
You must call in an absence by 9:00AM to the HOTLINE at 484-524-0099. Magnets with the HOTLINE number, were proved by the district. A note is still required when your child returns. A Doctor’s note is required after 3 days of missed school.



Birthdays are special occasions for young children. If your child wishes to share a treat with the class, please send in pencils, play-doh, or stickers. Food items are not permitted.

Book Orders

Throughout the year, your child will have the opportunity to order books through Scholastic Book Clubs. As you purchase books, our classroom will earn points that will allow me to earn free books and teaching resources. When ordering, please make checks payable to the book club listed on the form. Send in the check and order form in an envelope with your child’s name and room number printed on the front.

You can also order on line at www.Scholastic.com/bookclubs . On the parent page, click the blue “Not Registered” box, then, register for your own username and password. When prompted enter the Class Activation Code:HYHNW. This code ensures that your order is sent to me.

Book Of The Month

Each month, Mrs. Jones will pick a “Book of The Month.” This book will teach a character trait like responsibility, trustworthy, respect, etc. I will read the book in class before I send it home. I will send the book home with a student each night. Please read the book with your family. The book must be returned the NEXT day. This will ensure that all the students will get a chance to share it with their family.

Behavior Program

Parents will know how their child’s behaving throughout the day with Class Dojo. Students will earn points or lose point throughout the day. Students will cash points in for prizes and “Brag Tags.”

SWPBS-The entire school will participate in the School-Wide Positive Behavior System. Students receive points for positive behaviors. The “Rock’s Rules” are the following: BE Safe, BE Respectful, Be Caring, Be Here, Be Ready, Celebrate Success. In addition, students in our school will learn how to be “Bucket Fillers” throughout the year. There will be special “Bucket Filler” rewards randomly given throughout the year.



I believe that a good parent-teacher relationship is very important to your child’s success in school. Throughout the year, I will communicate with the “Class Dojo” App, my website, email, report cards and conferences. I encourage you to contact me any time with any questions or concerns. Feel free to send notes in the binder or email me. ()


Daily 5

Student will rotate through Daily 5 stations. The Daily 5 stations include Word Work, Work on Writing, Read with the Teacher, Read to Self, Listening to Reading, Read with Someone, or Read with Technology. This is a very important part of the day. Students are expected to work independently and quietly. All work that is not finished during D5 will be completed as “Ketchup” work during recess.


Early Dismissal

We have early dismissal days throughout the school year. They are called Act 80 Days. Your child will be dismissed from school at 1:25PM. Here are the Act 80 days for this year: Sept. 28th , March 22nd, and April 12th.



Fluency is important in becoming a great reader! We will practice fluency in class often. Your child will also have a fluency homework throughout the year. Simply read the passage, poem or story the 1st night it is assigned for homework. The 2nd time it is assigned for homework, read the passage, poem or story and answer any questions that may be included.


Guided Reading

We use Fountas & Pinnell guided reading benchmark assessment system. If you are purchasing books for your child from scholastic, you would want to look fro the GR level. The levels are rated according to the alphabet. When 1st grade begins, they are expected to read on an instructional D level. By the end of 1st grade, the goal is to be reading at a level J.



Homework is used to reinforce the concepts we work on in class. I will be sending homework in the binder at the beginning of each month starting in October. Written homework is usually due the last Friday of the month, all at once. The Math Homelink books are located in the OWL Binder. You are to take out the assigned page, complete it and return it in the Homework insert. Your child will need some assistance with homework.



In first grader, we are teaching our students to become independent learners. There are several tasks during the day that will help reinforce this skill.


Just Right Books

Students will get to place “Just Right” books in their book bin for “Read To Self” time. The books are not too hard or too easy. They are JUST RIGHT! Students were taught how to pick “Just Right” books.


Keep Involved

Although your child may not always want to talk about school, keep involved. Ask your child about the Dojo pictures, read the messages, and check the webpage.



Pottsgrove has a computerized cafeteria management system.

Each child will have an account for lunch purchases. To deposit money into your student’s account, put a check or cash in a sealed envelope with you child’s name and lunch money written on the front. The money will be credited to your child’s account. Each lunch costs $2.65 and milk is .50. Menus are sent home monthly and are available online through the district’s website.



When it is necessary to send money to school ALWAYS send it in a sealed envelope, place it in the binder in the money pouch with the following information on it…

Your child’s name

The purpose for the money


Noise Monster

During the day, we have an app that we use as tool to help us measure our volume. The app has a monster that displays a meter to measure the class noise level. We have named the monster “Hearty” and we earn hearts throughout the day. Each heart is worth 5 minutes of Friday free choice time.


Owl Binder

The Owl Binder is use to carry important information to and from school. It will help your child become more organized and more responsible. It’s also a great way for you and I to communicate.



You are always welcome in our classroom to be a helper, chaperone or Mystery Reader. Just let me know when you plan on visiting. Be sure to sign in at the office before coming to the room. Parent Volunteers must obtain all clearances in accordance to the new laws that were passed. The State Police, Child Abuse & FBI Fingerprinting clearances must be obtained before you can come in.


Throughout the year we will have a variety of celebrations for Holidays and other 1st milestones. Some things you can look forward to…

The Fall (Halloween) Party

The Winter Party

100th Day Celebration

Valentine’s Day


Quick and Quiet

“Quick and Quiet” is the slogan I use frequently throughout the year to help remind them to follow the Falcon Five.



We have a reading incentive at Ringing Rocks. As you read to your child write the name of the book on the Reading Log. Your child can also record the books they read on the same log. If your child is reading chapter books, 10 pages equals 1 book. Our Trimester goal is 33 books. The end of the year goal is to read 100 books. If your child reads over 100 books, they will receive a t-shirt in May. My goal is for every child to be part of the 100 books club! The log sheet is on the back of your homework calendar and reading to your child is assigned every night. Let me know if you need another log sheet or simply write it on a piece of plain piece of paper.



We will have snacks every day. If you would like your child to have a snack, you need to provide a healthy snack. I don’t keep extra snacks at school. As per the letter from Mrs. Santangelo…


We have students with severe food allergies.

Ideas for snacks…

Animal crackers Cheez-its Sun Chips Pretzels

Fruit snacks Applesauce cups Dry Cereal Yogurt

Graham crackers Granola Bars Popcorn Fruit cup

Cheese and crackers Cereal bars String cheese Carrot sticks

Nilla wafers Pudding Apple slices Gold fish crackers

Specials Schedule

We work off a 6 day cycle. D1-Music, D2-Computer Lab, D3-Physical Education, D4-Library, D5-Art, D6-Health



If there is a change in routine transportation for your child, you MUST send a written note. If a written note is not received, your child will be sent home by his/her usual method of transportation. The written note should be placed in the “Note” section of the binder. Your child will need to give me that note in the morning. That note will be sent to the office.


Please do not allow your child to bring toys to school. If a toy is accidentally lost or broken, feelings will be hurt. They are only permitted to bring in a toy item if they are “Top Dog,” however, it must not be played with at school.


Once a week, a child will be chosen as “Top Dog.” You will get a poster to complete at home. They will have the opportunity to display their poster and tell us about their objects. This is a nice way for us to get to know each other.


Understanding the Content

My goal is to have your child understand what is being taught. Please let me know if he/she doesn’t understand the content being presented in school.



Your help within our classroom and in the school is always welcome and appreciated!! Our schedule is very busy, and any help you can offer is wonderful. Unfortunately, younger siblings are not permitted to come into the classroom. Take a minute and fill out the volunteer form. I always have things I need help with, from cutting out pieces for a project to assembling projects, to just having an extra set of hands during those messy projects! Clearances must be obtained and/or up to date to be a volunteer.


Water Bottles

Students are encouraged to bring water to school during warm days. Please make sure your child’s name is clearly labeled on the bottle. We do sell water bottles at the school for $5.00 each.


Our class has it’s very own website! You can find it by going to the Pottsgrove Website (pgsd.org). Choose from the drop down menu Ringing Rocks>Teachers>Mrs. Palmieri. You will find a lot of useful information there including news, curriculum, reading words and upcoming events. I ask that you “subscribe” to my webpage. As soon as it is updated, you will receive a message that it has be changed.



X marks the spot! Room 23 is the spot for your child to learn and grow! I will do everything I possibly can to ensure that your child is safe, cared for, and receives the best possible education! We are going to have a wonderful year!!!



You are an important part of your student’s learning.



We try to plan a field trip to the zoo at the end of the school year. Volunteers must have all of their clearances if they want to chaperone.