Syllabus for Math 111 Fall 2015

Instructor: Kaye Tanner

Location: WOH 112

Crn 20183

Days M, T, H, 9-10:50

Office Hours: Fridays 12-1, 2-3 Wednesdays

Required Materials: Text: College Algebra (Aufman, Barker and Nation)

Protractor, ruler, graph paper

Graphing Calculator and proficient ability to use it.

Grading and Requirements

The total points in each category may change.

How do you find out your grade?

Your grade is calculated by total points / total points possible. If you keep your total scores, you can always calculate your current grade easily. We are not allowed to email grades so please don’t ask me to do that. If you have trouble figuring it out, come to my office.

How do you get points?

9 Homework assignments 90 pts
9 in class assignments 45 pts
3 midterm exams 300 pts
1 written projects 50 pts
1 final exam 150 pts
635 pts / A 90% and above
B 80% and above
C 70% and above
D 60% and above
F below 60%
MTH 111: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Interpret graphical information, such as identifying types of functions, translations, inverses, intercepts, and asymptotes.
2. Solve a variety of symbolic equations and inequalities, such as rational, absolute value, exponential, radical, logarithmic, and linear systems.
3. Construct appropriate models for real world problems, such as fitting an algebraic function model to a set of data, and system of linear equations.

Math Department policies

You must meet the pre-requisites to take this class ( a passing grade in math 95 or placement score)

Any occurrence of cheating will result in a formal incident report

An incomplete grade will only be given for students who meet all of the following criteria

1) Students who are doing C or better work

2) Students with regular attendance

3) Students who are missing at most one test.

4) Students who contact the instructor before grades are issued.

My Policies and Rules

Please do not talk during the lecture. It prevents other students from hearing me. There will be plenty of time for you to ask questions of your classmates.

What if you miss class? If you email me before missing a test, I may be able to let you test late. Otherwise you may substitute your percent score of your final for the missed test. If you will miss several days in a row please let me k now. Otherwise I will think you have dropped the class.

In class assignments or quizzes :In class assignments will be random. Usually you can work with classmates. You have to be in class to get the points for these assignments.

Changes to test dates: Test dates are written on the calendar. If there is a change to a test date, it will be announced in class and also posted on my instructor website.

It is expected that each student treat the instructor, their classmates and the learning center employees with respect.

LBCC Comprehensive Statement of Nondiscrimination
LBCC prohibits unlawful discrimination based on race, color, religion, ethnicity, use of native language, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, veteran status, age, or any other status protected under applicable federal, state, or local laws. For further information see Board Policy P1015 at

Students who may need accommodations due to documented disabilities, or who have medical information which the instructor should know, or who need special arrangements in an emergency, should speak with the instructor the during the first week of class. If you have not accessed services and think you may need them, please contact disability services 917-4789