGEOEDMAS
Geogphl Sci & Urban Pln Sch T / MAS Geographic Information Systems / LAGISMAS
Geogphl Sci & Urban Pln Sch T / MIN Geography (Minor) / LAGCUMIN
Geogphl Sci & Urban Pln Sch T / MIN Urban Planning (Minor) / ARPUPMIN
Geogphl Sci & Urban Pln Sch T / PHD Geography / LAGEOGPHD
Geogphl Sci & Urban Pln Sch T / PHD Geography (Urbanism) / LAGCUUPHD

Academic Program Assessment Plan

LA - CLAS Social Sciences

Is this an accredited program (or school)? If yes, please provide the name of the organization.

Yes / X / No / Organization

Please tell us who to contact with questions about this submission.

Name / Ronald Dorn
Title / Professor
Telephone / 5-7533 (message)
E-mail /

Please provide the mission statement for the College.

Revised March, 2009
The mission of this new American College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is to educate and inspire students to excel in life, to attain disciplinary excellence in an environment of trans-disciplinary innovation, and to become part of an intellectual community of exploration and discovery focused on meeting the world’s greatest challengeslocally and globally.

Please provide the mission statement for the School/Department.

The mission of the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning is the creation, dissemination, and application of advanced knowledge and scholarship dealing with geographical and urban planning issues in a liberal arts and sciences tradition at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Please use the space below to identify two program outcomes, two measures for each outcome, and at least one performance criterion for each measure. Complete information about assessment planning processes can be found at

If you have questions, please e-mail or call Wanda Baker at (480).965.0674.

Outcome 1

Gaduates with a B.A. in Geography will compile knowledge of geography to construct a scholarly literature review (single outcome) on a contemporary geographical research problem the graduate generates.

Measure 1.1 (Direct)

The written research problem statement for the GCU 496 (Introduction to Geographic Research) capstone course. (a specific assignment)

Performance Criterion 1.1 (Required, and a second one is optional.)

80% will perform at or above the mastery level on a scale of poor/adequate/mastery/superior.

Measure 1.2 (Direct or indirect)

The written literature review for the GCU 496 (Introduction to Geographic Research) capstone course. (a specific assignment)

Performance Criterion 1.2 (Required, and a second one is optional.)

80% will perform at or above the mastery level on a scale of poor/adequate/mastery/superior.

Outcome 2

Graduates with a B.S. in Geography will apply knowledge of geographical skills to carry out a research project (single outcome) related to a contemporary geographical research problem.

Measure 2.1 (Direct)

The written capstone research paper for the GCU 496 (Introduction to Geographic Research). (a specific assignment)

Performance Criterion 2.1 (Required, and a second one is recommended.)

80% will perform at or above the mastery level on a scale of poor/adequate/mastery/superior.

Measure 2.2 (Direct or indirect)

The oral presentation of the capstone project for GCU 496 (Introduction to Geographic Research). (a specific assignment)

Performance Criterion 2.2 (Required, and a second one is recommended.)

80% will perform at or above the mastery level on a scale of poor/adequate/mastery/superior.

Please save this file by naming it with the PlanCode for this program from the list on Page 1 of this document. Example: BA History = ASHISBA and route it to your college’s assessment representative for approval and submission.