Bridestowe Parish Council

Mr P.J. Daniels. Clerk to the Council

4 Trescote Way Bridestowe Okehampton Devon EX20 4QB

Tel: 01837 861244



Matters raised by the public: (prior to parish council meeting)

(a) Member of public thanked PC for the recent public meeting for the parish plan and offered some suggestions as to why few parishioners attended PC meetings. It was felt that a better age balance including some younger people would encourage participation in PC meetings.

(b) A member of the public suggested that Section 106 funding might be used for apprenticeships locally. However this does not meet the criteria to be eligibile for this funding.


METHODIST HALL: 13/03/13 at 7.30 pm

PRESENT: (Councillors): J. Leonard (Chair); B. Coward; D. James; C. Mott; R. Rattenbury; A. Young; J. Hockridge (Borough Councillor); 2 members of public present; P. J. Daniels (Clerk).

1. APOLOGIES AND DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: Apologies: R. Haythornthwaite. J. Leonard declared a possible interest, advising that his wife is clerk to Sourton PC, which could have relevance with decisions associated with the parish plan. No other changes to declarations of councillor’s interests. It was agreed that any councillor dispensations are to be made to the clerk at least ten days prior to PC meeting.

2. MINUTES: The minutes of the last PC meeting (16/01/13) were agreed as a true record. Proposed RR. Seconded AY. Unanimous.


(a) Pile of earth in cemetery: BC and DJ have offered to remove this as soon as the ground dries out.

(b) River bank in school. Before the school buildings are transferred from DCC to the federated trust. trust, work on the riverbank is necessary. Engineers from WDBC and a DCC surveyor have reported back to the school and RR reported that the process of attempting to effect repairs is in hand. JL continued to express concerns over the dangerous state of the river bank.

(c) Acknowledgement plaque for new play equipment: JL to affix on play equipment.

(d) Bus shelter: The new bus shelter at Coombebow on the northern side of the old A30 has been installed. A small window in the side of the shelter allows passengers to see the bus as it approaches.

(e) Parish Plan: Parishioners from both Sourton and Bridestowe PCs attended a joint public meeting in February 2013. This was well attended and it was proposed to set up a steering committee to undertake a joint parish plan. Those interested in being part of the steering group were invited to complete application forms for consideration by the two parish councils. The meeting was addressed by Martin Rich of the Community Council of Devon. Subject to Sourton PC’s agreement, the next meeting on Tuesday 30th April 2013 at Sourton Village Hall, will be for parish councillors (of both councils) and those applicants who have expressed a wish to participate in the steering group. It was suggested that the councillors will meet at 7.00 pm joined by the applicants at 8.00 pm with the aim of initiating the formation of the steering group for the parish plan. John Hockridge and Bridestowe councillors were in agreement in suggesting a model for the composition of the steering group. This could consist of two councillors from each of the two councils plus three parishioners from each of the two parishes, making a total of ten. Applicants have an extended time frame in which to return their application forms for participation in the steering group. The closing date for this is now Sunday 14th April 2013. Ask Sourton clerk if these arrangements meet with the approval of Sourton PC. AY to re-advertise the application return deadline in BaSE.

(f) Dog fouling in village: Anti-dog fouling stickers have been received from the Keep Britain Tidy organisation to distribute in the village. Ask RH if he is able to distribute/affix. Mortenhampstead PC have been stencilling an anti dog-fouling message on the pavements in the village (town?). Contact their clerk to ascertain if this is something Bridestowe PC could effectively use.

(g) Joy riding in Cranford Lane: A number of cars are regularly being driven inappropriately on Cranford Lane. Tim Freeman, footpath inspector has no powers to curtail this and is a matter for the police. Mr Freeman is to improve the surface of the track with improved grading, to allow water to run off.

(h) Burial grant: This discretionary annual grant of £755 has now been abolished by WDBC. Write to church explaining that the PC hope to maintain standards of maintenance in the churchyard but their may have to be future reductions.

(i) Water supply in cemetery: The annual water rate cost for the cemetery tap is in excess of £200. Explore possibility of removing the tap and obtain quotation for putting guttering on cemetery shed with a downpipe(s) to a water butt(s).


(95) Bridestowe Methodist Church (Room hire) £38.00

(97) SWW (Water rates; cemetery) £205.75

(98) Hockerill Engraving (plaque; play equipment: acknowledging financial support) £28.80

(99) Peter Green (Bus shelter supply and erection) £1150.00

It was proposed these be paid by AY. Seconded by BC. Unanimous.

Financial Report:

Balance in current account after all outstanding cheques cleared: £6683.07 (This includes ring fencing of £2000.00 for Parish Plan and £2000.00 for play equipment/repairs etc, a total of £4000.00).

Financial planning estimated for next year (2013/14):

Expenditure: General administration: £1600; Salary of clerk: £1450; Grass cutting: £2100; Grants: £300; Parish Plan: £2400 (Total: £7850)

Income: First instalment of precept for 2013/14 due on 02/04/13: £3210.50. Second instalment due on 03/09/13: £2609.50; Burial income: £700 estimated; VAT return; £400 estimated; DNP: £400 grant for parish plan. (Total: £7320)

Projected carry forward at 31st March 2014: £4153.07 + £2000 ring fenced for Sporting Green + Any unspent parish plan funds.


(a) Bridestowe Scouts: Request to PC for financial support. Regret unable to support in current financial climate.

(b) Okehampton CAB: Thank you letter for the grant awarded by Bridestowe PC.

(c) BaSE: Letter of thanks from editor of newsletter for the grant awarded by Bridestowe PC.

(d) Naomi Nardi: Copy of letter to WDBC commenting on litter on old A30. WDBC informed.


(a) Application for creation of two dwellings from the existing single dwelling at 6 & 8 fore Street approved by WDBC.

(b) Application for tree works (pruning) at Steeperton House, Launceston Road approved by Bridestowe PC.

(c) Application for completion of cycle path at Bridestowe station was unanimously strongly approved by Bridestowe PC.

(d) Notice of appeal against WDBC refusal of planning application at 4 Brid Close for erection of dwelling.


(a) Link Committee: Report by AY. (attached to minutes). See report for further details.

(b) Village Hall: Report unavailable as RH unable to attend meeting.


(a) PC representative on village Hall: RH would like to resign from the VH Management Committee. JL asked if there was any interest in this post from other parish councillors.

(b) School federation: RR has resigned as governor to school. RR explained the new management arrangements for the school federation.

(c) Buses coming into village: A number of parishioners are concerned that buses (510 service), no longer come into the village. Greyhound buses or at least some of the (eight) week day buses, would come into the village if the no entry sign at the end of Launceston Road (where it meets the old A30) were qualified with a “no entry” plate affixed to the existing no entry sign. Contact DCC to try and effect this change.

(d) Future of WDBC: John Hockridge explained the potentially very big changes to local government in the future. The need to make substantial additional cuts to public spending is likely to lead to ever closer amalgamation of WDBC with South Hams Council eventually leading to the renewed possibility of a Devon unitary authority. WDBC will in all likelihood cease to exist.

(e) Next meeting: A Parish Meeting followed by the Annual Parish Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday 8th May 2013 at 7.30 pm in the Methodist Hall.

(f) Meeting closed: 9.20 pm.