8th Grade English Summer Reading Book Talk Assignment
Choose the better of the two books you read this summer to complete a folder and book talk.
Create A Folder For Your Book:
Create a book talk folder for your chosen book including all of the elements listed below. You have seen your teacher use models in class. The folder contains these specific elements:
Front Cover: Title, Author, Picture of Cover, # of pages
TAB: Title
Side of Front Cover: Genre, Topics, Elements, Emotions, etc.
Inside Cover: About the Story, Writer’s Craft, Notes
Inside Page: A Passage, including any lead in or follow up information needed for context
Back Cover: Your Name
Write and Rehearse Your Book Talk Presentation:
You have seen some book talks given by your teacher, and we have discussed the components that are in each of them.
Components of a Book Talk:
- An enticing summary of the book that introduces the conflict and its complications, but does not give away the ending (build suspense).
- A passage from the book that is an example of the author’s style and craftthat can stand alone but also get your peers interested in reading the book.
- A specific technique that the writer uses and an example of the element.
- A visual of the book (your folder will have the front cover, but you may also bring the book if you have a copy).
- An enticing, clear, and obviously prepared presentation.
Your presentation should not exceed 3 minutes in length. Make sure you time yourself as you rehearse. If you find that you are exceeding the time limit, determine which component is too long. Can your passage be shortened? Is your summary too detailed? Are you giving away too much?
It is up to you to decide inwhich order you should present these components based on how to make your book talk the most interesting it can be. Also, what kind of “hook” should you start with, and are there any transitional phrases that you need between each component to make it flow well for your listeners?
Use the rubric to help you write your book talk. It is important that you understand you will be graded on the required components and the delivery. It is important that you use the rubric to guide your preparation of each component. Speaking in front of your peers is not something everyone is comfortable with, and we will work at getting better and feeling more comfortable doing this throughout the year. To do your best, you have to rehearse. After you write your book talk and are sure that all of the components are included to the best of your ability, it is important to practice, practice, and practice! The more prepared you are with your material; the more confident you will feel as you get up to share the great books you have read.Try to approach this like you are just going to tell your friends about a great book you read – one that you think they should read too!
On the day that the book talks begin, I will collect your filled in rubric and your folder. You must turn in this rubric with your name and two books filled in to receive a grade. I will not have additional copies of the rubric if you are unprepared. You will be randomly selected to give your talk and you must be ready to go when your name is called.
While your peers are presenting, you will add titles that interest you to your Someday List.