Hurworth Primary School

Primary Sport Premium Funding 2017-2018

What is Primary Sport Premium Funding?
Schools receive PE and sport premium funding based on the number of pupils in years 1 to 6.Schools with 16 or fewer eligible pupils receive £1,000 per pupil.Schools with 17 or more eligible pupils receive £16,000 and an additional payment of £10 per pupil.Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport on offer.This means that the premium should be used to:
  • Develop or add to the PE and sport activities already on offer
  • Build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years
We currently offer a variety of extra-curricular and lunch time clubs, led by our own staff and coaches. In addition, we have strong links with local organisations including Darlington Cricket Club and the Martin Gray Football Academy (MGFA).
In the financial year for 2017-2018 we will receive £18,170Sports Premium Funding. The table below shows our targets, how the funding will be spent in order to achieve that target and the intended outcome for the children at our school.
We have identified four key areas on which we focus to improve outcomes for the children of our school.
  • Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity - the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5 to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school
  • The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
  • Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport and a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
  • Increased participation in competitive sport

Number of Pupils and pupil premium grant (PSPF) received
Number on roll / 217
Amount of funding received / £18170 (April to April)
Regular physical activity
Target / Cost / Summary / Outcome
Children to have the opportunity to access 2+ hours of sports per week.
Children to have the opportunity to access a range of activities at lunchtimes. / No additional cost / Each Key Stage has 2+ hours of planned, skill based and team building activities
Equipment available at lunchtimes to encourage physical activity
Additionally, clubs in and out of school take place:
MGFA Football
Girls football
Netball Club
Street Dance /
  • Children have the opportunity to access additional hours of sports
  • Promote healthy and active lifestyles
  • Children acquire a competitive edge
  • Children who attend games club may be selected for competitions.
  • Promote working as a team and leadership skills

Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 children have the opportunity to begin to learn to swim / £2,700 / Swimming lessons at the Dolphin Centre for Year 3-6 children /
  • Pupil premium children will access swimming lessons.
  • Preparing the children for future residential trips.
  • Instilling an awareness of water safety.
  • By the end of Year 6, children who have accessed swimming from Year 3 should be water confident and be able to swim 25m.

Profile of PE and sport raised
Additional coaches, activities and opportunities provided through SLA with Darlington School Partnership. / £1000 / Children are exposed to a range of activities and coaching expertise (for example, Judo session). /
  • Children are exposed to the expertise of the qualified coaches.
  • Children are exposed to sports and activities which they wouldn’t usually experience.
  • Promotion of healthy and active lifestyles and a range of activities.

Engage children in leadership of sporting activities by the introduction of a School Sport Organising Crew / No additional cost / A group of children to assist PE lead with organising PE and sports and collect pupil views to improve PE and outcomes. /
  • Children assist in the organisation and leading of school sports events.
  • Children to collect pupil views to improve PE outcomes and promote PE and sports.

New team kits / £1000 / Replace team kits with new kits to improve the ethos of playing for a school team. /
  • Children are more enthusiastic to be on a school team and will try harder within lessons and other activities to improve their sports’ skills and try out for more teams.

Coaching and activities
Training and PD for staff (during PE sessions and additional) / £6000 / Children receive expertise coaching and staff develop skills and confidence in delivering PE lessons. /
  • Children and staff are exposed to the expertise of qualified coaches.
  • Links are made between the school and coaching companies or schools.
  • Staff feel more confident when delivering sessions and children receive higher quality PE lessons and support within lessons.

New apparatus and additional equipment (including playtime equipment for Active 30 mins a day) / £6000 / Continue to replace old equipment to create a stock of high quality, safe and varied equipment. /
  • Children have enjoyable, safer lessons
  • Relevant equipment in order for pupils to practise for inter school competitions.

Additional PE resources, such as PE scheme, CDs / £1470 / Extra teaching resources to improve the quality of teaching and aid with planning and implementing lessons. /
  • Staff feel more confident when delivering sessions and children receive higher quality PE lessons and support within lessons.

Increased participation in competitions
Children are exposed to sports at a competitive level / £1000 (as detailed above – not an additional cost) / Competition SLA with Darlington School Sport Partnership purchased through the local council (Alison Raw - School Games Organiser). PE Lead ensures we are entered into a variety of sports competitions. /
  • Children are exposed to the expertise of qualified coaches
  • Children attend competitions (Year 3 upwards)
  • Children are exposed to a variety of sports.

Total / £18,170