June-15_2010-farmed and dangerous up-date

In This Issue
  • Two opportunities to let the government know your thoughts on aquaculture and the future of wild salmon in BC
  • Two BC-based closed containment pilot projects underway
  • Closed containment farmed salmon Q&As
Canadian Citizens
  • Send a fax to the government of Canada.
  • Download a handout to distrubute in your community.
  • Download a sample letter to your MP.
US Citizens
  • Send a fax to let government and industry in Canada know that you refuse to buy BC net-cage farmed salmon!
Citizen Action
Did you convince your favourite restaurant to take net-cage farmed salmon off the menu? Did you recently participate in a rally to save wild salmon? Send us an email with your story and we could publish it in our next eNews!

It can be a challenge to stay on top of the net-cage salmon farming issue. View our Myths & Realities fact sheet, check out our FAQ , or send us an email with your questions.

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#1405-207 West Hasting Street VancouverBC, V6B 1H7

Join Farmed and Dangerous Online
/ June 15, 2010
Two opportunities to let the government know your thoughts on aquaculture and the future of wild salmon in BC
The Cohen Commission of Inquiry into the decline of sockeye salmon in the FraserRiver is currently accepting comments from the public. If you haven’t already, this is a great opportunity to remind the Commissioner that you are counting on this process to take a serious look at the role of net-cage salmon farms in the decline of wild salmon. Just visit the Public Submissions page on the Inquiry website to enter your comments and ideas.
Also, an important reminder that the Department of Fisheries & Oceans (DFO) is currently drafting new federal regulations for the management of aquaculture in BC. A draft of the new regulations will be posted for public review and comment sometime close to Canada Day – just when many people are either heading out on vacation or gearing up for a busy summer in the fishing or tourism sectors. The 60 day comment period will then close around Labour Day. So before heading off, check our website – if the regulations are up we’ll provide a link. Print them (on recycled paper!) and take them with you – jot down your thoughts or comments, and submit them next time you’re near a computer. Don’t let the summer slide by without weighing in, that could be just what DFO is hoping for!
We’ll also be sure to send out an alert as soon as the regulations are posted and tell you CAAR’s perspective on what’s good and what isn’t about these draft regulations.
Two BC-based closed containment pilot projects underway
The ‘Namgis First Nation based in Alert Bay and Marine Harvest Canada are in the process of developing closed containment salmon aquaculture pilot projects. Each group recently advertised for Closed Containment Project Managers.
Read more»
Closed containment farmed salmon Q&As
With closed containment farmed salmon now on shelves at Overwaitea stores across BC and Alberta, this new product has raised a few questions around how salmon raised in closed containment is different from salmon raised in net-pens.
Check out the Q&A on our website for answers explaining why closed containment farmed salmon is more sustainable, the cost of this new product and more.