Señor Ramirez

Spanish V H/ V CP

Marking Period IV Project

“Después de ganar un millón de dólares…”

Objective: In groups of 3 or 4, you are to create a video narration entirely Spanish (DVD/ Digital Media) of what you did after winning a $1 million lottery. This could be done in either the 1st or 3rd persons (I, We, He/ She, or They). In this presentation, the following must be evident:

  1. The use and distinct application of past tenses

-Preterite (Un díafuimos a la Torre Eiffel y después comimos en Rue Mignon)

-Imperfect(Siemprevisitabamos todas las plazas juntas)

-Present Perfect (Esta mañana he comido a las ocho).

-Plu Perfect (Ella ya lo había comprado).

  1. Nine to Ten different events which you did.
  2. Include different settings/ backgrounds and a dialogue of ongoing actions. This means that the present tense (and other appropriate tenses)are allowed and encouraged if you have ongoing dialogue or flashbacks.
  3. This can be real or fictitious. Also, for a point or two, you may add appropriate bloopers.

*Period 3 will present on Monday, June 16, 2014 (Day 3/7 Exam). 5 groups- 6/11 & 6/12.

Please adhere to the following rubric for planning and grading purposes:

CATEGORY / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7
Script, use of level- appropriate vocabulary / Uses a varied vocabulary appropriate for the audience, and also successfully tries to enlarge the audience's vocabulary. / Uses a varied vocabulary that is appropriate for the audience. / Uses a varied vocabulary that is occasionally, little to simple, or a little too hard for the audience. / The vocabulary was not varied OR was routinely inappropriate for the intended audience.
Script, use of syntax (grammar) / Exemplary Word Choice/ Grammar Usage
  • Vivid, precise,/concise, relevant, Consistent grammar usage
Subject/verb agreement
Singular/plural nouns
Verb (tense and usage)
Pronoun usage
Adjective/Adverb / Effective Word Choice/ Grammar Usage
  • Appropriate, precise/concise, clear
  • Mostly consistent grammar usage
Subject/verb agreement
Singular/plural nouns
Verb (tense and usage)
Pronoun usage
Adjective/Adverb / Adequate Word Choice/ Grammar Usage
  • Appropriate, specific
  • Somewhat consistent grammar usage
Subject/verb agreement
Singular/plural nouns
Verb (tense and usage)
Pronoun usage
Adjective/Adverb / Limited Word Choice/ Grammar Usage
  • Vague, redundant, simplistic
  • Several inconsistencies in grammar usage
Subject/verb agreement
Singular/plural nouns
Verb (tense and usage)
Pronoun usage
Oral Comprehensibility / Presents clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to my field of interest. Explains a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options. / Connects phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions. Briefly gives reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. Narrates a story or relates the plot. / Uses a series of phrases and sentences to describe situations and scenes in simple terms / Uses simple phrases, words and sentences to describe situations and scenes.
CATEGORY / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2
Effort / Students meet and discuss regularly. All students contribute to the discussion and all are listened to respectfully. All team members contribute a fair share of the work. / Students meet and discuss regularly. Most students contribute to the discussion and are listened to respectfully. All team members contribute a fair share of the work. / A couple of team meetings are held. Most students contribute to the discussion and are listened to respectfully. All team members contribute a fair share of the work. / Meetings are not held AND/OR some team members do not contribute a fair share of the work.
Concept / Team has a clear picture of what they are trying to achieve. Each member can describe what they are trying to do and generally how his/her work will contribute to the final product. / Team has a fairly clear picture of what they are trying to achieve. Each member can describe what they are trying to do overall but has trouble describing how his/her work will contribute to the final product. / Team has brainstormed their concept, but no clear focus has emerged for the team. Team members may describe the goals/final product differently. / Team has spent little effort on brainstorming and refining a concept. Team members are unclear on the goals and how their contributions will help them reach the goal.
Performance/ Development / Exemplary Development
  • Sophisticated development of the topic for narrative and descriptive writing
  • Sophisticated thesis statement and development of informative and persuasive writing
  • Well executed progression of ideas
  • Strong use of examples, evidence or relevant details
Strong use of analogies, illustrations or anecdotes / Effective Development
  • Appropriate development of the topic for narrative and descriptive writing
  • Appropriate thesis statement and development of informative and persuasive writing
  • Clear progression of ideas
  • Clear use of examples, evidence or relevant details
Clear use of analogies, illustrations or anecdotes / Adequate Development
  • Sufficient development of the topic for narrative and descriptive writing
  • Sufficient thesis statement and development of informative and persuasive writing
  • Progression of ideas
  • Sufficient use of examples, evidence and/or relevant details
Sufficient use of analogies, illustrations or anecdotes / Limited Development
  • Limited development of the topic for narrative and descriptive writing
  • Limited thesis statement and development of informative and persuasive writing
  • Limited progression of ideas
  • Limited use of examples, evidence and/or relevant details
Limited use of analogies, illustrations or anecdotes
Creativity / Very resourceful and preparation is evident. Extremely creative and attracts a vast audience. / Quite resourceful and preparation is partially evident. Creative and attracts and an average audience. / Partially resourceful and preparation is slightly evident. Somewhat creative and attracts a small audience. / Not particularly resourceful and preparation is not evident. Needs creativity and does not attract an audience.
Completion of drafts process / All required drafts were submitted on time, via requested email or written copy. / All required drafts were submitted a day late, via requested email or written copy. / All required drafts were submitted two- three days late, via requested email or written copy. / All required drafts were submitted late four days or more, via requested email or written copy.
Smooth, Overall transitions / Connections between events, ideas, and feelings in the story are creative, clearly expressed and appropriate. / Connections between events, ideas, and feelings in the story are clearly expressed and appropriate. / Connections between events, ideas, and feelings in the story are sometimes hard to figure out. More detail or better transitions are needed. / The story seems very disconnected and it is very difficult to figure out the story.

You must include a script with your video project, day by day!

Team Members/ Cast of Characters

Summary of your story

-Make sure to include how many “days” or “events” you will do (Total 9-10)

Background/ Setting

-Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

Materials Needed



-Background scenes
