This Activity Plan is designed as one among many through which studentswillrotate insmallgroups.Studentswilllearnhowtosafelyliftand support a vehicleusing a floor jack,safetystands andwheelchocks.This skillisfundamentalfor automotive mechanics. Thesafeprocedurefor liftinga vehicle ona hoist will also bedemonstrated.
The student willbeableto:
•Preventa vehicle from movingor rolling
•Place a floor jackunderneath a vehicle
•Placeasafety stand
•Operate a floor jack
•Describethe correct operation of a vehicle hoist
Beforedoing so themselves,studentswillhavebeengiven some theoryandtheinstructorwillhave demonstrated the proper procedure for liftinga vehicle using both afloor jack and a vehiclehoist.
Automatictransmission “park”: the“P”orpark positionas indicatedonthegear shiftlever.
Bodyon frame:anolder style of vehicleinwhichthe vehicle bodyis separate from theframe.
Crossmember:a strongstructuralmemberof a vehiclethat supports other vehiclecomponents.
Emergencybrake:asecondary brake in avehiclethat isdesignedto be usedin anemergencysituation. Oftencalledapark or parking brake.
Floorjack: a deviceusedto raisetheaxle of avehicleoff theground toinspect the undersideof the vehicleor change atire.
Floorjacklift plate:a small plateat theendof a floor jackthat supports thelift pointof the floorjack.
Hoist:apparatus usedtolifta vehicle.
Hoist arms:the arms of the machinethat gounder the vehicle to support it asit is lifted into theair.
Rearwheeldrive:avehicle that has the engine powerdriving(orpowering) therearwheels.Oftenfound on pickuptrucks,largervehiclesandolder cars
Rockerpanel sill: avery stronglipof avehiclethat themanufacturer designs to support thevehicle if ithasto be lifted intotheair(e.g.,whenremoving a flattire).
Safetystand:a standusedto supporta vehicle after ithasbeen lifted with a floor jack.
Unibody: a newerstyle of vehicleconstructionthat incorporates thebody andframe into oneunit.
Wheel chock: awedge or block placednext to awheel tostop thevehicle frommoving.
30 minutes
20, based on the BCTechnology Educators’Best PracticeGuide, 2–3 students at onetime
Small- to mid-size vehicle
UseAutomotive LiftInstitute (ALI) materials as supplementary resources forsafety instruction.
Garage jack points
Safety stand points
Figure3—Garage jackpointsand safetystandpoints
Part1:Prevent theVehiclefromMovingorRolling
1.Apply theparking or emergencybrake.
2.Placethevehicleinthe “Park” settingif thevehicle isequippedwith an automatictransmission.
3.Place the vehicle in the “Neutral” setting if the vehicle is equipped with amanual,floorboardtransmission.
4.Placewheel chocks atoneofthewheelsthat will stayon the ground.
Part2:Place the FloorJack
1.Raisethevehiclewiththe floor jack so thatthesafetystandshaveenough room to beplacedunderneaththe vehicle.
Part 3:PlacetheSafetyStands
1.On unibodyvehicles,placethesafetystandsunderneaththerockerpanelsilllips or a solidcross-member.
2.On body-on-frame vehicles,itisbesttoplacethesafetystandsundrneaththeframe.
3.On rearwheeldrivevehicles,whenjackinguptherear,placethesafetystandsundertherearaxletubes.
4.Lowerthe floor jackslowlyandcarefully so thesafetystandsfully support thevehicle.
5.Shakethe car once itis on thesafetystandstomakesurenothingwill shift. Readjustasnecessary. Shake inboth directions (side toside andfore and aft).Havethe instructorcheck the security ofthe vehicle before doing any work onit.
Part4: LowertheVehicletotheFloor
1.Placethe floor jackunderneaththevehicleinthesamespotthatwasusedduringthe lift.
2.Slowly raise thevehicleonly farenoughso that both safety stands canberemoved.
3.Removethesafetystands,oneat a time, from underneaththevehicle.Itisnot necessaryto go rightunderneaththevehicletoremovethesafetystands;instead,extendone arm inorder to retrieve thestand.
4.Slowlylowerthevehicleandremovethe floor jack.
5.Removethe wheelchocks.
Activity 2: Placing aCaronaHoist
1.Students willbe shownhow tosafelylifta vehicle onthe hoist thatexists in the shop.Refertothemanufacturer’soperationalinstructions,aseveryhoistisdifferent.
2.Students couldthenbeasked todemonstratetheircompetency onthehoist.
Lifting Vehicles Rubric(see next page)
Criteria / Poor / BelowStandard / Satisfactory / Good / ExcellentIstheemergency brakeapplied? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Forautomatic transmissions,isthe vehicleinPark?
Formanual transmissions, isthevehicle inNeutral? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Arewheelchocksplacedbesidethewheelsthat willstay ontheground? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Is the floor jack properlypositionedunder across-member? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Aresafetystandsplacedinthecorrect locations? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Arethesafetystands safelyremoved and the floor jackcorrectlyusedwhenloweringthe vehicle back to the floor? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5