/ Jersey Overseas Aid
Cyril Le Marquand House
St Helier

Local Charity Grant Application Form


This new application form for local charities may appear a bit daunting if you haven’t completed something similar before, but in fact it is designed to help you! It breaks down into short sections all the information which Jersey Overseas Aid (or any other donor) would want to know before it could fund your project. The goal is to:

  • Speed up applications. The form contains all the information the JOA Commissioners would need to make a decision, so we should prevent the ping-pong of follow-up questions, which sometimes takes months;
  • Help you plan your project. The form tries to cover all the things you will need to have thought of to implement a good project.
  • Help you raise additional funds from other donors. By putting things in a format familiar to grant-making bodies, you should be able to approach other donors for matching funds more easily.

It may appear to be overkill for a ‘small’ grant, but if you have planned your activities carefully it should not take long to complete. We are here to help! Jersey Overseas Aid actively wants to fund Jersey-grown projects abroad (if we can justify doing so to Jersey’s taxpayers). If there are parts of the form you need help with, let us know. This can be an iterative process - have a first stab at completing the form, then we can discuss it in person or on the phone, and together produce a final version to submit for formal consideration.

Local Charity Grant Application Form

Please complete all sections of this form as fully as possible. Please stick to word limits, but do not feel the need to use the entire allowance. Please include any relevant supporting documents (e.g. cost quotations, partner agreements, evidence of additional support).

Please submit soft copies of this form, with scans of supporting documents, to ‘’, with a covering email.


Date of Application
Project Title
Project Location (Country, region)
Project start date
Project end date
Total cost of project (GBP)
Amount requested from JOA (GBP)
Contact Person (Name, telephone and email)
Executive Summary
Please provide a short summary of your proposed project (max. 150 words).

2)Project Details

Please give a short introduction about how your charitycame to propose this project (max 100 words)
Please explain the needs your project is setting out to address (max 100 words)
List the activities you are proposing to undertake (bullet points)
Describe how your project will be implemented, including the role of any local partners. Who does what, and in what order? (max 100 words)
Time Frame
Set outwhen each activity will be implemented, and how long it will take (a table works well here)
List the number and type of direct and indirect beneficiaries (bullet points)
  • ______(Direct)
  • ______(Indirect)

What are the expected outcomes of your project? What ‘differences’ will it make? What’s the eventual (longer-term) impact of the activities which Jersey is funding?
Name at least two differences/ outcomes we can expect to see immediately as a result of your project, and at least one longer-term impact. (max 100 words)
How will you know your project has made a difference? What indicators will you use to measure success? How will you collect that data? (max 100 words)
Who is responsible for reporting on the project to JOA? When can JOA expect project reports? (max 100 words)
Every project has risks. What could go wrong? What are the risks to the success of the project, and how are they being managed / mitigated? Please think hard about this: If you write ‘this project has no risks’ we will not be able to fund you. (max 100 words, or a table)

3)Funding Requirements

Project Budget
Please provide a detailed budget breakdown, in local currency (where relevant) and as a total in £ (GBP). Each budget line should be easily relatable to the activities listed above. If you think an item requires additional explanation, please do so in the notes section provided. It is desirable but not necessary to group budget items under headings (eg Materials, personnel, transportation, contacted services). Insert extra rows as necessary. Use and note current exchange rate.
# / Item description / Quant. / Unit Cost / Total / __ (local currency) / Total / GBP
(Of which, total requested from JOA) / £
Exchange rate used and date / ______/ £ accurate on ____/____/201_
Explain how costs were calculated, including why you believe any quotes provided are reliable. Please annexe copies of any quotations to this proposal. (max 100 words)
Explain briefly the steps you will take to ensure probity and Value for Money in the procurement of any major inputs for the project (max 100 words)
Explain how any ongoing or recurrent costs (eg salaries, maintenance, operating costs) will be covered after the period of this JOA grant, and who will be responsible for them. (max 100 words)
List the source of any co-financing or in-kind contributions (bullets)
Is this a matched funding (£ for £) application? (Yes or No)
If yes, have you reached the required total? (Yes or No. Please attach evidence, eg pledges, bank statements)

4)Experience, Diligence and Oversight

List relevant examples which demonstrate the ability of your charity to implement similar projects
Local partners – selection and oversight
Please explain how you chose local partners (organisations and individuals) and the steps you will take to oversee and verify their work (max 150 words)
Local partners - background
Please describe your relationship with the local partner, including when it started and whether there have ever been any problems (eg misappropriation of funds; issues with local authorities). Failure to disclose something here will jeopardise the entire project.
What background checks have you undertaken to ensure that your local partners are trustworthy? (E.g. internet searches; reference checks; examination of accounts)
Note: You may also need to fill in the separate Local Partner DD/ Compliance form and the MANGO health check
Please name and provide identity details (passport or ID numbers and Dates of Birth) of the key individuals (eg Chair, CEO, Finance Officer) in any organisation to which you plan to transfer funds or assets / Name
ID No.
ID No.
ID No.
(If applicable) Who owns the land, buildings or property that the proposed project will be improving?
Please describe how the proposed activity will be coordinated with local organisations and authorities (eg school or health officials; other NGOs; national bodies) (100 words)
Do you need permission from the local authorities to operate? (Yes or No)
Have you been granted permission from local authorities to operate? (Yes or No)

5)Background of Charity

Background of charity
When and by whom was your charity founded, and what are its objectives? (Max 100 words)
Are you registered as a Non-Profit Organisation with the JFSC in Jersey? (Yes or No. If yes, please give NPO number)
Are you registered as a Charity elsewhere in Jersey or the UK? (Give details)
Registered Address of Charity
Bank Account Name (to receive funding)
Account No
Sort Code
Please list your charity’s annual expenditure in each of the previous three years
2017 / 2016 / 2015
Governance and financial oversight
Please briefly explain how your charity ensures that funds are spent appropriately. Include details of governance arrangements, trustees, board members, and whether your accounts are independently audited. (max 200 words)
Please annexe any relevant documents (eg Articles of Association)
Signature: I confirm that all the information contained in the proposal above is accurate. I undertake to inform JOA immediately I become aware ofany changes in this information. If funding is awarded I will ensure that the project is carried out transparently and efficiently, in accordance with JOA guidelines. I will take all reasonable measures to conduct due diligence in relation to any partner organisation to which funds will be remitted, and confirm that none of the persons working with or for the partner organisation in whatever capacity has been involved in money laundering, drug trafficking, terrorism or other criminal activities, or is a Politically Exposed Person (PEP). I also confirm that there have been no financial irregularities connected with funds remitted to the partner organisation. / Signature: ______
Name: ______
Position: ______
Date: ______


Before you submit this application form, please ensure you have included hard or scanned copies of the following documents:

Your Charity

-Charity Articles of Association / Constitution or Governance documents

-Names of Trustees, Governors, Staff

-Completed MANGO financial health check

-Recent Financial Statement / accounts, including evidence of any matched (£for£) funding

The Project

-Quotations for works or materials, including tender documents or procurement specifications

-Agreements with partner organisations

-Local partner compliance form (if applicable)

-Completed MANGO financial health check (if applicable)

-Evidence of local authorities’ and local communities’ (E.g. Village Council; School board; Municipality; Chief etc.) agreement for project to proceed (Not essential, but desirable)