Action's plan 2005



General objectives

Improve the coordination with the Working groups on topics chosen by the Presidencies

Improve the participation of CONCORD members in the Presidencies' actions (attendance and lobby actions)

Stress the coherence an linkage of the NGOs programs though the rolling presidencies

Improve the share of information about presidencies event in CONCORD

Improve the share of experience and provide advice to the next presidency's NP by the previous NP

Insure that each NP presidency has a strong EU angle and benefit from CONCORD support

Specific objectives

To produce an extended version of the manifesto with more topics : the memorandum

To produce a recommendation paper on the review of the MDG

Working processes

The aim is to link the 4 forthcoming Presidencies (Irish, Dutch, Luxembourg, and UK) together by taking over key topics from one Presidency to another one. Apart from the national issues, European issues interesting most of the NGOs will be identified by the consultation of CONCORD members. Once done, these issues will be add to the program of the NP Presidency that will try to have it put on the Agenda of the European Council with the help of all CONCORD members (lobbying national governments).

The Presidency' national platform, with the help of the Presidency steering committee and the specialist amongst CONCORD members and relevant CONCORD working groups (depending on the topic), will prepare draft letters, press releases, etc where appropriate, as a resource for other platforms and networks. After approval by the Presidency working group or COCNORD as a whole, the final documents or invitations will be sent by the Secretariat only in order to mobilise CONCORD members and avoid misunderstanding.

The model of CONCORD Presidency conference is discussion amongst NGOs with the help of specialist in the morning and presentation of their recommendation to EU Ministers in the afternoon + twice a year a meeting between a Board's delegation of CONCORD and the Development Ministers.

Each NP Presidency will organise a 'hand-over' event with the next NP Presidency. A press release commenting the results of the previous Presidency and the expectations for the next one will be send every 6 months to the European and Presidencies' journalists in order to create an habit to publish 'alternative comments' in their articles over the EU Presidency.


The aim is to have a base of common positions on the main topics tackled by CONCORD to be used when meeting national or European Officials in 2005-2006 (till the end of the rolling Presidency of the EU).

This base will insure the coherence amongst CONCORD members and the coherence of the CONCORD message. It should allow CONCORD members to build on these issues more in details for their own needs.

The Policy group accepted this proposal and ask the Presidency group to complete the tasks.


The presidency group is coordinating this paper (Agnès Philippart ). The policy group will look at the skeleton that emerged from the consultation of the Convenors. Volunteers amongst CONCORD members will draft each topic (if more than 1 member is interested by a topic, they can organise a small redaction committee to write it together). Existing positions will be used as a basis.

The draft memorandum will be submitted first to the CONCORD specialised bodies so that they can check their part. This done, the whole manifesto will be sent to all CONCORD members for remarks. After taking the amendments into consideration, the final version is resubmitted to the members. If no agreement can be found on a topic, the topic is dropped.

Members will receive an electronic version and some print copies. As for the manifesto, they can choose to relay only a part of the memorandum when contacting the representatives of the EU).


December: proposal submitted to Convenors of CONCORD WG

January: new proposal of skeleton, consultation of the steering committee of the Policy WG

February: redaction of the different parts

March: consultation of CONCORD member

April: final draft and last consultation

May: translation and production

Early June: ready for circulation

Luxembourg Presidency


The Luxembourg Presidency will push forward some topics advocated by the previous presidencies NP, such as


Human Security

The Institutional Architecture of the Constitution and the new Commission

Civil Society Dialogue

But because of the events in 2005, it will also address 'hot' issues such as

Financial perspectives

Development Policy statement

Millennium Development Goals

Development and Security

Cotonou review and EPAs

It will also address one new topic that are of particular interest fort the Luxembourg NGOs.

Solidar agriculture (coherence between EU Agriculture and Development Policies)


Press releases and conferences

Lobby letter



Bi-lateral meeting with EU and national official

Awareness raising for public and EU representatives: Information on the website of Luxembourg NP (creation of a dedicated sub-site) and on CONCORD website; information in newsletter (Flash).


14 February : The conference is taking place in the context of the informal development ministers’ meeting in Luxembourg on 2 topics:

- The MDG and the European development tools

- EU Crisis Intervention after the Tsunami: New approaches to security, humanitarian and civilian response

A delegation of the board of CONCORD will meet the Development Ministers in the afternoon.

A press release will send to the press by the 11 February the fact that NGOS will be addressing the development Ministers on 14 February on the EU actions following the tsunami crisis explaining why NGOs criticise this (mix between civilian and military forces and instruments, voluntary corpse, money, etc.).

24 February: Strategic meeting of the NGOs /CONCORD on MDG on the 24th February, one day before the CONCORD Policy Group. An updating of the mapping will be realised and send to CONCORD members beforehand. Other sectors of the civil society will also send their contribution. On this basis, Ester Asin and the Luxembourg NP will draft a basis position that CONCORD members will comment on. This position will first send by CONCORD members one week before the GAERC and then it will be presented to the GAERG meeting at the CONCORD conference of 25 April.

March - 3 April Civil Forum of the Euro-Mediterranean NGOs.

In the context of the Barcelona Process the Lux. NP also has been asked to play an important role in this. For more information see the website that is to be elaborated:

24-25 April Seminar on MDG and Development Policies in Europe

One day before the GAERC, the NGO community (including the non-development sectors) will held a one day conference on MDG for the NGOs in order to consolidate the positions that will be presented to the Development Ministers during a press conference on the 25 April. It will also be a major moment to discuss the future of European development policy.

CONCORD/Lux NP/BOND will issue a press release on the NGOs recommendation on MDGs.

End of the Presidency the NP Luxembourg would like the CONCORD memorandum to be sent to the EU Ministers with a conclusion letter on what the Luxembourg presidency achieved and what are the NGOs expectations with the UK Presidency and how ministers could contribute to it in 2005 (proposal). Ceremony of hand-over with BOND.

UK Presidency

Main topic: 'Europe’s Role in Making Poverty History'

Overall objectives

To strengthen the poverty focus of EU development cooperation policies and to ensure greater coherence of other EU policies with development objectives. All topics are EU oriented.

Specific objectives
  1. To influence EU and UK policy in preparation for and during the Presidency with a view to promoting policy coherence with development objectives and adherence to poverty reduction targets.
  2. To increase public engagement in the UK on issues related to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, by deepening public understanding on the nature and impact of EU external policies.
  3. To ensure that UK NGOs (individually and collectively), their European counterparts and other European civil society actors, are better informed about the actual and potential role of EU development policy and practice and are better placed to engage with the EU.
  4. To strengthen cooperation and increase engagement among UK development NGOs, and between UK NGOs and other civil society actors in the UK and Europe, in relation to EU policy.


NB: BOND will meet CONCORD every two months, starting in January 2005 to insure the coordination on the UK Presidency. He will use CONCORD memorandum as a supporting tool.

Advocacy: Target Group: Policy-makers, Decision-makers

Joint advocacy papers and lobbying letters;

Regular consultation meetings with officials and decision-makers in the UK and collect of information with the help of other CONCORD members.

Awareness-Raising: Target Group: Public Opinion and EU decision makers

Information on BOND website and on CONCORD website

Information in newsletter (Flash, BOND monthly newsletter)

Press releases and conferences: September: BOND/CONCORD/ Austrian NP press release on the MDGs Summit in New York – Brussels, December: BOND/Austrian NP press conference on the evaluation of the UK Presidency and the program of the Austrian Presidency.

Information leaflet at disposal in the conferences' rooms.

Events: Target Group: Policy-makers, Civil Society organisations and Public Opinion.

UK Presidency of the EU launch reception in the UK Houses of Parliament

International CONCORD conference parallel to the Informal Development Council Meeting in the UK (in November 2005) on EU external policies

NGO tribunal event - stock-take to assess the outcomes of the UK Presidency of the EU


April/May:BOND UK Presidency manifesto published – ‘Europe’s Role in Making Poverty History’. CONCORD’ paper on objectives for the Presidencies – rolling programme of action – to be approved by the CONCORD General Assembly.

June: Sending of the BOND manifesto to the European Ministers before the General Affairs and External Foreign on 13-14 June in Luxembourg and before the Council Summit on 16-17 June in Brussels.

13 July: Launch of the UK Presidency at the House of Common in presence of CONCORD board's member(s). Hand-over by the Luxembourg NP (Mike Mathias) which will present to the Parliament the result of the Luxembourg presidency and the expectation of NGOs for the UK presidency. Launch of the BOND manifesto. Press release by BOND & CONCORD (to set up a habit to give journalists an 'alternative information on the launch or closure of the EU Presidency and what are the expectations or conclusions of the NGOs).

September: e-action before the UN meeting

14 October: CONCORD members will send a letter to the Development and Foreign Ministers on the Topic of the GAERC agenda of 24/25 October and on points rose in the manifesto.

15 November: before the informal development Ministers meeting in Leeds of 16 November, a BOND/CONCORD conference on 'Europe role in making poverty history' and MDGs will convene European NGOs. Discussion in the morning +donors will receive score cards and recommendation will be presented to the Development Ministers in the afternoon. Minister Hillary Benn and Louis Michel will be there. A delegation of CONCORD board will meet the Development Ministers privately. A press release will be send. If CONCORD wishes its General assembly might be attached to this event and happens in Leeds or London if we prefer around the 15/11.

January: ‘Make Poverty History’ NGO tribunal event with CONCORD in the form of a stock-take of 2005 to assess the outcomes of the 2005 as a whole including the Luxembourg Presidency, the UK Presidency the G8 and the WTO and to make further recommendations to the next Presidencies + formal hand-over to the Austrian NGOs presidency. A trial will be organised to judge these results with the Development Ministers and representative on the bench and the NGOs will be the jury. A press conference will be organised.

Feed back from Presidencies

Dutch Presidency assessment: Elisabeth Vander Steenhoven will write a note in English that will improve the Presidency's best practices. Luxembourg and UK presidency NP are expected to do the same.

The previous NP Presidency (Irish, Dutch, Luxembourg and UK) will inform the Austrian and Finnish Presidencies on the EC grant and will advice them on programming their EU focus actions.