/ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton / March 16, 2014
Second Sunday in Lent

Mission Statement

We, the Roman Catholic Parish of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, are an all-embracing, diverse Christian community who warmly welcomes everyone to join us. We draw closer to God and one another through worship, which nourishes us for service to our brothers and sisters. We choose to combine our many gifts to teach, celebrate, evangelize, help those in need and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus in word and deed. Amen.



It is now the Second Sunday of Lent...the Season continues to move towards the joy and the celebration of the Mystery of Easter. The Parish Council, Staff, Liturgy and RCIA committees encourage and invite youto attend the Easter Tridium...a most solemn and joyful celebration of three Holy Days.

Please remember that our parish hosts a Lenten Soup Night every Tuesday evening from 5 to 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall. Also every Friday evening at7 pm, we pray the Stations of the Cross.The Knights of Columbus will have a Fish Fry Dinner on March 28th from 5-7pm. These events are great ways to have the children involved in the life of the community and to teach them some of the long standing traditions of the Catholic Community...also invite others to gather at these times with us to introduce them to the vibrant life of Seton Parish.

Continue to pray for the RCIA catechumens and candidates as they journey to Easter...we invite all to celebrate the Easter Vigil on April 19th at 8 pm.

May 1st Golf Memorial Classic…If interested in working on the Golf Committee, please see Fr. Roger. Get a foursome together or signup as an individual. All are welcome

SETON MEN OF FAITH - The April meeting of the Seton Men of Faith has been rescheduled from April 12th to 10 a.m. on Saturday, April 5th. The May meeting will remain scheduled for 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 10th in the Chapel. All men of the parish are welcome to attend.


The parish Lenten retreat is approaching. We will gather March 17-19 at 9:00am or 7:30pm to reflect on three themes in the life St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.


Theresa Burke, ext. 102

Last session for Religious Education class is Thursday March 27th. Thank you to all of the families who participated in our program this year. A great big THANK YOU to our Catechists and Aides who taught in our program this year, you are the reason for our success! It is a pleasure and a privilege to minister with you!

First Eucharist books are due into the Religious Education Office no later than April 2nd. No exceptions.

First Eucharist Pot Luck Retreat is Saturday April 5th, 12N-2:30pm in the Hall. Please RSVP to Lucy at 322-6430 ext. 101 and let her know what you are bringing for lunch.

First Eucharist Pictures will be taken April 16th in the Gathering Space, 6:30-8:00pm.

First Eucharist Rehearsal for all Mass times will be on Wednesday, April 30th at 6:30pm in the church.

FIRST EUCHARIST Any parent who has not received the First Eucharist Book, please contact Lucy ASAP, at 322-6430 ext.101.


Anita Wood, ext. 115

Bible Reflection Group, Meet on Tuesdays, 7-8pm, room 106 in the Formation Center.

National Shrine of St. Katharine Drexel- Join us for a trip to the National Shrine of St. Katharine Drexel, Wednesday, April 2, 2014. Leaves Church Parking Lot at 9:00am and returns by 4:00pm. Trip includes: 45 minute film, tour of the National Shrine, Mass said by Fr. Roger and a Hot Meal at Michael’s Family Restaurant. $45 all-inclusive please makes check out to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and put Drexel House on the memo line. You may drop off checks at the parish office.


Seton Parish is planning a New Year’s Eve dinner party that will include full service dinner, open beer and wine bar, Champaign toast, Continental breakfast, party favors, and dancing to the live music provided by the Tim Laushey Quintet with the fabulous singer, Paula Johns.

Only 120 tickets will be sold. More information will be made available in the next few weeks. Early reservations are an absolute necessity. This is not a fund raiser… a nice upscale private party for our parishioners and friends.


Key passage: Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up a high mountain, by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes dazzling white.

Adult: How has your faith in Jesus transformed you?

Children: How has the example of Jesus helped you become a better person and Christian?


Saturday, March 15

5:00pm Jim & Ann Mackay

Sunday, March 16

7:30am Joe & Millie Bucci

9:15am Gregory Sarmousakis

11:00am Amy Austin

Monday, March 17

8:30 Lew Watson, Sr.

Tuesday, March 18

7:00pm Cordell Ambrose, John & Cecilia Drupieski

Wednesday, March 19

8:30am Joe Kurcharski

Thursday, March 20

8:30am James A. McCure

Saturday, March 22

5:00pm Clint McFatridge, Charles & Ann Herfurth

Sunday, March 23

7:30am Nancy McDonald

9:15am Gregory Sarmousakis

11:00am Patricia Martini


March 16 8:00am K of C Breakfast

March 1 7 9:00am Lenten Retreat

6:00pm 50+ officers

6:30pm YM PG Gathering

7:00pm Carnival Committee

7:30pm Lenten Retreat

March 18 9:00am Lenten Retreat

5:00pm Lenten Soup

6:15pm Children’s Easter Choir

6:30pm RCIA Children

7:00pm RCIA Adults

7:00pm Bible Reflection

7:30pm Lenten Retreat

7:30pm Finance Committee

March19 9:00am Lenten Retreat

7:00pm Peace & Justice

7:30pm Lenten Retreat

March 20 1:00pm Crochet Group

6:00pm English 2nd lang.

7:00pm Canter Practice

March 21 6:00pm 50+ Group

7:00pm Pack 92 Cub Scouts

700pm Stations of the Cross

7:30pm Filipiniana Choir

March 22 2:00pm Pinewood Derby

PARISHIONERS, Friday, March 28 is our next LENTEN FISH FRY DINNER from 5 to 7 pm in the Church Hall. Adults $9 & Children $5.

BROTHER KNIGHTS, our next meeting is a 1st & 2nd degree ceremony on Tuesday, March 25 @ 7:00 pm in the Seton Center. Thank you Mike Garko GK 302-836-6007

THE FIRST NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN Committee meeting will be held on March 20, 2014, in the church hall.

Meeting time is 7:00-8:00 p.m. Discussions to determine the roll we want to play in the Native American Indian culture, mission trips, and upcoming events. Any questions please contact: Sharon Ward

302-545-3383, or email .

THE ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS (AOH) invites any men of the parish who are of Irish descent to join their order. To be a member of the AOH you must be a male of at least 16 years of age, a descendent of at least one parent of Irish Heritage and a practicing Catholic. Please contact us at for more information. We can also provide information about joining the St. Brigid Division of the Ladies AOH to any Ladies of Irish Heritage. Celebrate your Irish Catholic Heritage and join the largest and oldest Irish Catholic organization in America today.


CYM -Mary Holmburg Ext. 104

Seton Tweens (6th -8th grade) & Teens (9th -12 grade) Monday Night Gatherings are held on the following dates- 3/17, 4/14, & 4/28 -Time 6:30-8:30pm., Come join us for a fun, faith filled experience. Our Next Gathering is Monday February 3, 2014. Hope to see you there! Youth Ministry is on the move… growing by leap and bounds, but we are in need of your help and participation…If you are looking for leadership opportunities and are 17+ and older, or you are a youth parishioner looking for a way to get involved, we have the best opportunity for you. Youth Ministry programs include: Peer Gatherings, Leadership Development, Social and Educational activities and events, Service Ministry, Music & Liturgical Ministries, Athletics and Scouting. Join us on Monday Peer gathering Nights or contact Mary Holmburg, Coordinator of Youth Ministry at x104

H.S. Juniors & Seniors! Consider becoming a Peer Group Discussion Leader. WE ARE LOOKING TO RECRUIT AND TRAIN STRONG ROLE MODLES FOR OUR YOUTH MINISTRY PROGRAMS. Come share your love for Jesus and his teachings. Contact Mary Holmburg at 322-6430 X104.


03/15, 05/17. Grades 3rd -5th 2-5pm and grades 6th-9th 7-10pm. be sure to check out our facebook and web page.


If you were unable to attend the January Information Meeting and your child is currently attending the 9th grade RE program or is in grades 9+ in a Catholic School, please contact Lucy Lopez x101 to register your child and receive the information packet. Questions regarding eligibility for confirmation should be directed to Mary Holmburg x104.

Upcoming Important Confirmation Dates:

Sunday Sessions #3 through #6 …9:00am~Formation Center March 9th, April 6th, May 18th, June 8th.


This month is going to be a March Meatless Gathering because of Lent. The Gathering is March 21 @6:00PM. We will eat at6:15PM. PLEASE REMEMBER WHEN BRINGING A DISH BRING ENOUGH FOR YOURSELF AND OR SPOUSE AND 10 OTHERS.... Here is the Assignments A-I Main dishes meatless, J-R side dishes meatless, S-Z desserts. If you have questions please call Maryellen Treglown @ 897-9315.


3/9/14 Offertory $10,261.00

St. Vincent DePaul $ 1,742.80

Ash Wednesday $ 2,215.00

Thank you for your continued support.

CLEANING CORP Team “C” is scheduled for

Saturday, March 22nd at 9am. Thank you for all your work.


Exodus 17: 3-7, Romans 5: 1-2,5-8, John 4: 5-42


Open Your Heart to Christ

During the weekend of March 29 & 30, our parish will participate in the 2014 diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal. This year’s theme, Open Your Heart to Christ. The theme brings to mind a quote attributed to Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, “Give me your heart . . . that I may receive Jesus as you did. And go in haste to give to others.”

Funds generated through the Appeal support the work of the Church by responding to an abundance of

human needs within our diocese. Participation in the Appeal helps to keep the spirit of Christ alive in the hearts that need Him most – the poor, the sick, the distressed, our children and our elderly. Please take a moment to consider the many blessings that God has bestowed upon you and prayerfully consider what you are able to share in support of our diocesan Church.

You can learn more about the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal by reading next week’s Dialog or by visiting the diocesan website at www.cdow.org and clicking on “Annual Catholic Appeal”.

RETROUVAILLE - Need to rediscover a loving marriage relationship. Thousands of couples headed for cold, unloving relationships or divorce have successfully overcome their marriage problems by attending the program. The upcoming Retrouvaille weekend program will be held April 25-27, 2014 at Malvern Retreat House in Malvern, PA. For information on the program please visit the website www.HelpOurMarriage.com or to register for the weekend please call 1-800-470-2230. All calls are confidential.



NAME ______


ENVELOPE #______

Please complete and drop in the offertory basket. The statement will be left in the gathering space within two weeks.