BAHA Meeting August 21, 2016

Present: Craig T, Melissa T, Matt W, Scott M, Dave S, Erling R, Kara S, Kurt K, Renae S

Meeting called to order at 7:09 pm

MOTION: Dave S made a motion to accept July’s minutes, Renae second CARRIED

Old Business:

  1. Survey for BIG has received 251 responses; each association is asked to do a final push this week to get more back; the City is interested in the results

By the end of the week, Craig will compile the results and submit to the City

The Mayor and Jamie didn’t make a planned meeting in July due to scheduling conflicts

  1. New Manager is Bob Carr; Craig was in the interviews and is very satisfied with his hiring; Bob wants to meet with BAHA and other local associations

Dave asked if the City was hiring for Bob’s position (he already worked for BIG) but Craig was not sure

Tournaments (inserted so Renae could leave early)

Handout with information to date (ATTACHMENT 1); suggestions from the Tournament directors to scrap B1 at Winter Classic and expand B2

They learned that spirit wear logos used previously are “owned” by someone other than BAHA and it was too expensive to buy them back so they are having new logos designed that will be owned by BAHA

  1. BIG Advertising: Dave wants to step back from this role and introduced the Rinkside contract with Chris; Craig has talked to nearby associations

Rinkside can tie in with the City, BAHA can decline any ads and he is familiar with this type of advertising and knows the limits (alcohol, etc); the City controls most of the advertising in Edina, EP and Burnsville

  1. Gobbler-Agreement was presented and is pretty much ready to go (available from Craig if interested in reviewing)

New Business

  1. Heritage Days-10 booths are available so Craig and Mite Director would like to present Try Hockey for Free advertising


Advertising-Willie McCoy has 2 ads and Park Dental

Concession-getting ready to start for the season

Treasurer-not in attendance


Ice Coordinator-not in attendance

Kennedy-gearing up; still working on agreement to merge with Richfield

Jefferson-coaching interviews are beginning

Girls-registration and coaches search is underway

New Business:

Need to revisit registration agreement

What is the attendance policy for board meetings?

Tax status was renewed through Dec 2017

Reminder to push survey

Meeting adjourned 8:08 pm