Wednesday 9thJanuary 2013
9.00 a.m.
Groundwork Office, Navigation Road
PRESENT: Geoff Hope-TerryChairman(GHT)
Cllr Brian Clarke(Cllr BC)
Cllr Keith Musgrave(Cllr KM)
Brian Reay(BR)
Julie Sharman(JS)
Dr Jane Staley (DJS)
Chris Koral (CK)
Gillian Edwards (GE)
Simon Barber(SB)
IN ATTENDANCE:Cllr Gaynor Sinar(Cllr GS)
Noel O’Neill(NO’N
Catherine Fox(CF)
Sue Coombs(SC)
Carol Vella(CV)
David Jones(DJ)
Barrie Kelly(BK)
Matt Brook (MB)
Greame Coule (GC)
Alan Warburton(AW)
Paul Nolan(PN)
Alison Roylance-White(ARW)
John Tackley(JT)
Jim Mole(JM)
APOLOGIES:Cllr Steve Wilkinson (SW)
Belinda Davenport(BD)
David McGifford(DMcG)
  1. Welcome
GHT opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and thanked DJS for the use of the Groundwork office.
  1. Declaration of Interests
Cllr BC declared an interest as a member of the strategic planning committee.
  1. Apologies
GHT recorded the apologies of Cllr Steve Wilkinson,Belinda Davenport and David McGifford.
  1. Presentations
4.1 Update on Winsford Neighbourhood Plan
Alan Warburton, Winsford Town Clerk, gave a presentation and update on the progress of the Winsford Neighbourhood Plan.
In August 2011 the town council, supported by CW&C council applied to the government to become a front runner for Neighbourhood plans. They were successful in receiving a £20K grant. Since then work has been carried out in producing the plan with as many groups/people as possible being engaged.This has resulted in the final draft plan being produced.
Cllr BC added that the Winsford people had been listened to and that the combined councils had alreadystarted to deliver. They are now trying to promote the town whilst also looking at a series of quick wins.
4.2 Weaver Valley Total Environment Project
Paul Nolan from the Mersey Forest gave a presentation on the Weaver Valley Total Environment Project. This project, which is now viewed as a national exemplar, looks at how we make the best use of the natural environment of which 87% of the Weaver Valley is Green Infrastructure. It was noted that there is an economic value in this project and it does helps to address key issues.
GHT asked that as the Business Plan develops the Board is kept informed. He added that he would like to see someone from Cheshire East Council involved with this project.
4.3 Update on Middlewich Vision
Alison Roylance-White, Action Plan Manager for Middlewich Vision, gave the Board an update on the work of Middlewich Vision. The current action plan is almost complete and a consultation event will be launched next week.
Major sites that need to be developed are being looked at.
Another Business Expo is being looked at for later this year with a Business Lunch taking place on 13 February 2013 and it was agreed that ARW would return for further updates in the future.
GHT thanked all the presenters.
  1. Minutes of Last Meeting
Recorded as true and correct.
  1. Matters Arising
Item 2. CF to follow up and circulate the heat map on house prices to the Board.
Item 8. BD to forward the results of the consultation to Rhian Stratton when available.
Item 9. CF/DMcG to circulate the brief for the proposed strategic framework that the workshop had identified as soon as possible.
Item 12. CF to arrange an update on Waste Disposal issues for a future meeting.
Item 14. BK informed the Board that the event went very well and that there is to be an investor visit in the spring when approx. 20 people will come to the area.
  1. Barons Quay
7.1 Progress Report
Matt Brook from Broadway Malyan updated the Board on the progress of the Barons Quay project, particularly looking at how the scheme has evolved and focused on the Public Realm.
A key driver to the Master Plan is to engage with the River edge.
It was agreed that this is a commercially led development and that the quality of materials is most important.
It was noted that the planning application has been submitted and expected to go to Planning Committee March / April 2013.
CW&C are currently looking to secure tenants.
7.2 Statement of opportunities for Lock Street
A paper had previously been circulated to the Board.
GHT asked about Lock Street and wanted to be sure that the site is moved forward.
CF pointed out that the site is economically very difficult to bring forward as there are a number of issues. Cllr KM agreed that the challenges are immense and that it would be extremely difficult for development in this area.
GHT felt that it was not acceptable to leave it as it is and perhaps looking at improved landscaping was an idea.
NO’N agreed that this maybe a way forward and is to look at a phased approach which will likely be influenced by Barons Quay.
7.3 Waterside and Heritage Suggestions
John Tackley from the River Weaver Navigation Societyhad been invited to address the Board and gave his thoughts about the opportunities presented by the waterside and heritage in Northwich.
He felt that the potential for tourism along the river / canal was great and that there should be an attractive waterfront in Northwich.
NO’N agreed that activity on the river is crucial and that the Council is looking at this.
Cllr BC agreed that potentially the impact / benefit could spread to Winsford and Middlewich.
A foot bridge was discussed and although it was generally thought a good addition and should be an aspiration for the future, it was noted that funding would be difficult. MB confirmed that a suitable location for a bridge had been identified within the plans.
GHT suggested that consideration by given to setting up a new sub group to pick up on Heritage and Tourism.
DJS congratulated CF and team on the newly installed public realm and asked about the next phase. CF is looking at this in the next financial year.
  1. Business Support Sub Group
The notes from the Mid Cheshire Business Sub Group, previously circulated, were noted. Note: that a different date will be arranged for the Meeting in March and it won’t be on 29th March as stated on this paper
CF congratulated CV on the Construction Connect event which had been very successful.
NO’N congratulated the Canals and Rivers Trust on the start of the new Marina Development (Hayhurst Quay).
  1. Communications Sub Group
A Weaver Valley communications and events update (Sept – Dec 2012) had previously been circulatedalong with the notes from the Communications Sub Group meeting which took place on 25 October 2012. Both papers were noted.
CK noted that Marketing Cheshire is currently building an Invest in Cheshire website which Pochins will sponsor, and GHT thanked BR for his support.
  1. Project Update
The projects update paper from CF/DMCG had previously been circulated and taken as read.
CK pointed out that there was nothing mentioned about employment opportunities. It was suggested that an extra column could be added to the Business support paper.
Cllr BC asked if there was any further information on Marr, which unfortunately there was not.
  1. Any other business
BR expressed concerns over the representation from Cheshire East Council. NO’N suggested that a letter should be drafted to the leader of Cheshire East.
GE gave an update on the cinema stating that it had been an exciting few months.
  • The survey had been completed.
  • £10K had been received from Bloc.
  • The first set of architect’s plans had been produced.
  • The seats had been taken out of the old Regal cinema for re use in the Plaza. Although these seats are in a bad condition work is being carried out by the apprentices from Mid Cheshire College to restore them.
The biggest stumbling block is the re wire which will cost in the region of £40K.
GE asked to be made aware, when possible, of the new multiplex tenant so that they can work with/complement each other.
GHT informed the Board that he was appointed Chair in March 2010 and achieved much in this time. Although enjoyable it had been hard work and had now made the decision to stand down at the end of March this year. He thanked everyone very much for their help and support and said that this would be his last Board meeting.
BR thanked GHT for his time and effort and said that everyone had benefitted from Geoff’s Chairmanship.
JS seconded BR’s thanks.
The Board were unsure of the way forward to recruiting a new Chairman.
NO’N suggested an appointment committee from within the Board. Suggestions for potential candidates could be asked for or the post could be advertised. Otherwise, perhaps ask Cllr Manley to speak with the Board members on the way forward.
GHT informed the Board that, realistically, he spent 2 days per week on the work he carried out.
  1. Next Meeting -9.00am Wednesday 10th April 2013, Ground Work Offices, Navigation Road, Northwich

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