Building EVS APIs v4.2 using caCORE SDK v4.0
Objective: / Build an instance of the caCORE API server and related client files using the caCORE SDK and custom caCORE-related files.
Applications Need: / Ant 1.6.5
Java 1.5.+
Instructions: / 1.  Check out the cacoresdk and evsapi to separate repositories:
a.  cvs -d :pserver:<username> login
b.  enter password when prompted
c.  cvs -d checkout –r <tag> cacoresdk/SDK4
d.  cvs -d :pserver:<username> login
e.  enter password when prompted
f.  cvs –d pserver: checkout –r <tag> evsapi
You should now have something like:
C:\ <my install>\cacoresdk\SDK4
C:\ <my install>\evsapi
2.  If you directory structure does not match the above, you many need to modify the build.xml file. Inside the evsapi directory,
a.  Set the basedir attribute of the project element to the path where the cacoresdk module is located (e.g. c:/<my install>/cacoresdk)
b.  Set the value attribute of the property cacore_home element to the path where the evsapi module is located (e.g. c:/<my install>/ evsapi)
3.  Navigate to c:<my install>/evsapi/conf and edit the file. Change the line SERVER_URL=${PROJECT_NAME} by replacing with the JBoss server name and port that you will be deploying the application to.
4.  In the command prompt window, change to the evsapi directory and type ant build-system to generate the war file.
5.  The server war file, client jar file and a sample client will be generated and placed in the output directory under evsapi (e.g., c:\ <my install>\evsapi\output)
6.  Deploy the war file to your server (See Deployment document for instructions).
7.  Verify the deployment (e.g., type http://<servername>:<port>/<project_name> in a browser window)
Notes / The caCORE SDK is no longer packaged with the caCORE API generation module; the codebases have been split and are now each contained in separate CVS repositories. In order to build the caCORE system, both repositories must be checked out. The instructions above show how to checkout and use the SDK to build the caCORE system.
This document located at