February 2004
______Machiel van Niekerk Buti Thabata
Chief Executive Officer Chairperson
1.1The registration of assessors is a means of promoting consistency of assessment practices across all economic sectors.
1.2 This will ensure that all NQF registered standards and qualifications are assessed consistently, even though assessors will be registered with different ETQAs and the context of assessment will vary greatly according to the level and field of the qualification.
1.3All assessment agencies and centres, as well as education and training providers are expected to use registered constituent assessors of the appropriate ETQA.
1.4 It is expected of each ETQA to maintain a register of assessors which consists of those individuals who have demonstrated the applied competence to perform assessments which culminates in decisions regarding the awarding of credits and/or qualifications.
1.5 The rationale for such a register is to ensure the credibility of assessments in the NQF system, i.e. fairness, validity, reliability and practicality of assessments.
1.6It is also intended to ensure that individuals who make decisions about the competence of learners, have the required knowledge, skills and experience for the specified NQF registered standards and qualifications to make such assessments.
1.7The universal assessment principles of fairness, validity and reliability form the foundation for assessment policy and evaluation for accreditation processes and procedures.
2.1There are many definitions of competence. For the purposes of this document the following definition is proposed: “The ability to deliver the relevant desired performance in a specified situation whilst demonstrating an understanding of the performance, knowledge base and system in which the performance is carried out and also the ability to deliver in other related contexts.”
2.2 In the above definition “desired performance” represents the performance as it is described in the relevant unit standards on the NQF, the outcomes and the assessment criteria.
2.3This broader and more comprehensive definition of competence would require a broader and more comprehensive concept and application of assessment as well. Assessment will have to be more of a phased process than the summative evaluation.
3.1 Assessment refers to “the process of collecting sufficient evidence about the performance and the related understanding of a person and making a judgement about whether it conforms to the outcomes as described in the relevant NQF registered qualifications and unit standards documentation.” (The process by which a learner is declared competent or not yet competent against named qualifications and standards).
4.1 Assessment is a key function in the accreditation process. A constituent provider, assessment centre or assessment agency will have the ultimate responsibility to ensure that assessment of its learners are conducted in terms of this policy. The physical assessment could be performed by the following categories of assessors:
4.1.1ETD Practitioners (trainers / teachers / lecturers)
colleagues / peers
- `supervisors
- managers
- designated workplace assessors
- extension officers
- external assessors – external to the learning site, be it the workplace or provider of learning.
5.1 Assessment of competence
The competence (as defined above) of the learner needs to be assessed covering the following aspects:
- The performance of the learner.
- The understanding of the learner.
- The ability of the learner to innovate.
- The assessment should be guided by the information available in the NQF registered qualifications and unit standards.
Assessment is not a single event (e.g. final test), but a process of collecting sufficient evidence. Therefore, the assessor will have to apply discretion as to when evidence of different kinds will be gathered. Costly repetition of performances can be minimized if the assessor establishes close liaison with the relevant ETD practitioner in order to gather evidence throughout the training process.
5.2 Assessment for the recognition of prior learning should ideally be supplemented with the necessary training according to the needs identified during the process. All recognition of prior learning should be conducted in terms of the PAETA policy on RPL, which will be developed in due course.
6 Assessment Conditions
Assessment may be conducted under different circumstances. It may be conducted
- under simulated conditions, either at the venue of the provider (institutional training centre), or in a work place area where temporary simulated projects are erected.
- on the job in a work place. Such an assessment could, however, be limited to the activities which are prevalent on a specific site at a specific time.
In both the above-mentioned cases an effort should be made to ensure that the assessment covers the integration of knowledge and skills as far as possible. Additional assessment in the form of theoretical tests might be necessary to assess knowledge, understanding and innovation.
7. Assessment Methods
During assessment the assessor should facilitate learners to take control of their own learning. The nature or type of assessment should be:
- Formative
- Summative, or
- Diagnostic
7.1 The most appropriate method of assessment must be applied depending on the competencies or learning which is to be assessed. The method of assessment should not require additional (e.g. communication) competencies applicable to a higher level than the competency or skill being assessed. For example, the use of a high level of language communication to convey instructions to a learner who has to perform a very elementary physical task or activity. The assessor should use simple , understandable and appropriate language.
7.2 Learners with special needs must be accommodated (language problem or physically handicapped).
7.3 The judgement of the learner is aimed at establishing whether the learner is:
- Competent, or
- Not yet competent
Any judgement should be supported by sufficient evidence.
8. Assessment Criteria
Assessment must be:
- Valid
- Fair
- Reliable
- Flexible
- Cost effective
- Transparent
- Supportive to the learning process
8.1 The process of assessment should include:
- Planning the assessment.
- Preparing and informing the learner.
- Conducting the assessment.
- Providing feedback to the learner and PAETA.
- Recording the results.
- Evaluating/reviewing the process of assessment.
9. Appeals Against Assessment.
A learner can appeal against an assessment outcome should he/she not be satisfied with such an outcome. The learner may appeal either to the practitioner or assessor and if unsatisfied, to the management of the provider and, in the final instance, to the PAETA-QA. The flow chart below outlines the process:
In summary all registered assessors must have met the requirements of the generic assessor standard registered on the NQF, and should be certified by the ETDP SETA or by the relevant ETQA in agreement with the ETDP SETA in this regard. This requirement will be enforced from the end of 2004, by which time all assessors should be able to demonstrate competence against the standard, either through participating in a training and assessment programme or through undergoing an RPL process. Once the system is fully operational, the status of certified assessors can be checked on the (National Learner Records Database )NLRD.
10.1 National Learner Records Database.
All registered assessors are registered to assess against specified standards and/or qualifications. The registered assessor must be able to demonstrate competence in relation to these specified standards and qualifications, at, or above, the level of the qualifications in question. All registered assessors must have met any additional requirements laid down by their constituent ETQA. The status of registered assessors can be checked on the appropriate ETQA database or web site.
10.2 For short and medium term PAETA will apply the following criteria for registration of assessors:
SHORT TERMAssessor expertise / Occupational expertise / Contextual expertise
A portfolio of evidence to demonstrate competence in planning, preparing for and conducting an assessment; as well as providing feedback, recording and evaluating the assessment
Achievement of an assessor unit standard which is registered on the NQF / At least 3 years experience in the context in which the assessment is being conducted, as well as in the occupation or learning field being assessed
A nationally recognised qualification in the occupation or learning field being assessed
Any recognised assessor unit standard / The unit standards or qualifications the assessor is assessing / Any unit standard which demonstrates an appropriate contextual expertise
Any qualification which demonstrates an integration of the relevant assessment, occupational or contextual expertise.
11. Expertise of Assessors
11.1 Subject Matter Expertise
Assessors must have proficiency in the subject matter of the discipline or learning area relevant to the standards and qualifications they are responsible for. The assessor should either have the same or higher qualification than the one being assessed. In terms of levels, PAETA will recommend that an assessor must have the qualification of at least one level above the one being assessed.
11.2 Contextual Expertise
The assessor must demonstrate the ability to:
- Understand what forms of assessment are appropriate to their discipline/field and to the NQF level being assessed;
- Understand the ‘language’ of the field they are assessing, i.e. both the technical terminology as well as the ways of thinking and doing that are required of them to be competent as assessors;
- Regularly ask learners for feedback on assessment in order to constantly monitor and improve their (assessors’) practice;
- Know the curriculum and trainers through regular contact and provide trainers with detailed feedback;
- Take language factors into consideration when conducting assessments, using interpreters;
- Ensure that learners are clear about what is expected of them;
- Treat learners with respect and sensitivity;
- Demonstrate a broad understanding of outcomes-based forms of assessment and the NQF.
11.3 Interpersonal Skills
It is important for assessors to have appropriate interpersonal skills and to communicate effectively with learners. The assessor needs to establish a trusting relationship with learners - not only to perform optimally during assessment, but also to assure the learners that the assessor has their interests at heart, i.e. that:
- The assessment is fair
- The assessor acts with integrity
- The assessor maintains confidentiality
- The assessment is conducted according to the principles of a good assessment and the requirements of the standard and qualification.
11.4 Competencies of assessor as applicable to assessments
A competent assessor will be able to plan and conduct assessment whilst demonstrating an understanding of:
- What the outcome of assessment is.
- The different methods of assessment and where they apply.
- The principles of assessment and how to ensure that they are adhered to.
- The different methods of gathering evidence and what influences the quality of the evidence gathered.
- The methods to be used in gathering evidence and when is a specific method most suitable.
- The procedures to follow when conducting an assessment, including the provision of feedback.
- The requirements regarding record keeping, registration of achievements and certification.
In order to be evaluated for registration as an assessor, the applicant must complete the relevant application and submit the relevant documents as outlined in the flow chart and accompanying explanations below.
An accreditation certificate/ letter will be issued to the successful applicant. If the application is not successful the ETQA Manager must notify the applicant accordingly. Reasons for the decision must be given.
If an assessor wants to expand his/her portfolio as far as the registration of subsequent unit standards/modules are concerned, the applicant must apply to the PAETA through the same procedures as above. A new certificate/ letter will be issued to the successful applicant.
12.1 Process of Registration as an Assessor
- Application for Registration as an assessor
The applicant must complete the application form (Annexure E) and submit all relevant documentation to the ETQA manager of PAETA. The documentation should include:
- Proof stating the whether applicant is an employee of an institution or self-employed must accompany the application.
- Proof of any relevant certificates, qualifications or other evidence of training received with respect to particular
- occupational field and in
- assessment or
- ETD appropriate background in general assessment.
- CV which details both work experience and assessment experience. The work experience CV needs to detail not only job positions, but the level and categories of functions undertaken within each job; the tools used; etc. These should relate to the specific competencies required in particular qualifications.
- Supporting documentation (such as letters of reference which confirm the claims made under the CV, contact details of referees, service certificates, etc). These can be verified telephonically.
- Evidence of
- a minimum of 3 years of assessment experience or
- assessing an average of about 100 candidates.
- a selection of assessments which have been conducted (eg. checklists, reports, results, feedback from assessees, etc).
- Language and communication skills.
- A self-rating as a professional in the field.
- specifying the courses in respect of which he/she seeks accreditation.
Furthermore the applicant must indicate compliance with
- any special conditions laid down by PAETA.
- Bind him/herself to adhere to the Accreditation Regulations applied by the ETQA Committee of PAETA from time to time.
Applicants for accreditation must supply proof of the following administrative requirements:
Accreditation of Assessors will be initially for one year, to allow applicants to meet all the standards set by PAETA, and thereafter for a period of three years.
The ETQAmanager of PAETA receives the applications with the portfolio of certified copies of qualifications and/or any other courses , completed by the applicants. Assessment of the portfolio against the requirements spelt out in the criteria for registration is also done by the ETQA manager.
If the application is not successful the ETQA manager will notify the applicant accordingly. Reasons and recommendations must be supplied. After filling in the gaps and having worked on the recommendations by the ETQA manager the applicant may re-apply.
Assessor employed by accredited Provider.
An assessor can operate as a consultant but in co-operation with an accredited provider. Only an accredited provider will be authorised to provide accredited training to learners who need to be assessed.
Records of assessment
Although the assessor will be responsible for conducting the assessment and recording of the evidence, the responsibility for the record keeping vests with the accredited provider. Training records of all registered learners, including assessment records must be kept.