ILU Committee Meeting Minutes

August 21, 2013

Present: Kathleen Schaeffer (Inforum), Sarah Fedko (UTSC), Sara McDowell (Robarts), Carla Hagstrom (Gerstein), Courtney Lundrigan (Trinity), Eveline Houtman (Robarts), John Bolan (Bora Laskin), Kate Johnson (UTSC), Jenaya Webb (OISE)

Regrets: Rita Vine (UTL), Roma Kail (EJ Pratt), Suzanne Meyers Sawa (Music), Richard Carter (Kelly Library), Sheril Hook, (UTM)

1.  Roundtable of IL initiatives and updates

a.  Jenaya Webb:

i.  OISE has reduced number of general sessions. Focusing more on course specific sessions

ii. ‘Workshops on demand’: A group of 6 students may request a workshop on the topic of their choice

b.  Courtney Lundrigan:

i.  Just started at Trinity

ii. Focusing on embedding with course instructors, particularly looking at first-year and capstone courses

c.  John Bolan:

i.  Working on legal research and writing course

ii. Librarians are well-embedded in the course. Instructors are very accommodating.

d.  Sarah Fedko

i.  UTSC is opening its on library instruction lab in September. It will seat 28 students and be the first time UTSC librarians have been able to offer instruction in the library. (In the past, we’ve had to use computer labs in a different part of the building.)

e.  Eveline Houtman:

i.  Planning core library sessions as part of the Co-curricular record initiative

ii. Collaborating with Writing Plus instructors

f.  Carla Hagstrom:

i.  Working on sessions for first year medical students

ii. Planning lunch time sessions for faculty on library resources that are ‘hidden gems’

iii.  Planning session for RAs

iv.  Consolidating open registration sessions

g.  Kate Johnson:

i.  Working on a screencasting project with Patricia Ayala and Heather Buchansky

ii. Aim to develop a workshop on screencasting and accessibility. Presenting the workshop in December at UTSC. Will also share at ILU

iii.  Working on consolidating library YouTube channels

2.  Guest Speaker Whitney Kemble spoke on curriculum mapping

Curriculum Mapping:

*Reminder: Please contact Whitney if you’d like her to present or give a workshop to librarians at your library or on your campus.

3.  Professional Development and ILU: Guest Speakers

a.  Guest speakers can do a mini-presentation of their work. We could invite wider library community to attend (as has been done in the past).

b.  ILU may simply serve as a place to get ideas about what instruction projects/initiatives are happening across the campus. ILU members may opt to invite guest speakers back to their library /campus to do more fulsome presentations or workshops.

c.  We may wish to consider purpose and how many librarians we’re reaching with these presentations. This may warrant further discussion at a later date

4.  Update on the instruction planning meeting (Jenaya Webb)

a.  A Google Calendar has been created to post information across libraries about general library sessions

b.  Goal is to streamline offerings across libraries

c.  To avoid having all the courses for the entire semester listed in the registration system at once, Rita will be posting the courses in the registration system no sooner than one month prior to the course.

5.  Bb collaborate working group update (Jenaya Webb)

a.  Group will offer 6 online sessions to provide an orientation to UTL libraries

b.  Group is saving videos and chats for practice sessions

c.  More information at a later date

6.  PD Day update (Eveline Houtman)

a.  Char Booth will be our speaker

b.  Event scheduled for December 9th

c.  Eveline asked that we look at the following link and provide feedback on topics Char Booth might discuss at ILU Day


7.  Other business

a.  Sara McDowell will not be attending ILU meetings for the next 12 months. She will be taking a course Wednesday mornings and then going on 12 month research leave.

b.  Carla Hagstrom discussed an interesting advertising initiative she saw at a Medical library conference to promote library sessions. Librarians had taken CD covers and had adapted them into posters promoting their sessions

c.  General discussion of offering technology sessions in libraries. It may be worth consulting other groups on campus who might already be engaged in these sessions/or be interested in offering these types of sessions (Example: CTSI) to explore possible collaborations

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