School of International Relations


Student Information

Year in Program:
Oral Exam Passed (enter date):
Faculty Chair/Advisor:
Dissertation Proposal
Defended (enter date):

Academic Progress

To be in good academic standing, you must meet the conditions listed below, in addition to those indicated in the POIR Codes of Professional Success (First year students will be considered for funding based on their screening results in May 2016. Students in their second year and beyond will not be considered for funding if their GPA is below a 3.5 at the time of application.

Your GPA is a 3.5 or above / Took or scheduled to take qualifying exams by the 5th semester in the program / Enrolled full time each semester while in the program

Funding History

1) If you received SIR summer funding last summer, what was the total amount received?______
2) Please tell us about the funding offer you received at the time of admission to POIR:
Fellowship Name:
Total Amount of Award:
Amount of Award paid to you the Summer:
3) Please list all internal and external funding summer funding opportunities you have applied to this year. Be sure to include award amounts and estimated dates of notification.
Award Name / Amount / Date of Notification

Amount Requested for Summer 2015

A) What is the total estimated cost to complete your proposed summer activities: ______
B) What is the total amount of summer funding requested to SIR: ______
If (A) is larger than (B), please tell us how you plan to fund the difference

Additional Required Documents

Please be sure to attach the documents listed below. Your faculty advisor must submit a written endorsement of your request via email to Linda Cole at . Please refer to the VKI guidelines for more information as to what needs be included in the endorsement.
  • Description of your summer activities
  • Summary of your dissertation

  • Breakdown of projected expenses
  • Progress Timeline for your dissertation research and degree completion

  • STARS Report
  • Breakdown of projected expenses

  • Faculty Written Endorsement
  • STARS Report

  • Copy of your current POIR Annual Report
  • Most Updated CV

  • Updated CV
  • Faculty Written Endorsement

  • Copy of last year’s POIR Self-Evaluation (see Veri for a copy)


By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand all of the policies and guidelines as indicated on this application form and in the VKI guidelines. I also understand that I must submit a summer report to Linda Cole no later than September 30, 2016. I understand that failure to submit my summer report by the deadline will result in my ineligibility for future funding consideration.

Signature / Date